An English Translation of Words Abbreviated in Ritter's Lexikon*
MAGERT Open File Report 88-1
Compiled by Robert P. Loeffler and Nancy Kandoian
Map Division, New York Public Library
Abbreviation | German term | English translation |
A. | Amt | office, admin. of public domain |
A. -O. | Amtsort | municipal office |
Arr. | Arrondissement | admin. div. of French dept. |
B. -A. | Bezirksamt | district office |
br. | breit | broad, wide |
Br. | Breite | line of latitude |
brit. | britisch | British |
Bz. | Bezirk | district, ward |
BzH. | Bezirkshauptmannschaft | borough hall |
C. | Canton (Frankreich ...) | Canton (France & west of Rhine) |
Com. | Comitat | county (in Hungary) |
Dep. | Departement | department |
Df. | Dorf | village |
Dfr. | Dörfer | villages |
Distr. | Distrikt | district |
E. | Einwohner | inhabitant |
Eb. -St | Eisenbahn-Station | railroad station |
ebd. | ebendaselbst | at the very (same) place |
ehem. | ehemalig | former (times) |
engl. | englisch | English |
entspr. | entspringt | source (of streams or rivers) |
Ep. | Eparchie | eparchy (admin. div., Greece) |
evang. | evangelisch | evangelical (Protestant) |
F. | Fuss | foot |
Fabr. | Fabrik, Fabrikation | factory, manufacturing |
Fest. | Festung | fortress, fort, citadel |
Fl. | Fluss | river |
Flck. | Flecken | market-town, borough |
folg. | folgende, -r, -s | the following |
Frz., Franz. | Französisch | French |
Fstt. | Fürstentum | principality, princedom |
fürstl. | fürstlich, -es | princely, royal |
G. -A. | Gerichtsamt | office of the court of justice |
Gb. | Gebirge | mountains |
Gbz. | gerichtsbezirk | district court |
Geb. | Gebiet | region, area, zone |
Gem. | Gemeinde | municipality |
Ger. | Gericht | court of justice |
Gfsch. | Grafschaft | earldom, county |
gl. N. | gleichen Namens | same name as (person) |
glchn. | gleichnamig | of the same name |
Gouv. | Gouvernement | government |
gr. | gross | large |
Gr. | Grenze | boundary, border |
gräfl. | gräflich | belonging to a count |
Grhzgt. | Grossherzogtum | grand duchy |
Grwch. | Greenwich (Meridian) | Greenwich Meridian |
Herrsch. | Herrschaft | dominion |
Hptort. | Hauptort | chief place |
Hptst. | Hauptstadt | capital |
Hzgt | Herzogtum | duchy, dukedom |
Ital. | Italien und Italienisch | Italian |
j. | jetzt | now |
Just. -A. | Justizamt | office of justice |
kaiserl. | kaiserlich | imperial |
Kant. | Kanton (Schweiz) | Canton (Swiss admin. div.) |
kath. | katholisch | Catholic |
Kgrch. | Königreich | kingdom |
kl. | klein | small |
Kol. | Kolonie | colony |
königl. | königlich | royal |
Kr. | Kreis | district area |
Krchdf. | Kirchdorf | church village |
Krd. | kreisdirektion | district office |
Kreisst. | Kreisstadt | district town |
Ksp. | Kirchspiel | parish |
l. | links | left |
L. | Lieue (franz. Meile) | French mile |
Lddr. | Landdrostei | border of a tributary area |
Ldger. | Landgericht | district court |
Ldkr. | Landkreis | rural district |
Ldsch. | Landschaft | countryside |
lg. | lang | long |
M. | Meile, Mann, Mark | mile, man, mark |
mathem. | mathematisch | mathematics |
Mdg. | Mündung | mouth of river |
Met. | Meter | meter |
Milit. | Militär | military, armed forces |
Mill. | Million | million |
miner. | mineralisch | mineral |
mittelländ. | mittelländisch | interior land of a country |
Mktfl. | Marktflecken | market-town, borough |
N. | Nord | north |
n. Br. | nördlicher Breite | northern latitude |
NO. | Nordost | northeast |
Nom. | Nomarchie | nomarchy (admin div., Greece) |
nördl. | nördlich | northern, northerly |
NW. | Nordwest | northwest |
O. | Ost | east |
O. -A. | Oberamt | chief office |
ö. L. | östlicher Länge | east longitude |
östl. | östlich | eastern, easterly |
Ortsch. | Ortschaft | small town office |
P. | Post | post office |
Par. | Pariser Meridian | Parisian meridian |
Paroch. | Parochie | parish |
Pasch. | Paschalik | jurisdiction of a pasha |
Pfdf. | Pfarrdorf | seat of a small Protestant area |
Pfrwlr. | Pfarrweiler | seat of smaller Protestant area |
physik. | physikalisch | physical |
prot. | protestantisch | Protestant |
Prov. | Provinz | province |
Prsdsch. | Präsidentschaft | presidency |
QM., [ ] M. | Quadratmeile | square mile |
r. | rechts | right |
reform. | reformiert | reformed |
Regtbz. | Regimentsbezirk | administration, government |
Republ. | Republik | republic |
Reuss ä. L. | ältere Linie | senior lineage (heraldry) |
Reuss j. L. | jüngere Linie | junior lineage (heraldry) |
Rgbz. | Regierungsbezirk | administrative district |
rom. | romanisch | Roman |
S. | Süd | south |
s. Br. | südlicher Breite | southern latitude |
S. -Meiningen | Sachsen-Meiningen, etc. | Saxe-Meiningen (a duchy), etc. |
Sandsch. | Sandschak | sanjak (admin. div., Turkey) |
slav. | slavisch, slavonisch | Slavic, Slavonic |
SO. | Südost | southeast |
span. | spanisch | Spanish |
St. | Stadt | city |
Stdtsch. | Stadtschaft | township |
südl. | südlich | southern, southerly |
SW. | Südwest | southwest |
T. | Toisen (frz. Klafter) | French fathom |
Tel. | Telegraphenstation | telegraph station |
Territ. | Territorium | territory |
ü. d. M. | über dem Meere | above sea level |
Ver. -St. | Vereinigten Staaten | United States |
W. | West | west |
w. L. | westlicher Länge | western longitude |
wend. | wendisch | Wends (Slavic people) |
westl. | westlich | western, westerly |
Wlr. | Weiler | hamlet, small village |
zus. | zusammen | areas belonging together |
NOTE: Some of the above translations are educated guesses; please let us know if you can suggest more authoritative translations for any of these words, or clearer phrasing for any of these translations.
Staff and Volunteers
Map Divison
New York Public Library
January 1988
* Ritter's Geographisch-Statistisches Lexikon ... (Leipzig : Verlag von Otto Wigand, 1874.
in Essen by Verlag Pomp & Sobkowiak, c1983.)