Library History Round Table
Bibliography of Writings on the History of Libraries, Librarianship, and Book Culture
Spring 2007
By Ed Goedeken
As always, the author is grateful if ommissions or errors are brought to his attention.
Table of Contents
Bibliography of Writings on the History of Libraries, Librarianship, and Book Culture
By Ed Goedeken
Spring 2007
Adkins, Denice and Lisa Hussey. “The Library in the Lives of Latino College Students,” Library Quarterly 76 (October 2006): 456-80.
Ambrose-Fortune, Brenda. “A History of the Librarians’ Association at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,” North Carolina Libraries (online) 64 (Spring/Summer 2006): 15-20. [Access at:
Banda, Anne E. “A Tale of Two Cities: Public Library Development in Milwaukee and Montreal,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), 2006, 207 pp. [Advisor: Marc V. Levine]
Beck, Clare. New Woman as Librarian: The Career of Adelaide Hasse (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2006) 348 pp. $45.00 ISBN 0-8108-5106-7.
Bergquist, Ronald E. “It Could Have Been Bigger, but Its Residents Like it as it is: Small Town Libraries in Moore County, North Carolina,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2006, 397 pp. [Advisor: Claudia Gollop]
Bobinski, George. Libraries and Librarianship: Sixty Years of Challenge and Change (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2007) 160 pp. $40.00 ISBN 0-8108-5899-1.
Cheeks, Elizabeth B. “Talladega Public Library 1908-1958: The First Fifty Years,” Alabama Librarian v. 54, no. 2 (2004): 26-31.
Cogdill, Keith W. “Progress in Health Sciences Librarianship: 1970-2005,” Advances in Librarianship v. 30 (2006): 145-77.
Cohen, Henry and Mary Minow. “Intellectual Freedom in Libraries: Then and Now,” Advances in Librarianship v. 30 (2006): 73-101.
Corwin, Euphemia. “Twenty-Five Years of the Kentucky Library Association,” Kentucky Libraries 70 (Summer 2006): 8-12.
Croteau, Jeffrey. “Yet More American Circulating Libraries: A Preliminary Checklist of Brooklyn (New York) Circulating Libraries,” Library History 22 (November 2006): 171-80.
Dugan, Hammond. “The Past is Prelude: K.L.A.’s First Forty Years,” Kentucky Libraries 70 (Summer 2006): 13-18.
Edelman, Hendrik. “Intelligent Design and the Evolution of American Research Collections: A Personal Reflection,” Library Resources & Technical Services 50 (October 2006): 234-38.
Fields, M. A. “Mildred B. Harrison and Alabama Public Libraries: An Oral History in Context,” Alabama Libraries v. 54, no. 2 (2004): 13-25.
Glynn, Tom. “The Professionalization of a Calling: Mission and Method at the New York Library Club, 1885-1901,” Libraries & the Cultural Record 41 (Fall 2006): 438-61.
Haywood, Mary L. “The Antebellum Library of John Richard Edmunds,” (Master’s Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2006, 39 pp.
Jeffrey, Jonathan. “A Bumpy Ride: The Story of Opening Owensboro’s Carnegie Library,” Kentucky Libraries 70 (Summer 2006): 21-28.
Lawrimore, Erin R. “Let Us Hasten to Redeem the Time that is Lost: J. G. M. Ramsey’s Role in the Collection and Promotion of Tennessee History,” Libraries & the Cultural Record 41 (Fall 2006): 419-37.
Lear, Bernadette A. “Tis Better to Be Brief than Tedious: The Evolution of the American Public Library Annual Report, 1876-2004,” Libraries & the Cultural Record 41 (Fall 2006): 462-86.
Liptak, Stephany. “A History of the Paralibrarian Movement in Colorado, Part 2: The Movement Grows,” Colorado Libraries v. 51, no. 1 (2006): 103-115.
Litwin, Rory, ed. Library Daylight: Tracings of Modern Librarianship, 1874-1922 (Duluth, MN: Library Juice Press, 2006) $25.00 ISBN 0-9778617-4-0.
Lowe, Mary Margaret. “Laws of the Library: 1848,” Kentucky Libraries 70 (Summer 2006): 19-20.
Malone, Charles E. “The History of the Law Library at Western Illinois University,” Illinois Libraries (online) 86 (Summer 2006): 4-10. [Access at:
Monroe, Margaret E. Memoirs of a Public Librarian ((Madison, WI: School of Library and Information Studies, 2006) 53 pp. $10.00.
Nasaw, David. Andrew Carnegie (New York: Penguin Press HC, 2006) 896 pp. $35.00 ISBN 1-594-201-0-48.
Pawley, Christine. “Retrieving Readers: Library Experiences,” Library Quarterly 76 (October 2006): 379-87.
Perryman, C. “Medicus Deus: A Review of Factors Affecting Hospital Library Services to Patients between 1790-1950,” Journal of the Medical Library Association
Poe, Jodi. “Information and Referral Services: A Brief History,” The Southeastern Librarian 54 (Spring 2006): 36-41.
Rettig, James. “Reference Service: From Certainty to Uncertainty,” Advances in Librarianship v. 30 (2006): 105-143.
