Bibliography of Writings on the History of Libraries, Librarianship, and Book Culture

library history round table

Fall 2008

Compiled by
Ed Goedeken, Coordinator of Collections, Iowa State University.

Originally appeared in the Fall 2008 issue of the LHRT Newsletter. Entries are grouped by geographical area. As always, the author is grateful if ommissions or errors are brought to his attention.



Allen, Thea S. “Transformation of the Cataloging Profession over the Past Thirty Years,” (Master’s Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2007, 49 pp.

Anderson, Heather. “History of the Winterville Library,” North Carolina Libraries Online 65 (Spring/Summer 2007): 6-11. [available at:]

Berlet, Chip. “The Write Stuff: U.S. Serial Print Culture from Conservatives out to Neo-Nazis,” Library Trends 56 (Winter 2008): 570-600.

Burkett, Randall K. “The Joy of Finding Periodicals Not in Danky,” Library Trends 56 (Winter 2008): 601-617.

Dilevko, Juris. “An Alternative Vision of Librarianship: James Danky and the Sociocultural Politics of Collection Development,” Library Trends 56 (Winter 2008): 678-704.

Gatch, Milton McCormick. The Library of Leander van Ess and the Earliest American Collections of Reformation Pamphlets (New York: Bibliographical Society of America, 2007) 201 pp. $50.00 ISBN 978-0-914930-18-1.

Haslam, Gerald W. Lawrence Clark Powell : California classic, a Speech Given at the Library Associates Dinner for the Powell Society, UCLA Library, September 21, 2006 in the Powell Library Rotunda (Sebastopol, CA: Patrick Reagh, 2008) 21 pp.

Hogenboom, Karen. “Lessons Learned about Access to Government Information after World War II Can Be Applied after September 11,” Government Information Quarterly 25 (January 2008): 90-103.

Joachim, Martin D. “Books and Other Reading Materials in Early Monroe County, Indiana,” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v. 44, nos. 1/2 (2007): 55-93.

Koontz, Christie M. “A History of Location of U.S. Public Libraries Within Community Place and Space: Evolving Implications for the Library's Mission of Equitable Service,” Public Library Quarterly v. 26, no. 1/2 (2007): 75-100.

McDowell, Kathleen. “The Cultural Origins of Youth Services Librarianship, 1876-1900,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), 2007, 280 pp. [Advisor: Boyd Rayward]

Pollak, Oliver B. “Reading Little Blue Books and Libraries: A Guide to Self-Improvement,” Nebraska Library Association Quarterly 38 (Spring 2007): 9-15.

Ring, Daniel F. “Carnegie Libraries,” in Richard Sisson, Christian Zacher, and Andrew Cayton, eds. The American Midwest: An Interpretive Encyclopedia (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2007), pp. 659-660.

Smith, Ashley M. “American Libraries in Wartime: The Role of Propaganda,” (Master’s Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2007, 38 pp. [Advisor: Jerry Saye]

Smith, Elizabeth H. “Retrospection: The First Hundred Years of North Carolina’s Libraries: 1861-1875,” North Carolina Libraries Online 65 (Fall/Winter 2007): 58-61. []

Smith, Kent A. “Laws, leaders, and legends of the modern National Library of Medicine,” Journal of the Medical Library Association 96 (April 2008): 121-33.

Spencer, Brett. “Preparing for an Air Attack: Libraries and American Air Raid Defense during World War II,” Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 43, no. 2 (2008): 125-47.

Tilley, Carol L. “Of Nightingales and Supermen: How Youth Services Librarians Responded to Comics between the Years 1938 and 1955,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Indiana University), 2007, 297 pp. [Advisor: Debora Shaw]

Valentine, Patrick M. “Books in Tolerable Supply: College Libraries in North Carolina from 1795 to the Civil War,” North Carolina Libraries Online 65 (Fall/Winter 2007): 62-69. []


Harvey, Kathryn Nancy. “David Ross McCord (1844-1930): Imagining a Self, Imagining a Nation,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, McGill University, Canada), 2006, 340 pp. [McCord founded the McCord Museum of National History]

McNally, Peter F. “Western Canadiana at McGill University: The Formation of a Rare Book Collection,” Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 43, no. 2 (2008): 176-92.

