LIRT Conference Program -- 2000

Contains information about the LIRT 2000 Conference Program

Library Instruction Round Table -- 2000 Conference Program -- Teaching As Performance

Sunday, July 9, 2000

9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Marriot Grand Ballroom I

As teaching librarians, we are always "on stage". Like actors and other performers, our ability to communicate our message depends not only on content but on how well we present ourselves:

  • What can we learn from the theatrical professions to enhance our teaching?
  • What techniques can we use to connect with our audience?

This practical program will focus on ways to improve library instruction through better presentation skills.


Monika Antonelli

Reference Librarian

University of North Texas Libraries
Teaching As Performance

PowerPoint Slides
Joe Dempsey

Chicago Actor

American Theater Company member

Second City National Touring Company, former member

A summary of the program, prepared by Cynthia Akers, is now available, as well as the bibliography prepared for the program:

Teaching As Performance Bibliography, prepared by the LIRT Continuing Education Committee.

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