For immediate release | September 8, 2014
FY2013 Preservation Statistics Survey report released
CHICAGO — Results from the 2013 Preservation Statistics Survey are now available. The annual survey gathers data about preventive preservation activities, conservation activities, reformatting and digitization activities and digital preservation responsibilities, as well as how preservation programs are administered.
Forty institutions responded to the FY2013 Preservation Statistics Survey; their data allowed analysis of preservation activities for fiscal year 2013 (as defined by the respondent’s institution) and facilitated the evaluation of trends in preservation administration, conservation, reformatting, digitization and digital preservation activities. In addition to the report, the FY2013 Survey data set is also available for download.
The Preservation Statistics Survey project documents and analyzes the preservation activities of cultural heritage institutions in the United States. The Preservation Statistics Survey is an effort coordinated by the Preservation and Reformatting Section (PARS) of the Association of Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS), a division of the American Library Association (ALA). For more information, visit the Preservation Statistics website. The report was written by Preservation Statistics Survey coordinators Annie Peterson, Preservation Librarian at Tulane University; Holly Robertson, Preservation Consultant in Washington, D.C.; and Nick Szydlowski, Digital Services and Institutional Repository Librarian at Boston College Law Library.
In anticipation of the FY2014 Preservation Statistics Survey, which will open in January 2015 and be significantly shortened to include only production-based data (administrative and budgetary data will be collected approximately every three years), view a preview of the questionnaire. And, if helpful, utilize the Preservation Statistics worksheet to organize and gather your data.
The report's authors seek feedback from those using the Preservation Statistics reports and data. They are collecting stories about how this program and the long legacy of the ARL Preservation Statistics data is helpful in program planning, budget requests, other advocacy and research. Contact the authors at:
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