Montoya Ríos, M., et al. “Un Reconocimiento de los Actores de la Biblioteca Pública en Antioquia,” Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología 30 (July/December 2007): 205-226.


Barker, Nicolas and David Quentin. The Library of Thomas Tresham and Thomas Brudenell (London: Roxburghe Club, 2007) 515 pp. $150.00 ISBN 978-0-85388-095-0.

Francis, J. P. E. “An Innovative Northern Ireland Library Service: The Antrim County Library and the North Eastern Education and Library Board, 1959-1995, with a Comparison of the Recent History of Library Services in the Area,” Library History 24 (March 2008): 78-92.

Ilie, Barbara J. “Libraries and Book Culture of the Byzantine Empire,” (Master’s Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2007, 26 pp.

Jerchower, Seth and Heidi G. Lerner. “ Johann Heinrich Hottinger and the Systematic Organization of Jewish Literature,” Judaica Librarianship v. 13 (2007):1-25.

Katuscak, Dusan. The Slovak National Library,” Alexandria v. 19, no. 2 (2007): 95-108.

Kirsop, Wallace, ed. The Commonwealth of Books: Essays and Studies in Honour of Ian Willison (Melbourne, Victoria: Centre for the Book, Monash University, 2007) 271 pp. $70.00 ISBN 978-0-7326-4002-6.

Rotaru, Florin. “Coup d'Oeil sur l'Histoire des Bibliotheques de Bucarest,” Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France v. 53, no. 1 (2008): 52-6.

Sked, Katrina M. L. and Peter H. Reid. “The People behind the Philanthropy: An Investigation into the Lives and Motivations of Library Philanthropists in Scotland between 1800 and 1914,” Library History 24 (March 2008): 48-63.


Althofer, J. “Lover of the Real Australia and Sane Art: William Bolton MBE and the Lionel Lindsay Art Gallery,” Australian Library Journal 56 (November 2007): 233-50.

Barker, Donald. “Reformers and Reform: Towards Free Public Libraries in Victoria,” Australian Library Journal 56 (November 2007): 373-91.

Berzins, Baiba. “The Mitchell Library Reading Room: A Personal Memoir about the 1960s to 1980s,” Australian Library Journal 56 (November 2007): 312-21.

Civallero, Edgardo. “Bibliotecas Indígenas en Australia y Nueva Zelanda: Una Revisión Bibliográfica,” Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología 30 (July/December 2007): 231-50.

Dick, Archie L. “Blood from Stones: Censorship and the Reading Practices of South African Political Prisoners, 1960-1990,” Library History 24 (March 2008): 1-22.

Dick, Archie L. “Ethnic Identity and Library Development in Apartheid South Africa: The Cape Library Association, 1960-1975,” Libri 58 (March 2008): 1-14.

El-Abbadi, Mostafa and Omnia Mounir Fathallah, eds. What Happened to the Ancient Library of Alexandria? (Leiden: Brill, 2008) 259 pp. $130.00 ISBN 978-0-04-1654-58.

Fenerci, Tülay. “The Origins of Legal Deposit in Turkey,” Library History 24 (March 2008): 23-36.

Gul, Sumeer and Samina Khan. “Growth and Development of Oriental Libraries in India,” Library Philosophy and Practice (2008): 1-5.

Haider, Syed Jalaluddin. “First Conference of Pakistan Library Association (PLA) an Event of Great Significance,” Pakistan Library & Information Science Journal 39 (March 2008): 2-10.

