ALA Organizational Membership
ALA Organizational Membership
Eligibility includes all types of libraries, not-for-profit schools conducting programs of library education, and other not-for-profit organizations including library associations, affiliated organizations, and international organizations.
Through organizational membership in ALA, your library gains a unique opportunity to have its concerns clearly heard at the national level. Joining ALA is a benefit to your organization and in maintaining a strong a voice in the future of America’s libraries.
Joining ALA offers your library a wide range of benefits, including discounts such as professional publications, employment, and management resources, human resource and managerial resources, information, and important library-related insurance.
Organizational Member Dues
Very Small Library - $190
- Includes Public Libraries with Service Population <10,000
- School Libraries of any single building or <300 students in district
- Academic Libraries <1,000 students Full Time Equivalent (FTE)
Small Library - $325
- Includes Public Libraries with Service Population 10k-24k
- School Libraries 300 - 499 students in district
- Academic Libraries 1k - 3k students FTE
Medium Library - $540
- Includes Public Libraries with Service Population 25k - 99k
- School Libraries 500 - 749 students in district
- Academic Libraries 3k - 10k students FTE
Large Library - $1,410
- Includes Public Libraries with Service Population 100k - 499k
- School Libraries 500 - 749 students in district
- Academic Libraries 10k - 30k students FTE
Very Large Library - $2,170
- Includes Public Libraries with Service Population >500k
- School Libraries >1,000 students in district
- Academic Libraries >30k students FTE
Other - $160
- Includes Chapters and Affiliates, International Libraries and non-profit organizations other than libraries.
State Library Agencies need to self-identify as Very Small to Very Large based on their total budgets minus any "pass through" funds.
Dues rates effective September 1, 2024 - August 31, 2025.
3 Easy Ways to Join or Renew Today
Add Division and Round Table Memberships
You must be an ALA Member to join ALA Divisions and Round Tables; pro-rated dues apply when adding Divisions and Round Tables to an existing membership.
Organizational Membership in ALA Divisions
- American Association of School Librarians (AASL) - $75
- Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) - $58
- Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) - $125
- Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures (Core) - $200
- Public Library Association (PLA) - $121
- Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) - $80
- United for Libraries: The Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends, and Foundations (United) - $150
- Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) - $72
Dues rates effective September 1, 2024 - August 31, 2025.
Organizational Membership in ALA Round Tables
Organizational Round Table Membership dues are $30 per Round Table.
- Coretta Scott King Book Awards (CSKBART)
- Ethnic and Multicultural Information Exchange (EMIERT)
- Film and Media (FMRT)
- Games & Gaming (GameRT)
- Government Documents (GODORT)
- Graphic Novel and Comics (GNCRT)
- Intellectual Freedom (IFRT)
- International Relations (IRRT)
- Learning (LearnRT)
- Library History (LHRT)
- Library Instruction (LIRT)
- Library Research (LRRT)
- Library Support Staff (LSSRT)
- Map and Geospatial Information (MAGIRT)
- New Members ( NMRT)
- Rainbow (RainbowRT)
- Retired Members (RMRT)
- Social Responsibilities (SRRT)
- Sustainability (SustainRT)