Sources of Demographic Data on the Web

Compiled by Peter Linberger

The University of Akron

July 2, 2001

Warning: some links no long available

U.S. Government Data | Repackaged Data | Data Archives | International | Commercial

U.S. Government Data

U.S. Bureau of the Census
Official site of the Census Bureau; can choose data by category or geographic location.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Bureau of Labor Statistics official site; collects and analyzeslabor economic statistics.Data includes employment and unemployment, payroll, consumer price index, producer price index.Keyword searching is available.

Developed by Federal Interagency Council on Statistical Policy. Provides easy access to statistics produced by government agencies. Can choose data by subject or by agency. Fairly comprehensive and easy to use.

Current Population Statistics
Conducted by Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Primary source for information on the U.S. labor force.

County Business Patterns
Available from Census Bureau. Includes information from County Business Patterns, Business Register, Annual Company Organization Survey, Economic Census, Annual Survey of Manufactures, Current Business Survey, administrative records of the IRS, Social Security Administration, and Bureau of Labor Statistics. Data available back to 1988. Information available by industry.

Social Security Administration (Office of Policy)
Data available includes total number of SSI recipients, total payments, and age and category, at the national, state, and county levels.

Statistical Abstract of the United States
Annual government publication contains social and economic statistics for the U.S. and selected international data. Data are retrievable from numerous tables which are divided into subjects such as population, vital statistics, education, energy, and agriculture.

U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service
No equivalent site found
Statistics section of the INS homepage provides annual immigration statistics from 1994-1998. Historical immigration data tables are available for years 1820-1996.

White House Briefing Room
Good source for locating popular economic and demographic information available from various government agencies.

Vital Statistics of the United States
National Center for Health Statistics site. Contains data on births, deaths, and life expectancy, and health reports. Searchable by keyword.

Repackaged Data

(Government data available through web page other than the official government agency)

Government Information Sharing Project

Site no longer available

Oregon State University. Easy access to demographic, educational, and economic data from various government agencies. Help and Information files for each of these data sets are also provided.

GeoStat, County and City Data Books, University of Virginia

County and City Data Books available for 1988 and 1994. Ability to create customized reports. Data available at the state, county, city, or place level. May choose from 75 variables.

Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
CIESIN is a private, government-sponsored research organization. The Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) provides most of the demographic data. Information includes global population, U.S. Census products, environmental progess, and social indicators of development.

No equivalent site found
Site sponsored by the Population Reference Bureau and the Social Science Data Analysis Network. Large data files are available on demographic of U.S. population. Also includes links to other web sites.

Demographic Profile Generator
Maintained and operated by the Urban Information Center at the University of Missouri, St. Louis. Information derived from the 1990 U.S. Census. Users can access data by state, county, metropolitan statistical area, census tract, census block, or zip code.

University of Michigan Documents Center

A compilation of Web sources for data in numerous categories. The “Demographics” link is divided into sections by subject and includes over 100 links to relevant Web sites.

University of California, Berkeley
From the Social Science and Government Data Library at the University of California, Berkeley. Provides access to selected tape files from the 1990 U.S. Census. Also provides links to state data centers and federal depository libraries.

Data Archives

United States Historical Census Data Browser

University of Virginia. Provides census data for each state and county from 1790-1960.

Data on the Net (University of California, San Diego)
Provides access and links to many governmental and non-governmental sources of demographic data. Can search by keyword or by broad category.

Yale Direct Access to Numeric Data on the Internet
Data sources divided into four main categories. Each listing has a hypertext link and a description of the site and the data it contains. Links to over fifty sites is provided.

StatLib (Carnegie Mellon)
Links to data on a variety of topics are available. The datasets themselves are varied; most supplied by individuals working on specific projects or from published books or articles. Search engine available; users can enter up to three keywords.

Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) (University of Michigan)
Contains many resources for researchers in the social and political sciences. Can browse the files by one of the eighteen broad categories, or can search using a basic search engine. ICSPR data is normally available to members of registered institutions, however non-affiliated individuals can contact ICPSR for access information.

Social Science Data Analysis Network (University of Michigan)
Provides access to nearly 300 datasets. Data available from 1950-1990 U.S. Census.

Population Studies Center (University of Michigan)
Data archive information: fertility, family planning, health, sexual behavior, marriage, family, children, social mobility, race and ethnicity, migration, segregation, aging, disability, education.

Population Studies Center (University of Pennsylvania)
Many useful links related to demography. International in scope.

Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (University of Minnesota)
Consists of twenty-five high precision samples of the American population drawn from thirteen federal censuses, 1850-1990.


United Nations Statistics Division

Data available alphabetically by country name. Includes data on population, housing, education, literacy, income, and child-bearing.Users can also obtain the current Monthly Bulletin of Statistics.

World Factbook (CIA)

Basically a web version of the CIA World Factbook. Provides current demographic information by country.

Statistics Canada
Official site of Canada’s national statistics agency.Information organized into three broad categories: demographic, social, and socio-economic.

UN Information Gateway (Yale)
Includes links to data sets for all areas of the world.Some information is available from 1960 to the present.

U.S. Census International Programs Center
Produced by the Census Bureau.Information provided for 227 countries and regions of the world.

World Bank
Provides access to demographic information by allowing browsing though hundreds of available data sets on a wide variety of topics.Also link to country data, can view one particular country’s available data sets.

Social Science Information Gateway(Southhampton University Library)
Large list of links to demographic data throughout the world.

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
Sponsored by the United Nations. Data from 1970 to the present, and projections to 2050 are available.Also offers access to several publications and statistical reports. Latin America and Caribbean only.

Demography & Population Studies (Australian National University)

Compilation of demographic sites throughout the world.Each category contains sites for both U.S. and international data.


CACI Marketing Systems

Provides fee-based data.Demographic, business, lifestyle, consumer, traffic, and crime data are available.Free samples available on selected data.

Claritas, Inc.
Can deliver over 100 reports on any U.S. market via the Web, for a fee.A free demo allows users to choose 1990 Census data covering a five-mile radius of any location in the U.S.

Right Site
Samples and demos of their products are available for downloading.

Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI)
From the Data section of this site, users have access to demographic from the 1990 U.S. Census.The ArcData Online link allows users to create thematic maps at the state, county, census tract, or block level.

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