For immediate release | July 25, 2011

LITA announces Elisabeth Stewart-Marshall president-elect, new board members

CHICAGO - Elisabeth (Zoe) Stewart-Marshall, assistant director of Library Systems, User Services Development at OhioLINK, is the newly elected vice-president/president-elect of the Library and Information Technology Association (LITA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA). Her term, and that of newly elected LITA board members, began at the conclusion of the ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans in June.

Stewart-Marshall has served on a multitude of LITA Committees and Interest Groups including the following: LITA National Forum Program Planning Committee, Bylaws and Organization Committee, Education Committee, Web Coordinating Committee, Next Generation Cataloging IG, Electronic Resources Management IG and BIGWIG.

“One of LITA's greatest strengths has been its role in providing both structured and unstructured opportunities for networking and community building for both technologists who work in libraries and librarians who work with technology," said Steward-Marshall. "I look forward to working within LITA’s open environment to support member engagement through a variety of channels.”

This year, three newly elected Directors-at-Large begin their three-year terms: John Blyberg, assistant director for Innovation & User Experience at Darien (Conn.) Library; David Lee King, digital branch and services manager at the Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library in Topeka, Kan.; and Lauren Pressley, instructional design librarian at Wake Forest University’s Z. Smith Reynolds Library in Winston-Salem, N.C.

LITA is the leading organization reaching out across types of libraries to provide education and services for a broad membership including systems librarians, library administrators, library schools, vendors and many others interested in leading edge technology and applications for librarians and information providers. For more information about LITA go to, or contact the LITA office by phone, 800-545-2433, ext. 4268; or e-mail:
