For immediate release | May 31, 2011
Learn "How to Be Successful When Searching for Academic Library Positions"
CHICAGO - If you are an academic librarian in search of either your first or another academic library position, you will want to attend the ALA JobLIST Placement Center's session entitled "How to Be Successful When Searching for Academic Library Positions - An Insider's Perspective" from 1:30 - 3 p.m. on Saturday, June 25 during the ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans.
A real ARL recruiter will provide a review of the selection process. He will give lots of specific pointers for those seeking their first or next position in an academic library. He will present great information that can be useful for anyone -- even for those who are not in an academic environment. Come prepared to get your questions about the hiring process answered. Leave with an understanding of how to navigate an academic hiring process.
This session is being held in the ALA JobLIST Placement Center which will be located in Hall J of the Morial Convention Center.
About the presenter:
Brian Keith is assistant dean for financial and human resources at the University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries. In this capacity he manages the recruitment process for more than 400 library positions, provides employee relations counseling and coordinates employee relations actions with representatives of numerous university entities. He also develops, maintains and interprets compensation plans for library employees, manages the library performance review process and administrates the tenure and promotion process. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the academic environment.
For more information on this or other sessions sponsored by the ALA JobLIST Placement Center, visit the JobLIST Conference Workshops page at
Beatrice Calvin
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