For immediate release | November 5, 2013
Kate Tkacik selected as NMRT's 2014 Emerging Leader recipient
CHICAGO - The New Members Round Table (NMRT) announced Kate Tkacik as its representative in the 2014 Emerging Leaders program. Tkacik is currently working as a business librarian with the Bank of Montreal Business Research Group in Chicago.
She received her MLIS from Dominican University in 2012. In addition to her work at BMO, Tkacik helped shape the "tumblarian" community (librarians on tumblr), and regularly blogs at "TheLifeguardLibrarian" ( She was named one of Library Journal’s 2013 Movers & Shakers for this work.
As the 2014 NMRT Emerging Leader, Tkacik is excited about the possibilities the program will bring to deepen her involvement with the American Library Association (ALA) and NMRT. “I’m incredibly thrilled and appreciative for this opportunity to participate in the Emerging Leaders program. I can’t wait to meet my cohort and do work,” she said. Tkacik joined NMRT in 2013 and currently serves on the Web Committee.
“Kate's abundant energy and commitment to engaging with and inspiring diverse groups of individuals was obvious from her Emerging Leaders Program application,” noted NMRT President Emily Prather-Rodgers. Tkacik is the seventh NMRT sponsored Emerging Leader.
As NMRT’s 2014 Emerging Leader, Tkacik will attend the 2014 Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia as well as the 2014 Annual Conference in Las Vegas.
The Emerging Leaders program enables newer librarians from across the country to participate in workgroups, network with peers, gain an inside look into ALA's structure and have an opportunity to serve the profession in a leadership capacity. Emerging Leaders receive up to $1,000 each to participate in the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference, and each participant is expected to provide years of service to ALA or one of its units.
NMRT, a roundtable of ALA, is an organization for people with fewer than 10 years of membership in ALA. To learn more about NMRT visit,
Kimberly L. Redd
Program Officer
Human Resource Development & Recruitment Office
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