For immediate release | June 4, 2010

Simplicity champion Wanda Urbanska joins @ your library contributors roster

CHICAGO - Recently dubbed a spokeswoman for the simplicity movement by the New York Times, author and "Simple Living" television host Wanda Urbanska is the latest writer to sign on as a regular contributor to the American Library Association’s @ your library public-awareness website. Her first posting is “The Path to Financial Independence,” an excerpt from her new book, "The Heart of Simple Living: 7 Paths to a Better Life" (ISBN 978-1-4402-0451-7, Krause Publications).

“I’m really excited about writing for the American Library Association and helping to raise public awareness about the wealth of information available to the public in our nation’s libraries,” said Urbanska, who has been a champion of greening and sustainability for more than 20 years. “Libraries are the original eco-friendly institution,” she adds. “You borrow, you learn, you return, and the recycling benefits the entire community.”

“The @ your library website is developing a cadre of writers in some of the top do-it-yourself areas of interest to the public in order to foster an understanding of how to use a library or how to use it better,” said Leonard Kniffel, publisher of the @ your library website, which is part of the Association’s Campaign for America’s Libraries, highlighting the value of libraries and librarians and connecting people to the free resources at their local public, school or university library. Prepared by librarians and other experts, new articles are uploaded regularly with how-tos and tips for parents, job seekers, teenagers and kids. Recommended resources are linked to the WorldCat database, which provides a list of the nearest libraries where the recommended item can be accessed.

“We encourage librarians to browse the site, not only to learn about all sorts of interesting topics, but most importantly to use the articles to on their own library websites to help their patrons find out how they can benefit from the expertise of librarians and the abundant resources available in or through a good library,” Mark R. Gould, director of the American Library Association’s Public Information Office said. “The site is not about libraries; it’s about the wealth of knowledge available in them and through them.”

Visitors to the site can sign up for a regular e-newsletter for updates on new content. Visitors can also follow developments on the site on Twitter, through Facebook and on the @ your library blog.

The site is underwritten by Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Disney Book Group. Wanda Urbanska was American Libraries magazine's featured speaker at the American Library Association's 2009 Annual Conference in Chicago. She joins author, editor, and arts educator Emma Walton Hamilton, who signed on in May as a regular contributor to @ your library in the areas of parenting and reading.


Leonard Kniffel