Robbins, Louise S., Anne H. Lundin and Michele Besant, comp. and eds. Tradition and Vision: Library and Information Studies at the University of Wisconsin: A Centennial History (Madison, WI: School of Library and Information Studies, 2006) 306 pp. $35.00 ISBN 0-9364-422-0-4.
Soules, Aline. “The Enduring Serial: Past, Present, and Future,” The Serials Librarian v. 51, no. 1 (2006): 103-115.
Stephens, Annabel K. “Bricks, Books, and Metaphor: The Place of the First Libraries in Alabama Communities,” The Southeastern Librarian 54 (Spring 2006): 28-35.
Stephens, Annabel K. “The Founding and Early Development of Alabama Public Libraries: A Content Analysis of 116 of the Libraries' Written Histories,” Alabama Librarian v. 54, no. 2 (2004): 32-38.
Stevenson, Siobhan A. “The Post-Fordist Public Library: From Carnegie to Gates,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Western Ontario, Canada), 2005, 201 pp.
Stewart, David M. “The Disorder of Libraries,” Library Quarterly 76 (October 2006): 403-19.
Stotts, Stuart. “Patron Saint of Libraries?: Historic Wisconsin Librarian Made Waves,” Children & Libraries 4 (Spring 2006): 30-31.
Valentine, Patrick M. “Small Select Library or Miserable Excuse: Antebellum College Libraries in the American Southeast,” The Southeastern Librarian 54 (Spring 2006): 6-11.
Weihs, Jean. “Preserving Library History for Library Staff that are not Preservation Specialists,” Technicalities 26 (May/June 2006): 6-8.
Weinstein, Myron M. “The First Deinard Collection of the Library of Congress,” Judaica Librarianship v. 12 (2006): 31-48.
Jones, F. “A Chimney on the Canadian Prairies: Yiddish-Language Libraries in Western Canada, 1900 to the Present,” Judaica Librarianship v. 12 (2006): 49-68.
Berry, D. A. “Collecting at Oxford: A History of the University’s Museums, Gardens, and Libraries,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Oxford University), 2004.
Black, Alistair. “The Past Public Library Observed: User Perceptions and Recollections of the Twentieth-Century British Public Library Recorded in the Mass-Observation Archive,” Library Quarterly 76 (October 2006): 438-55.
Cryer, Emma. “The Private Libraries of Seventeenth-Century Artists in Italy, Spain and the Netherlands,” (Master’s Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2006, 50 pp.
Dickstein, Phyllis. “The Dag Hammarskjold Library, 1965-2005: Modernization and Outreach,” Library History 22 (July 2006): 101-116.
Elhard, K.C. “Reframing Arcimboldo’s Librarian,” Library History 22 (November 2006): 181-99.
Haugen, Robert. “The Library of the Molde Labour Association in 1910: Enlightenment and Social Control in a Norwegian Workers’ Library,” Library History 22 (July 2006): 117-22.
Hoare, Peter and Alistair Black, eds. Cambridge History of Libraries in Britain and Ireland 3 vols. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007) ISBN 0-521-858-08-9.
Mortlock, D. P. Holkham Library: A History and Description (Cambridge: Roxburghe Club, 2006) 140 pp. $200.00 ISBN 1-901902-09-9.
Oliver, Bette W. From Royal to National: The Louvre Museum and the Bibliotheque Nationale (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2006) 110 pp. $19.00 ISBN 0-7391-1861-0.
Penwith Local History Group. Treasures of the Morrah: A Penzance Library that Has More than Books (Boscaswell Downs, Pendeen, Penzance, 2005) 123 pp. $20.00 ISBN 0-9520-661-65.
Roberts, Daphne and Bob Duckett. “The Bradford Library and Literary Society, 1774-1980,” Library History 22 (November 2006): 213-26.
Tyler, A. “A Library of Their Own: The Potential for a Women’s Library in Wales,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Wales, Aberystwyth), 2006.
Afshar, E. “The National Library of Iran: A New Building and a New Future,” Australian Academic & Research Libraries 37 (September 2006): 221-232.
Buckridge, Patrick. “Generations of Books: A Tasmanian Family Library, 1816-1994,” Library Quarterly 76 (October 2006): 388-402.
Gamsa, Mark. “Traces of Russian Libraries in China,” Library History 22 (November 2006): 201-212.
Laugesen, Amanda. “Finding Another Great World: Australian Soldiers and Wartime Libraries,” Library Quarterly 76 (October 2006): 420-37.
Abrams, Nathan. Commentary Magazine, 1945-1959 (London: Valentine Mitchell, 2006) 201 pp. $75.00 ISBN 0-853036-63-2.
Brown, Michelle, ed. In the Beginning: Bibles before the Year 1000 (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Books, 2006) 360 pp. $45.00 ISBN 1-5883-424-09.
Chartier, Roger. Inscrire et Effacer: Culture Écrite et Littérature (Xie-CVIIIe Siécle) (Paris : Gallimard, 2005) €22 ISBN 2-0208-1580-X.
