For immediate release | November 9, 2010

School Libraries Count! personalized reports available for AASL survey participants

CHICAGO – Personalized reports are now available for participants in the American Association of School Librarians' (AASL) School Libraries Count! longitudinal survey. Participants in the 2010 survey can access their reports by visiting
"The School Libraries Count! personalized report is an invaluable advocacy tool at the national, state and district level to help school librarians as they make cases for increased funding or maintaining current funding," said AASL Research & Statistics Committee Chair Marcia Mardis. "The reports offer a great way for school librarians to compare themselves with other schools that are held to the same state standards and are working in identical settings."
These personalized reports are part of AASL's suite of advocacy tools, including the latest tool for implementing AASL's learning standards and program guidelines, "A Planning Guide for Empowering Learners." By using the School Libraries Count! personalized report in tandem with the results generated using the rubric in the Planning Guide module, school librarians will be able to present a more complete case when advocating for their school library programs and community needs.
Participants are encouraged to view the AASL webinar demonstrating how to use their data to advocate for their school library program and draw connections between the data outputs generated using the Planning Guide module and their personalized reports. The webinar is available at
The School Libraries Count! National Longitudinal Survey of School Library Programs aims to gather data on changes in the field to gain understanding of the state of school library programs nationally. This year's survey had 5,191 respondents. Data on this and previous School Libraries Count! longitudinal studies can be found at

The American Association of School Librarians,, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), promotes the improvement and extension of library services in elementary and secondary schools as a means of strengthening the total education program. Its mission is to advocate excellence, facilitate change and develop leaders in the school library field.


Melissa Jacobsen