For immediate release | February 8, 2011

Super Science @ your library

CHICAGO – Albert Einstein once said, “Science is exploring and exploring is fun.”

It was with this idea that the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh developed “Super Science @ your library” using the Campaign for America’s Libraries' @ your library brand.

Developed for students in kindergarten through fifth grade, “Super Science @ your library” reaches out to children through the library’s branch locations to expand on the science curricula currently being taught in the Pittsburgh Public Schools.

“The schools are currently focusing on math and reading skills for students in third-fifth grade,” said youth services coordinator Georgene DeFilippo. “The library is therefore working to support the school system by promoting and expanding science based education.”

Super Science @ your library works to stress the importance of science, technology, engineering and math to children with fun, hands on experiments and guest speakers. The program features 12 topic areas, which have included topics like inventors, robots, recycling and wetland habitats. Each unit features local experts who speak to students about careers in science and the role science plays in our everyday lives.

A key feature of “Super Science @ your library” has been the library's partnerships. In addition to the public school system, the library has worked with area partner organizations like Carnegie Science Center and Carnegie Museum of Art to reach out to shared audiences, especially school age children.

“Each organization wants to promote their services to the community, and by working together it is a win win for each of us,” said communications manager, Suzanne Thinnes. “Although the ultimate winners are the children who get the best of our shared resources.”

Another key partner the library works to involve in the program is parents and caregivers of school-age children. Each “Super Science @ your library” unit provides tools and resources so parents can work with their children at home or in the library. Tools include lesson plans; a resource guide, including books, points of interest in the community and digital resources; vocabulary lists; and interactive projects.

“Super Science @ your library uses the library to get kids excited about thinking critically and creatively about science,” said Thinnes.

The Campaign for America’s Libraries (, ALA’s public awareness campaign that promotes the value of libraries and librarians. Thousands of libraries of all types – across the country and around the globe - use the Campaign’s @ your library® brand. The Campaign is made possible by ALA’s Library Champions, corporations and foundations.


Megan McFarlane