Hansson, Joacim and Jane Kawalya. “Institutional Change in the Ugandan Library Sector: The Establishment of the National Library of Uganda,” Information Development 23 (November 2007): 278-89.

Icimzoy, A Oguz and Ismail E. Erunsal. “The Legacy of the Ottoman Library in the Libraries of the Turkish Republic,” Libri 58 (March 2008): 47-57.

Jones, David J., ed. “Unfinished Business: Papers from the Forum on Australian Library History Held at the State Library of NSW, Sydney, 27-29 September 2007,” Australian Library Journal 56 (November 2007): 217-461.

Kumar, Sunil. “A Journey of Rural Library Movement in India: Retrospect and Prospects,” Herald of Library Science 45 (January/April 2006): 17-27.

Liao, Jing. “The New Culture Movement and the Breakthrough in Chinese Academic Library Reform,” Library History 24 (March 2008): 37-47.

Luyt, Brendan. “Centres of Calculation and Unruly Colonists: The Colonial Library in Singapore and its Users, 1874-1900,” Journal of Documentation v. 64, no. 3 (2008): 386-96.

Marshall, T. “The Choosing of a Proper Hobby: Sir William Crowther and His Library,” Australian Library Journal 56 (November 2007): 405-417.

Morrison, Ian. “A Most Valuable Acquisition: Melbourne University Library and the Bequest of George McArthur,” Australian Library Journal 56 (November 2007): 265-81.

Reynold, Sue. “A Nineteenth Century Library and its Librarian: Factotum, Bookman or Professional?” Australian Library Journal 56 (November 2007): 282-301.

Stephens, Matthew. “A Scientific Library of Some Value: An Early History of the Australian Museum Library,” Australian Library Journal 56 (November 2007): 302-311.

Tiffen, Belinda. “Recording the Nation: Nationalism and the History of the National Library of Australia,” Australian Library Journal 56 (November 2007): 342-59.

Yu, Priscilla C. “History of Modern Librarianship in East Asia,” Library History 24 (March 2008): 64-77.

Zhang, Wenxian. “The Yellow Register Archives of Imperial Ming China,” Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 43, no. 2 (2008): 148-75.


Boudreau, Joan. “Publishing the U.S. Exploring Expedition: The Fruits of the Glorious Enterprise,” Printing History new series no. 3 (January 2008): 25-40.

Claes, Jane H. “May Massee: Pioneer in Children’s Publishing,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas Woman’s University), 2007, 173 pp.

Dodge, Chris. “Collecting the Wretched Refuse: Lifting a Lamp to Zines, Military Newspapers, and Wisconsinalia,” Library Trends 56 (Winter 2008): 667-77.

Eliot, Simon, Andrew Nash and Ian Willison, eds. Literary Cultures and the Material Book (London: British Library, 2007) 444 pp. $80.00 ISBN 978-0-7123-0684-3.

Fishburn, Matthew. Burning Books (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008) 219 pp. $34.95 ISBN 978-0-230-55328-6.

Haywood, Mary L. “The Antebellum Library of John Richard Edmunds,” (Master’s Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2006, 39 pp.

Hedstrom, Matthrew Sigurd. “Seeking a Spiritual Center: Mass-Market Books and Liberal Religion in America, 1921-1948, (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Texas at Austin), 2006, 435 pp.

Littlefield, Daniel E., Jr. and James W. Parins. “Native American Press in Wisconsin and the Nation, 1982 to the Present,” Library Trends 56 (Winter 2008): 618-34.

Mohrfeld, Lynne A. “A History of English Arts & Crafts Bookbinding, 1880-1930,” (Master’s Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2007, 46 pp.

Pattee, Amy. “Considering Popular Fiction and Library Practices of Recommendation: The Literary Status of The Clique and its Historical Progenitors,” Library Quarterly 78 (January 2008): 71-98.

Pawley, Christine. “Success on a Shoestring: A Center for a Diverse Print Culture History in Modern America,” Library Trends 56 (Winter 2008): 705-719.

Rukavina, Alison Jane. “Circulating Commodities: The Role of George Robertson, Edward Petherick, George P. Brett, and other Publishers and Distributors in the Late Nineteenth-Century Expansion of the International Book Trade,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Alberta, Canada), 2007, 268 pp.

Stark, Ulrike. An Empire of Books: The Naval Kishore Press and the Diffusion of the Printed Word in Colonial India (Ranikhet: Permanet Black, India, 2008) 586 pp. $50.00 ISBN 978-81-7824-196-8.

Wadsworth, Sarah. In the Company of Books: Literature and its Classes in Nineteenth-Century America (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2006) 278 pp. $25.00 ISBN 1-55849-541-X.

Wiegand, Wayne A. and Christine Pawley, eds. “Alternative Print Culture: Social History and Libraries,” Library Trends 56 (Winter 2008): entire issue.

Wranovix, Matthew P. “Parish Priests and Their Books: Reading, Writing, and Keeping Accounts in the Late Medieval Diocese of Eichstätt,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Texas at Austin), 2007, 273 pp.


Boyer, Chelcy E. “The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum as a Model of its Kind,” (Master’s Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2006, 43 pp. [Advisor: David Carr]

Burrow, John. A History of Histories: Epics, Chronicles, Romances and Inquiries from Herodotus and Thucydides to the Twentieth Century (New York: Knopf, 2008) 544 pp. $35.00 ISBN 978-0-375-4131-1-7.

Cain, Victoria Elizabeth Moffit. “Nature under Glass: Popular Science, Professional Illusion and the Transformation of American Natural History Museums, 1870-1940,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Columbia University), 2007, 418 pp.

Dalton, Margaret Stieg. “The Publishing Experiences of Historians,” Journal of Scholarly Publishing 39 (April 2008): 197-240.

“Destination Library,” Volume, no. 15, Archis, no. 1 (2008): entire issue. [Collection of essays devoted to history and architecture of public libraries]

Harzig, Christiane and Dirk Hoerder. “Internationalizing Working-Class History since the 1970s: Challenges from Historiography, Archives, and the Web,” Library Trends 56 (Winter 2008): 635-49.

Hérubel, Jean-Pierre V.M. “Acknowledging Clio's Lesser Children: The Importance of Journals for Historical Research and Scholarship,” Journal of Scholarly Publishing 39 (April 2008): 241-56.

Hérubel, Jean-Pierre V.M. “Historical Scholarship, Periodization, Themes, and Specialization: Implications for Research and Publication,” Journal of Scholarly Publishing 39 (January 2008): 144-55.

Labaree, Robert V. and Ross Scimeca. “The Philosophical Problem of Truth in Librarianship,” Library Quarterly 78 (January 2008): 43–70.

Lauinger, Jacob. “Archival Practices at Old Babylonian/Middle Bronze Age Alalakh (Level VII)” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Chicago), 2007, 363 pp.

Lévesque, Stéphane. Thinking Historically: Educating Students for the Twenty-First Century (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008) 221 pp. $55.00 ISBN 978-0-8020-9259-5.

Manguel, Alberto. The Library at Night (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008) 373 pp. $27.50 ISBN 978-0-300-13914-3.

Sachs, Honor R. “Reconstructing a Life: The Archival Challenges of Women's History,” Library Trends 56 (Winter 2008): 650-66.

Sweeney, Shelley. “The Ambiguous Origins of the Archival Principle of Provenance,” Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 43, no. 2 (2008): 193-213.

Walker, William S. “A Living Exhibition: The Smithsonian, Folklife, and the Making of the Modern Museum,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Brandeis University), 2007, 315 pp.

Wood, Gordon S. The Purpose of the Past: Reflections on the Uses of History (New York: Penguin Press, 2008) 323 pp. $26.00 ISBN 978-1-59420-154-7.

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