Information on the 2013 LIRT Midwinter Discussion Forum.
Technology Woes and Wows
Sunday January 27, 2013
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm (Note the new time)
Washington State Convention Center -- TCC 301
Technology has been a driving force in librarianship since the construction of the first library but the last few decades have seen more and faster technological change than ever before. LIRT’s Technology Learning and Teaching Committee will be hosting a discussion on the technological challenges in librarianship in a variety of areas. Instruction librarians face a number of challenges including staying abreast of the next new trend while continuing to engage users of all levels. As learners and classrooms evolve, what are the technology challenges we now face and how do instructor librarians stay afloat? Opportunities to discuss upcoming trends such as digital badges, ebooks, data management strategies and collaboration with IT professionals provide an open venue for librarians of all types to share information and experience.