For immediate release | December 14, 2010
Significant price drop for ASCLA “Consulting Toolkit” workshop
CHICAGO—Prices have been significantly reduced for the upcoming Midwinter institute “Assembling a Consulting Toolkit: What You Need to Know to Become a Successful Library Consultant,” a full day event hosted by the Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA).
The workshop, which has been sold out during two prior offerings and put more than 100 librarians on the path to a successful consulting career, no longer includes a working lunch. Consequently, the prices for the event have been decreased to $215 for ASCLA members; $225 for ALA members; $170 for Retired and Student members of ALA; and $260 for non-members. These rates will be available until registration closes on Dec. 29—tickets will not be available at the door.
“Assembling a Consulting Toolkit” is the perfect event for librarians looking to strike out on their own in the library profession or those library professionals approaching retirement and seeking a flexible way to maintain employment. The workshop will be held 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 7, in Room 05A of the San Diego Convention Center and is designed to prepare participants to begin – or advance – a successful consulting career.
Seasoned consultants and ASCLA members Nancy Bolt, Sara Laughlin and Beth Bingham will present an overview of library consulting for workshop attendees, who will then conduct in a self-assessment their personal consulting potential. Participants will work together in an active and engaging format to explore different roles that consultants play, services consultants may deliver to clients, marketing consulting services, managing a consulting business and finding clients.
Interested participants can register for this event only (event code ASC1) or can register in conjunction with Annual Conference registration by adding it as a ticketed event. For institute-only registration using the online form, select “SO-Institute and Ticketed Events Only” as the registration type and proceed to select this event from the list. Registration for this and all other ticketed events at the 2011 Midwinter Meeting closes on Dec. 29.
ASCLA, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), is a diverse organization of librarians and support staff who work in academic and public libraries, state agencies, specialized libraries and multi-type cooperatives, as well as those who are self-employed. Not an ASCLA member, but interested in discounted registration rates on conference, ASCLA preconferences and other ASCLA events? Join, renew or add ASCLA to your ALA membership by calling 1-(800)-545-2433, option 5 or visiting
Elizabeth Markel
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