For immediate release | September 14, 2010
Applications now available for nine PLA awards
CHICAGO - The Public Library Association (PLA) is now accepting applications for the 2011 PLA Awards. Members can nominate their colleagues and libraries for PLA Awards through Dec. 1, 2010.
This year PLA is offering nine awards/grants designed to highlight the best in public library service and to honor those bringing innovation, creativity, and dedication to public libraries. Many of the awards include an honorarium; please visit the website for details on each award.
The awards include:
- Allie Beth Martin Award, honoring a public librarian who has demonstrated extraordinary range and depth of knowledge about books or other library materials and has distinguished ability to share that knowledge. Sponsored by Baker & Taylor.
- Baker & Taylor Entertainment Audio Music/Video Product Award, promoting the development of a circulating audio music/video collection in a public library.
- Charlie Robinson Award, honoring a public library director who, over a period of seven years, has been a risk taker, an innovator, and/or a change agent in a public library. Sponsored by Baker & Taylor.
- DEMCO New Leaders Travel Grant, enhancing the professional development of new public librarians by making possible their attendance at major professional development activities.
- EBSCO Excellence in Small and/or Rural Library Service Award, honoring a public library serving a population of 10,000 or less that demonstrates excellence of service to its community.
- Gordon M. Conable Award, honoring a public library staff member, library trustee or public library that has demonstrated a commitment to intellectual freedom and the Library Bill of Rights. Sponsored by Library Systems & Services LLC.
- Highsmith Library Innovation Award, recognizing a public library’s innovative and creative service program to the community.
- Polaris Innovation in Technology John Iliff Award, honoring a library worker, librarian or library that has used technology as a tool to improve services.
- Romance Writers of America Library Grant, providing a public library the opportunity to build or expand its romance fiction collection and/or host romance fiction programming.
The PLA Award Nomination Form is open from Sept. 1, 2010 until Dec. 1, 2010. An award jury appointed by the PLA President will review each nomination. Winners will be announced in February 2011. Awards will be presented at ALA 2011 Annual Conference in New Orleans. For more information, contact the PLA office, (800) 545-2433, ext. 5PLA or by email
PLA is a division of the American Library Association. PLA’s core purpose is to strengthen public libraries and their contribution to the communities they serve, and its mission is to enhance the development and effectiveness of public library staff and public library services.
Amy Sargent
Mgr Marketing
Public Library Association (PLA)
asargent@ala.org1-800-545-2433 ext.5024
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