For immediate release | December 14, 2010
ALA-APA seeks panelists for Annual Conference program on second jobs
CHICAGO - By choice or by necessity, some library staff members work additional jobs to supplement their incomes. Whether long-term, short-term or seasonal, making the decision to extend the workday can be difficult.
At the American Library Association Annual Conference in June 2011 in New Orleans, the ALA-Allied Professional Association is proposing a program tentatively titled “ The side gig: How to supplement your income in tough economic times.” Potential panelists who have advice about factors to consider when taking a second job and how to find part-time employment are encouraged to e-mail Jenifer Grady, ALA-APA Director. ALA-APA also welcomes library employees to send suggestions for and experiences in traditional and non-traditional second job opportunities by Thursday, Dec. 30, 2010.
The American Library Association-Allied Professional Association: the Organization for the Advancement of Library Employees is a service organization to the American Library Association and has as one of its missions supporting salary improvement initiatives for library workers. Please contact the ALA-APA Office at (800) 545-2433, ext. 2424 or with questions or comments.
Jenifer Grady
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