For immediate release | March 24, 2014

Applications/nominations invited for C&RL book review editor

CHICAGO – Applications and nominations are invited for the position of book review editor of College & Research Libraries (C&RL), the scholarly research journal of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). The book review editor will work closely with the editor, members of the Editorial Board, production staff and a team of reviewers to provide reviews of new publications pertinent to academic and research librarians. The book review editor will be appointed for an initial, three-year term and will be expected to shepherd the publication of a minimum of six reviews per C&RL issue for a total of a minimum of 36 reviews per calendar year. Applicants must be a member of ALA and ACRL.

Qualifications include:

  • professional experience in academic libraries;
  • experience as a reviewer for an academic journal;
  • ability to identify, prioritize and distribute materials for review in the journal;
  • ability to maintain and organize a team of qualified reviewers;
  • ability to manage the flow of materials from publishers to reviewers to production staff;
  • excellent communication skills;
  • ability to meet, and hold others to, deadlines; and
  • familiarity with trends in higher education and library and information science publishing.

Appointment will be made by the ACRL Publications Coordinating Committee (PCC) upon the recommendation of the C&RL Editorial Board. The book review editor will begin a three-year term of appointment immediately upon approval by PCC. A nominal honorarium may be available for this position, pending final review of the C&RL editorial budget.

Applications and nominations (including self-nominations), including a current CV and a statement addressing the nominee’s qualifications in the areas noted above, should be sent to:

Scott Walter / Editor, College & Research Libraries /

The deadline for receipt of applications is April 21, 2014. Finalists will be interviewed by conference call during May 2014.


The Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) is the higher education association for librarians. Representing more than 11,500 academic and research librarians and interested individuals, ACRL (a division of the American Library Association) is the only individual membership organization in North America that develops programs, products and services to help academic and research librarians learn, innovate and lead within the academic community. Founded in 1940, ACRL is committed to advancing learning and transforming scholarship. ACRL is on the Web at, Facebook at and Twitter at @ala_acrl.


David Free

Marketing and Communications Specialist