For immediate release | March 20, 2012

Raise scholarship funds when you visit Disneyland Resort during ALA Annual Conference

CHICAGO — People often think of Disneyland Resort when it comes to Anaheim, and now ALA Annual Conference attendees can indulge their desire for some fun with friends in the Magic Kingdom and, at the same time, support ALA scholarships. ALA is sponsoring special discounted tickets for attendees to enjoy some evening hours at both Disneyland and Disney California Adventure Parks in Anaheim, Calif.

Tickets (one-time use) can be used on any day of the conference—Thursday, June 21 through Tuesday, June 26, 2012, from 4 p.m. until the park closes. To purchase tickets, please visit the ALA Annual Conference website.

A portion of the money raised from these discounted tickets will provide scholarships for graduate students in library and information studies, including Spectrum. Tickets purchased in advance or onsite are the same price—$50 for Base Tickets to Disneyland or Disney California Adventure and $70 for Park Hopper Tickets.

Find out about the many other ALA Annual Conference & Exhibits highlights as they’re added—speakers, events, networking opportunities and more. And for general information about the meeting in Anaheim, June 21-26, 2012, visit us at Save money with Early Bird Registration, open until midnight, Sunday, May 13, 2012.

ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition--Transforming Our Libraries, Ourselves
