Library History Round Table Newsletter

New Series Vol. 9 No. 4 Spring 2010

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  • Executive Committee Meeting
  • Message from the Chair
  • Programs at ALA Annual Conference (Washington, DC)
  • Co-sponsored programs at ALA Annual Conference (Washington, DC)
  • New Executive Board members
  • Changes to LHRT bylaws
  • Library History Seminar XII
  • Other Conferences
  • News and Notes about Libraries & the Cultural Record
  • Call for Articles
  • New Reading History Database at Harvard
  • Bibliography of Writings on the History of Libraries, Librarianship, and Book Culture
  • Editors
  • Find LHRT online at

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    LHRT Executive Committee Meeting at ALA in DC is open to all interested members. It will be held on Sunday, June 27, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m., Washington Conference Center 156.

    Message from the Chair

    It’s official: spring has sprung!

    Lilacs and tulips are flowering all over Pennsylvania, and I just planted lettuce, peas, and strawberries. I am definitely looking forward to picking my fruits and veggies this summer. Like crops that yield later in the season, we must wait for LHRT’s efforts to blossom. But it’s always worth it. Throughout the year, LHRT members have been organizing programs, jurying publications, improving the organization’s financial status, and reaching out to current and prospective members. All these activities will come to fruition this June, at ALA’s annual meeting.

    If you are traveling to Washington, you can spend an entire day (and then some!) enjoying LHRT’s educational programs. One highlight is our Research Forum. This year, the forum focuses on "Politics, Libraries, and Culture," and it will include new research on ethnic heritage preservation in Canada, Julien Cain and UNESCO, the history of civil service in public libraries, and censorship during World War I. Also, you don’t want to miss the Holley Lecture, where Dr. Ronald and Mrs. Mary Zboray will discuss reading culture during the American Civil War.

    As Chair, one of my goals has been to collaborate with other ALA units. Another priority has been reaching out to graduate students and practitioners. I am pleased that LHRT has joined forces with ALTAFF and PLA in organizing the Invited Speakers program, "Documenting and Celebrating Your Library’s History." This event will provide step-by-step instructions, helpful advice, and ready-to-use resources, empowering library staff and advocates to preserve and promote the history of their own institutions. LHRT is also co-sponsoring two other events: a presentation on the National Women's History Museum Project, offered by the Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship, and a panel discussion on libraries and social change, offered by the Anthropology and Sociology Section of ACRL. We are also providing more opportunities for graduate students and new professionals to get involved with library history studies. For instance, we are now able to provide two $350 travel grants for Library History Seminar at the University of Wisconsin in September.

    Since this is my last month as LHRT Chair, I want to thank all members who have aided these efforts. As I said six months ago, people make up this round table, and by working together we can make LHRT even better.

    Hope to see you in Washington,

    lhrt chair 2010

    Bernadette A. Lear
    LHRT Chair, 2009-2010
    Penn State Harrisburg


    LHRT Invited Speakers Program, ALA Conference 2010; Sunday, June 27, 1:00 to 3:30 p.m.; Washington Conference Center 203 A/B

    "Documenting and Celebrating Your Library's History: Tips from the Experts"

    Do you need practical advice on organizing and preserving your library’s records? Are you thinking about developing an oral history project, or publishing a book about your library’s history? If so, join LHRT, ALTAFF, and PLA on Sunday, June 27 th, at 1:30 p.m., for " Documenting and Celebrating Your Library’s History: Tips from the Experts." Departing from the research emphasis of past years, this year's Invited Speakers program aims to help practitioners and library advocates to document, preserve, and promote the unique histories of their own institutions. The program will provide step-by-step instructions, helpful advice, and ready-to-use resources. Speakers include:

  • Jeanne Drewes, Chief of Binding and Collections Care Department, Library of Congress, and Karen Motylewsi, Special Project Liaison to Library of Congress Preservation Directorate, describing how to assemble and organize a library archive, how to plan for achievable preservation, and how to use National Preservation Week to promote library history.
  • Tanya Finchum, Associate Professor, Oral History Library, University of Oklahoma-Stillwater, providing advice on how to develop an oral history project, including how to create questions, how to recruit interviewees, and what to consider when planning logistics for interviewing.
  • Betty Chapman, Greg Simpson, and Rhea Brown Lawson, Houston Public Library, describing their experiences publishing a book on their library's history, mounting exhibits, and achieving "landmark" status for their building.
  • LHRT Research Forum, ALA Conference 2010; Sunday, June 27, 4:000 to 5:30 p.m.; Washington Conference Center 146B

    "Politics, Libraries and Culture: Historical Perspectives"

    The Research Forum for 2010 includes four juried research papers. Due to the many excellent submissions we received, the selection committee decided to include four papers and forego a respondent in order to allow time for audience questions. The Research Forum will take place on Sunday, June 27 from 4:00-5:30 p.m. The topic of the session is "Politics, Libraries and Culture: Historical Perspectives." Politics can mean many things. Although we most often associate it with the administration of governments (international, national, state, local), it also reflects issues of power, status, and authority. Libraries of all kinds and the librarians who work in them are influenced by and, in turn, have an influence on politics in its many forms.

    Each of the four papers selected show how libraries and librarians have been affected by the political in various places and points of time. They explore issues such as the effect of politics on the promotion of multiculturalism and cultural preservation, librarians and the exercise of power over material selection during times of political upheaval, the subtle negotiations of international librarianship, and an attempt to subvert "dirty politics" in the appointment of library positions by using a civil service model.

