For immediate release | June 14, 2011
America Reads Spanish FREE PASSPORT TO LIBER 2011 Program
CHICAGO - America Reads Spanish, American Library Association and LIBER International Book Fair are partnering this year to provide support for American librarians to attend the 29th edition of the Spanish International Book Fair (LIBER) in Madrid from Oct. 5 - Oct. 7, 2011.
The deadline for applications to the America Reads Spanish FREE PASSPORT TO LIBER 2011 Program is June 30, 2011.
The America Reads Spanish FREE PASSPORT TO LIBER 2011 Program includes:
- four nights at a centrally located first-class hotel (five nights if you share a room with a colleague who is also part of the program), arriving on Tuesday Oct. 4;
- continental breakfast;
- LIBER registration;
- cost of airfare (US airport-Madrid-US airport);
- complimentary transport to the fairgrounds.
America Reads Spanish FREE PASSPORT TO LIBER 2011 will be awarded to up to 60 American librarians (members of ALA or one of ALA's affiliates) who work in the area of Spanish language acquisitions and/or are working to build their Spanish language collection to better serve their communities and users.
LIBER, the leading professional exhibit of Spanish-language books in the world, will offer:
- firsthand access to the latest publications in Spanish;
- an exhibit of more than 300,000 titles;
- access to the complete catalogs of more than 500 publishers;
- networking opportunities with 12,000 book professionals.
To download and application, please visit the International Relations Office site.
For more information about the ARS/LIBER FREE PASS Program, contact Alina San Juan at
Delin Guerra
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