For immediate release | May 23, 2017

United for Libraries to present Nuts & Bolts for Trustees, Friends and Foundations at ALA Annual Conference

BRYN MAWR, Pennsylvania — United for Libraries will present Nuts & Bolts for Trustees, Friends and Foundations from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, June 23 at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago.

Library Trustees, Friends groups, Foundations, and staff are invited to join a free day of information and resource sharing, roundtable discussions, and learning opportunities. This year's theme will be board development. Speakers will include:

  • Peter Pearson, co-founder and lead consultant, Library Strategies
  • Libby Post, strategist-in-chief and president, Communication Services
  • Deirdre Brennan, executive director, Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS)
  • Kathy Caudill, Trustee, Ela Area Library Public Library District, Lake Zurich, Ill.

Coffee and meet & greet will begin at 9:30 a.m. Roundtable discussions will be held on board recruitment, fundraising, marketing, advocacy, and more. Attendees will bring their own lunch (or purchase on site).

The featured author will be Amy E. Reichert (“The Simplicity of Cider,” Gallery Books/Simon & Schuster, May 2017). Reichert, author of “The Coincidence of Coconut Cake” and “Luck, Love & Lemon Pie,” loves to write stories that end well with characters you’d invite to dinner. A wife, mom, amateur chef, Fix-It Mistress, and cider enthusiast, she earned her MA in English literature and serves on her local library’s board of directors.

All Nuts & Bolts attendees must also be registered with ALA for a free exhibits only pass or as an ALA Annual Conference attendee. Please email or call (312) 280-2161 with any questions.

This program will be held at Hilton Chicago, Waldorf Room. For a detailed listing of United for Libraries programs at the ALA Annual Conference, as well as information on purchasing tickets and registering, visit

United for Libraries: The Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations, is a division of the American Library Association with approximately 4,000 personal and group members representing hundreds of thousands of library supporters. United for Libraries supports those who govern, promote, advocate, and fundraise for libraries, and brings together library Trustees, advocates, Friends, and Foundations into a partnership that creates a powerful force for libraries in the 21st century. To join, please visit or call (800) 545-2433, ext. 2161.

Ways to stay in touch and get updates include: Annual Conference website; Twitter (@alaac and #alaac17), Facebook Event, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram (#alaac17).

ALA Annual Conference—Transforming Our Libraries, Ourselves

Related links:

2017 ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition

Resources to make your case for attending


Jillian Wentworth

Marketing/Public Relations Specialist

United for Libraries