LIRT Conference Program 2017

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From Kindergartners to Collegians

Helping Students Make the Grade

Saturday, June 24, 2017

1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

McCormick Place West, W184a

As librarianship and library instruction continue to evolve across educational settings, library curricular embeddedness is quickly becoming the norm. This presentation will focus on the new fundamentals of library instruction and the growth of liaison responsibilities in various library settings. Discover how to teach information literacy and subject-specific learning skills to an array of patron groups, and learn how librarians can shape and enhance learning goals beyond library walls. As always, the LIRT Conference Program seeks to have a lively presentation by speakers that will share experiences to inform learning in all types of libraries. We hope to see you there.

Featured Speakers

Amy Atkinson is the Middle School Librarian at the Latin School of Chicago and the former Librarian at University Laboratory High School at the University of Illinois. Her work focuses on the cross-disciplinary embedding of information literacy skills and library programming for the development of social emotional learning. She is the co-author of "Libraries Unfiltered: Increase Access, Grow the Whole Child" (a chapter of Can I Teach That? Negotiating Taboo Language and Controversial Topics in the Language Arts Classroom) and “Disturbingly Weak: The Current State of Financial Management Education in Library and Information Science Curricula,” Journal of Education for Library and Information Science (2015). Her conference presentations include Hack the Association: Or Talkin’ About our (R)Evolution (AASL 2015), Stage Fright No More: Tips and Tricks for Engaging Read Alouds and Sensational Storytelling (ISLMA 2014), and Read-Alouds: Tools Valuable to the Core (ISLMA 2013). Amy is also a storyteller for young and adult audiences; her tales often depict her awkward early adolescence, to the delight of tweens and teens laughing -- and cringing -- in recognition.

Cinthya Ippoliti is the Associate Dean for Research and Learning Services at the Oklahoma State University Library where she provides administrative leadership for the library's academic liaison program as well as services for undergraduate and graduate students. Previously, she was head of Teaching and Learning Services at the University of Maryland Libraries where she was in charge of the spaces, services, and programming offered by the Terrapin Learning Commons as well as coordinating the Libraries' first-year instruction program. Cinthya is the co-author of User-Centered Design for First-Year Library Instruction Programs (ABC-Clio, 2016) and she has presented both in person and virtually at conferences such as the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) and Library Orientation Exchange (LOEX) on topics such as discovery-based learning, outreach, technology partnerships and ebook usability.

Matt Upson is the Director of Undergraduate Instruction and Outreach Services at Oklahoma State University’s Edmon Low Library. He enjoys finding opportunities for innovative instruction and interaction with students, and has recently co-authored a comic book guide to basic library research skills and information literacy titled Information Now. Matt earned an MLS from Emporia State University and a BS degree in Secondary Education from Oklahoma State University.