For immediate release | April 2, 2012

Financial assistance opportunities for the Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC) Program

CHICAGO —The Library Support Staff Interests Round Table (LSSIRT), as well as 10 state library agencies, will be offering another round of financial assistance to library support staff applying for certification in the Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC) Program. The LSSC Program offers library support staff the opportunity to achieve recognition for their existing skills and knowledge, to gain new skills and knowledge and to enhance their library’s service to the public.

The 10 states participating are the Idaho Commission for Libraries, Missouri State Library, New York State Library, State Library of Kansas, State Library of Louisiana, Texas Library Association, Washington State Library, Colorado Association of Libraries, Tennessee State Library and Archives, California State Library and the Wyoming State Library.

The Library Support Staff Interest Round Table will be offering 50 Registration Assistance Awards this fall. These awards are for $175, one-half of the LSSC registration fee. Successful award recipients will pay the remainder of the fee. Information on the LSSC Program is available on the LSSIRT website as well as the LSSC website. And you can apply for a Registration Assistance Award online! The recipients of the awards will be chosen by a random drawing in late May.

The state-level organizations have up to 10 awards to distribute. To apply for an award from the participating states, please contact the participating state organization. Only library support staff living in that state are eligible to apply at the state level.

Applications will begin to be accepted on April 1 and will continue until May 15th at both the national and state level. You may apply at both the national and state level, however you may only receive one award.

The LSSC Program is partially funded by a grant to the American Library Association (ALA) from the federal Institute for Museum and Library Services and managed by the ALA-Allied Professional Association.

Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC) provides a path to recognition and awareness of the critical role that library support staff plays in the delivery of quality library service. To achieve certification, support staff must complete six of 10 competency sets either through development of an online portfolio or taking approved courses. The competency sets are: Foundation of Library Service; Technology; Communication and Teamwork; Access Services, Adult Readers’ Advisory Services; Cataloging and Classification; Collection Management; Reference and Information Services; Supervision and Management; and Youth Services.

Nancy Bolt, co-project director of LSSC said, “The LSSC Program is really pleased that LSSIRT is continuing the Registration Assistance Awards. Library support staff will receive the recognition that they deserve by participating in LSSC. We appreciate IMLS’ support in recognizing the importance of qualified library support staff in providing excellent library service.”

To be eligible to participate in LSSC and thus receive an assistance award, applicants must have a high school degree or its equivalent and have worked for the equivalent of one year (1820 hours) as a library staff member or volunteer within the last five years.

Detailed additional information on support staff certification is available on the LSSC website. Please email with any questions.
