For immediate release | February 21, 2012

David Weinberger, groundbreaking Internet philosopher and Cluetrain co-author, at ALA Annual Conference

CHICAGO - Celebrated Internet philosopher and co-author of "The Cluetrain Manifesto" David Weinberger is the newest addition to the high-profile Auditorium Speaker Series at 2012 ALA Annual Conference. He will appear from 10:30-11:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 23 in the Convention Center.

Weinberger’s most recent book, "Too Big to Know," shakes the foundations of our concept of knowledge—from the role of facts to the value of books and the authority of experts—and provides a compelling vision of the future of knowledge in a connected world. “We used to know how to know. We got our answers from books or experts. We’d nail down the facts and move on. But in the Internet age, knowledge has moved onto networks. There’s more knowledge than ever, of course, but it’s different. Topics have no boundaries, and nobody agrees on anything.”

Weinberger describes "Too Big to Know" as being “about what happens to knowledge and expertise now that we are faced with the fact that there is way way way more to know than can be known by any individual. Its hypothesis is that knowledge and expertise are becoming networks and are taking on the properties of networks.” The book shows how business, science, education and the government are learning to use networked knowledge to understand more than ever and to make smarter decisions.

A senior researcher at Harvard University’s Berkman Center for the Internet & Society and co-director of the Harvard Library Innovation Lab, Weinberger is also the author of "Small Pieces Loosely Joined" and "Everything is Miscellaneous." His writing has appeared in Wired, Smithsonian, The Guardian, USA Today, TV Guide, Information Week, The New York Times and The Boston Globe, and he has been a frequent commentator on National Public Radio. He has been a strategic marketing advisor to high tech companies, an Internet advisor to presidential campaigns and has a Ph.D. in philosophy.

Weinberger’s appearance is sponsored by Basic Books.

Quotes from reviews of "Too Big to Know":

“Too Big to Know" is Weinberger’s brilliant synthesis of myriad debates—information overload, echo chambers, the wisdom of crowds—into a single vision of life and work in an era of networked knowledge.”—Clay Shirky, author of "Here Comes Everybody" and "Cognitive Surplus."

“Led by the Internet, knowledge is now social, mobile and open. Weinberger shows how to unlock the benefits.”—Marc Benioff, chairman, CEO,, author of "Behind the Cloud."

Find out about the many other ALA Annual Conference & Exhibits highlights as they’re added—speakers, events, networking opportunities, and more. And for general information about the meeting in Anaheim, Calif., June 21-26, 2012, visit us at Save money with Early Bird Registration, open until Monday, May 14, 2012.

ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition--Transforming Our Libraries, Ourselves


Amy R McGuigan