Cohoon, Lorinda B. Serialized Citizenships: Periodicals, Books, and American Boys, 1840-1911 (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2006) 191 pp. $45.00 ISBN 0-8108-542-52.
Eddy, Jacalyn. Bookwomen: Creating an Empire in Children’s Book Publishing, 1919-1939 (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2006) 211 pp. $30.00 ISBN 978-0-299-21794-5. [part of Print Culture in Modern America series]
Hinks, John and Catherine Armstrong, eds. Printing Places: Locations of Book Production & Distribution since 1500 (London: British Library, 2005) 208 pp. $40.00 ISBN 0-7123-4906-5.
Hinks, John and Catherine Armstrong, eds. Worlds of Print: Diversity in the Book Trade (London: British Library, 2006) 240 pp. $40.00 ISBN 0-7123-4937-5.
Houari, Touati. L’Armoire à Sagesse: Bibliotheques et Collections en Islam (Paris : Editions Flammarion, 2003) 246 pp. $50.00 ISBN 2-7007-2336-8.
Lawrence, Bruce. Qur’an: A Biography (Vancouver, B.C.: Douglas & McIntyre, 2006) 231 pp. $20.00 ISBN 1-5536-524-60.
Lee, Ji-Eun. “A New Pedigree: Women and Women’s Reading in Korea, 1896-1934,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Harvard University) 2006, 246 pp.
Munro, Craig and Robyn Sheahan-Bright, eds. Paper Empires: A History of the Book in Australia, 1946-2005 (St. Lucia, Queensland: University of Queensland Press, 2006) 433 pp. $60.00 ISBN 0-7022-3559-8.
Pearson, David. “Books as History: Changing Values in a Digital Age,” The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 100 (December 2006): 405-24.
Peterson, Kelsy L. “American Academic Librarians' Attitudes Toward Recreational Reading. A Content Analysis of the Periodical Literature, 1945-1975,” (Master’s Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2006, 52 pp.
Sirat, Colette. Writing as Handwork: A History of Handwriting in Mediterranean and Western Culture (Turnhout: Brepols, 2006) 575 pp. $100.00 ISBN 2-503-52116-9.
Stillson, Richard T. Spreading the Word: A History of Information in the California Gold Rush (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2006) 274 pp. $55.00 ISBN 0-8032-4325-1.
Wilner, Isaiah. The Man Time Forgot: A Tale of Genius, Betrayal, and the Creation of Time Magazine 342 pp. $26.95 ISBN 0-06-050549-4.
Wolf, Edwin, 2nd and Kevin J. Hayes. The Library of Benjamin Franklin (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, Library Company of Philadelphia, 2006) 966 pp. ISBN 978-0-87169-257-3. [Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society; v. 257]
Andersen, Jack and Laura Skouvig. “Knowledge Organization: A Sociohistorical Analysis and Critique,” Library Quarterly 76 (July 2006): 300-322.
Budd, John M. “Toward a Practical and Normative Ethics for Librarianship,” Library Quarterly 76 (July 2006): 251-69,
Buschman, John. “The Integrity and Obstinacy of Intellectual Creations: Jürgen Habermas and Librarianship’s Theoretical Literature,” Library Quarterly 76 (July 2006): 270-99.
D’Angelo, Ed. Barbarians at the Gates of the Public Library: How Postmodern Consumer Capitalism Threatens Democracy, Civil Education and the Public Good (Duluth, MN: Library Juice Press, 2006) 139 pp. $18.00 ISBN 0-9778617-1-6.
Ewing, Heather. The Lost World of John Smithson: Science, Revolution, and the Birth of the Smithsonian (New York: Bloomsbury, 2007) 244 pp. $30.00 ISBN 1-59691-029-4.
Fogerty, James E. “Oral History: Prospects and a Retrospective,” Advances in Librarianship v. 30 (2006): 179-99.
Gunn, Simon. History and Cultural Theory (Harlow: Longman, 2006) 235 pp. $32.00 ISBN 0-5827-8408-5.
Jablonski, Judith Anne. “Conceptualizing the Field of Library and Information Studies: The Perspective of LIS Faculty and LIS Practitioners in the United States,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison), 2006, 397 pp. [Advisor: Edwin-Michael Cortez]
Marius, Richard and Melvin E. Page. A Short Guide to Writing about History 6th ed. (New York: Pearson Longman, 2006) 242 pp. $30.00 ISBN 0-321-43536-2.
Mitchell, Christine R. “Protestant Theological Libraries: Past, Present and Future,” (Unpublished Masters’ Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2005, 36 pp.
Miwa, Makiko. “Trends and Issues in LIS Education in Asia,” Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 47 (Summer 2006): 167-180.
Preer, Jean L. “Louder Please: Using Historical Research to Foster Professional Identity in LIS Students,” Libraries & the Cultural Record 41 (Fall 2006): 487-96.
Silverman, Randy. “Toward a National Disaster Response Protocol,” Libraries & the Cultural Record 41 (Fall 2006): 497-511.
Zins, Chaim. “Conceptions of Information Science,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (February 1, 2007): 335-350.
Entries for future bibliographies should be sent to Ed Goedeken at: