For immediate release | December 20, 2011
LLAMA leadership development seminar will focus on new librarians
CHICAGO - The Leadership Development Committee of the Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA) will present a free panel discussion on “Recruitment, Retention and Mentoring of New Librarians” from 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012 in the Dallas Convention Center, Room C-141.
Panel members include Tina Oswald, head of research and instructional services at Stephen F. Austin University in Nacogdoches; and Martha Rossi, library services and media specialist for Education, Service Center 20 in San Antonio. They will offer their perspectives as graduates of the TALL Texan Leadership Development Institute, an organization that provides advanced leadership and management education in service to all the libraries of Texas and the communities they serve. Offering the perspective of the new librarian will be Ameet Doshi, user engagement and assessment coordinator, Georgia Institute of Technology.
Also included in the program are the five LLAMA-sponsored participants in the American Library Association’s (ALA) Emerging Leaders initiative. They will present a summary of their year-long project, “Leading with LLAMA.”
About the Library Leadership and Management Association
The mission of the Library Leadership and Management Association ( is to encourage and nurture current and future library leaders, and to develop and promote outstanding leadership and management practices. LLAMA is a division of the American Library Association.
Fred Reuland
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