For immediate release | December 21, 2010
ASCLA selects Mair as 2011 Emerging Leader
CHICAGO — Tiffany Mair, student assistant at the California State Library's Braille and Talking Book Library, will serve as the 2011 Emerging Leader for the Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA).
The ALA Emerging Leaders (EL) program is a leadership development program that enables newer library workers from across the country to participate in problem-solving work groups, network with peers, gain an inside look into ALA structure and have an opportunity to serve the profession in a leadership capacity. The EL experience begins with a daylong session during the ALA Midwinter Meeting, followed by six months of project engagement through online learning and networking environments. The program culminates with a poster session presentation to display the results of the project planning work of each group at the ALA Annual Conference. As the ASCLA Emerging Leader, Mair will partner with other emerging leaders on the project of her choosing and will collaborate with ASCLA leadership to tackle various projects and contribute to the division’s work and member activities.
In addition to her work at the California State Library, Mair previously worked at the Sacramento Area Council of Governments as a data center/library intern. She has been an active member of the American Library Association and the California Library Association. She will graduate from San Jose State University with a Master in Library and Information Science in Dec. 2010 and holds a bachelor's degree in English Literature from Mills College.
ASCLA, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), is a diverse organization of librarians, information science professionals and support staff who work in academic and public libraries, state agencies, specialized libraries and multi-type cooperatives, as well as those who are self-employed. For more information about ASCLA, visit
Elizabeth Markel
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