For immediate release | April 8, 2020
Charity Tyler elected 2021-2022 United for Libraries president
EXTON, Pennsylvania — Charity Tyler, Executive Director of the Cedar Rapids Public Library Foundation, has been elected 2021-2022 United for Libraries president. Tyler will serve as president-elect during 2020-2021.
“I am excited to serve United for Libraries and its members,” said Tyler. “I look forward to growing United’s work in everyday advocacy, identifying opportunities to support the library funding needs of our members, and increasing resources for Friends of the Library groups, Boards of Trustees, and library Foundations.”
Tyler was named Executive Director for the Cedar Rapids Public Library Foundation in 2015. She has led transition from capital to annual giving focus while creating policies and improving governance structures to support fundraising on behalf of the Cedar Rapids Public Library and to support Foundation-funded programs including Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.
Four additional United for Libraries board positions were filled during the election. Luis Herrera, Member, National Museum and Library Services Board, and Veronda Pitchford, Assistant Director, Califa, were elected to Trustee-at-Large positions. Ned Davis, Executive Director, Friends & Foundation of the Rochester (N.Y.) Public Library, and Libby Post, President/CEO, Communication Services, were elected to Friend-at-Large positions.
United for Libraries: The Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations, is a division of the American Library Association with approximately 4,000 personal and group members representing hundreds of thousands of library supporters. United for Libraries supports those who govern, promote, advocate, and fundraise for libraries, and brings together library trustees, advocates, friends, and foundations into a partnership that creates a powerful force for libraries in the 21st century. To join, please visit or call (800) 545-2433, ext. 2161.
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