2007 annual programs

The MAGERT Programs
from the
2007 American Library Association Annual Conference

Rare, Antiquarian, or Just Plain Old:
Cataloging Pre-Twentieth Century Cartographic Resources

Did you miss MAGERT's preconference on cataloging early maps and atlases, which was held last June at the Library of Congress prior to the Annual Library Association Conference in Washington, D.C.?

If the answer is yes, you will be glad to hear that the Workbook used in the preconference and issued to participants is now available for purchase from MAGERT for $40. The Workbook includes illustrations and cataloging examples taken from sheet maps, atlas plates and atlases, focusing on early and pre-twentieth century cartographic materials. Some of the areas covered by the Workbook include elements of description, transcription, mathematical data and supportive research. The $40 price includes shipping and handling.

Orders should be sent to:
Jim Coombs, MAGERT Publications Distribution
Manager, Maps Library, Missouri State University
901 S. National, #175
Springfield, MO 65897
Email: JimCoombs@missouristate.edu

As an addendum to the notice about the workbook now being available from last summer's preconference, "Rare, Antiquarian, or Just Plain Old: Cataloging Pre-Twentieth Century Cartographic Resources," many of you will also be interested to know that a pdf of one of the PowerPoint presentations at that preconference is available online at:

Experienced rare book cataloger and educator, Deborah J. Leslie, head of cataloging at the Folger Shakespeare Library, has graciously made her presentation on the transcription of early letter forms and symbols available to all of us at that site. It's a great supplement to Cartographic Materials 2nd ed. 0H2 application and appendix G.1, and to the wonderful Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Books) appendix G, as it shows examples of how to apply the rules and applications and interpretations of early letters forms and symbols when cataloging early maps.