For immediate release | May 18, 2011

Learn the secrets to finding a job working for the federal government

CHICAGO - The ALA JobLIST Placement Center will sponsor a session entitled "Working for the Federal Government: Jobs You Can Get with Your MLS/MLIS" from 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 26 during the ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans.

There are about a dozen new jobs announced each week in federal government that you should consider. An MLS/MLIS degree prepares you to work in many kinds of jobs, but most people don’t know they qualify for them! Join us in this session to chat about strategies for job searching. Develop your personal strategy for tying your resume to job announcements. Learn tips about searching for federal jobs, creating multiple resumes and optimizing your resume so it rises to the top of the pile.

This session will be held in the JobLIST Placement Center, which will be located in Hall J of the Morial Convention Center. It will be presented by Nancy G. Faget. She works as a Federal Librarian in Washington, D.C. She is the instigator of the Careers in Federal Libraries Google group, an online group that supports events (F2F and virtual), mentors job seekers and matches students to opportunities in federal agencies.

For more information on this or other sessions sponsored by the ALA JobLIST Placement Center, visit the JobLIST Conference Workshops page at


Beatrice Calvin