For immediate release | September 25, 2015

Supervisors of school librarians share advice on Knowledge Quest

CHICAGO – The American Association of School Librarians’ Supervisors Section will carve out a corner of Knowledge Quest with monthly blog posts from its members. Posts will be written from the perspective of supervisors advising school librarians on best practices and tips for building-level librarians using AASL standards.

Mary Keeling, past chair of the SPVS section, shared the impetus behind the project. “During the SPVS section meeting at ALA Midwinter in snowy Chicago, small groups brainstormed ways the section could advance AASL’s strategic plan. It was determined that supervisors writing for Knowledge Quest will discuss an essential question, surface ideas or concerns, or offer seasonal advice to school-based librarians and by doing this, the SPVS section will help develop ‘an online community that is dynamic and responsive.’”

The Supervisor’s Corner launched with the post “Might As Well Face It; I’m Addicted to Conference,” written by Cassandra Barnett, public school program advisor (library specialist) for the Arkansas Department of Education. In the post, Barnett discusses the professional development and networking opportunities available at AASL national conference. She doesn’t discount the fun to be had, however: “When authors and illustrators are around, selfies abound!”

Knowledge Quest is the vehicle to empower school librarians as they transform learning for their students. It offers breaking news, inspired blogs, and encourages conversations to inspire insightful professionals and stronger communities. Knowledge Quest can be viewed at

The American Association of School Librarians,, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.

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Jennifer Habley

Manager, Web Communications

American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