  • "The Politics of Ethnic Heritage Preservation in Canada: the Case of the Multicultural History Society of Ontario." Dominique Daniel, Oakland University
  • "Julien Cain and the Politics of Library Leadership: from the Popular Front to UNESCO ." Miriam Intrator, City University of New York
  • "Insulating the Library from Politics: Civil Service in the Early Twentieth Century." Eric Novotny, Pennsylvania State University
  • "'Pro-German' vs. Patriot: Selection and Censorship in Iowa Libraries during World War I." Julia Skinner, University of Iowa
  • Please join us for the LHRT Research Forum for this fascinating session.

    Melanie Kimball
    LHRT Vice-Chair/Research Committee Chair
    Simmons College

    Edward G. Holley Lecture, ALA Conference 2010; Monday, June 28, 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon; Grand Hyatt Washington- Constitution B

    "The Bullet in the Book: Reading Cultures During the Civil War."

    For the endowed Holley Lecture, LHRT traditionally invites a distinguished scholar from a related (non-LIS) discipline. For 2010, we are delighted to have Dr. Ronald J. Zboray, Professor of Communication, and Mrs. Mary Zboray, of the University of Pittsburgh, who will lecture on "The Bullet in the Book: Reading Cultures During the Civil War."

    As Dr. and Mrs. Zboray describe in their forthcoming book, the Civil War was a reading war. Literate Americans encountered it through newspapers and periodicals, and escaped it through fiction, poetry, histories, and religious works. Through a close reading of thousands of manuscript diaries and letters, the Zborays' work gives voice to the ordinary civilians on the homefront, combatants on the battlefield, and non-fighting army personnel in camps, North and South, who muddled through the crisis by clinging to reading materials as if their lives depended upon them.

    Like the small bibles soldiers carried in their breast pockets to ward off bullets, reading materials, the Zborays argue, figuratively, and sometimes literally, helped common people survive what was arguably the most crisis-ridden period in U.S. history. The Zborays will discuss reading practices, library usages, responses to literature, and the myriad personal meanings ascribed to books and newspapers. With an eye towards regional, gender, class, and ethnic differences, they will quote liberally the words of the many Civil War era diarists and correspondents they have encountered in archives across the country.

    LHRT Co-Sponsored Programs at ALA

    Library History and Women’s History – a Natural Partnership

    A movement is afoot to build a women’s history museum in Washington, D.C. If you’re attending ALA’s Annual conference, you can learn all about it. LHRT and the Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship are co-sponsoring a presentation on the National Women’s History Museum by its President/CEO, Joan Wages. In time, one hopes the museum will recognize pathbreaking librarians such as Mary Eileen Ahern, Henriette Avram, Margaret A. Edwards, Adelaide Hasse, Judith Krug, Charlemae Rollins, and Minnie Sears. Please come to this event on Sunday, June 27 th, at 1:30 p.m. and "talk up" women librarians! For more information about the museum, see its web site,

    Standing Up and Sitting In: Libraries and Social Change

    LHRT is pleased to promote "Standing Up and Sitting In: Libraries and Social Change," the conference program of the Anthropology and Sociology Section of ACRL. Activists, historians, librarians and other creative thinkers will discuss their research and involvement in promoting civic engagement and human rights, inviting conversation about how librarians can become engaged in social movements. Speakers include Cheryl Knott Malone, John Feffer, and Kathleen de la Pena Cook. The program begins on Sunday, June 27 th, at 8:00 a.m. For more information, see the ANSS web site,

    For a complete listing of LHRT events at the annual conference, see:

    Bernadette A. Lear
    LHRT Chair, 2009-2010

    LHRT Welcomes New Executive Board Members

    We are happy to announce that LHRT members have elected three talented individuals to the round table's Executive Board.

    - Starting immediately after ALA's annual meeting, Tom Glynn, History Librarian at Rutgers University, will become LHRT's Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect. In this role, he will organize the 2011 Research Forum and appoint awards committees.Following ALA's meeting in New Orleans, Tom will become LHRT Chair.

    - Joyce Latham, Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, School of Information Studies, will be our new Secretary-Treasurer-Elect. In her "elect" year, Joyce will coordinate LHRT's Membership and Outreach Committee. The following summer, she will assume the full recording and financial duties of Secretary-Treasurer.

    - Eric Novotny, History Librarian at Penn State's main campus, will be our new Member-at-Large. For the next two years, he will assist with various committees and projects of LHRT. Thank you to all candidates who volunteered to serve. We're looking forward to a productive year!

    Bernadette Lear
    LHRT Chair, 2009-2010
    Penn State Harrisburg

    Important Changes to LHRT’s By-Laws

    In ALA's recent election, LHRT members approved a variety of ballot measures that will change the activities of our round table and its officers.

    - Starting immediately, LHRT will have an official "webmaster," who shall be responsible for maintaining and developing LHRT's online presence.

    - Also approved was a measure which defines the number of years members shall serve on awards committees. In the future, new Awards Committee members will be appointed for the next terms in the year each award is given and terms will end when the next award is granted. Thus,

  • members of the Justin Winsor Committee will serve one-year terms;
  • members of the Dain Committee will serve two-year terms (beginning in odd-numbered years);
  • members of the Davis Committee will serve two-year terms (beginning in even-numbered years);
  • and members of the Gleason Committee will serve three-year terms (beginning every third year).
  • - Finally, LHRT's members approved measures to include the immediate Past-Chair on the round table's Nominating Committee and Membership and Outreach Committee, thus utilizing that officer's extensive experience.

    Each of these ballot measures passed with more than 95% of the vote. Thank you for supporting this initiative to clarify and streamline the officers' efforts!

    Bernadette Lear
    LHRT Chair, 2009-2010
    Penn State Harrisburg

    Library History Seminar XII

    "Libraries in the History of Print Culture"

    University of Wisconsin- Madison
    September 10-12, 2010

    The Library History Seminar is a multi-day, academic conference focused on the history of libraries and librarianship. The Library History Round Table and a hosting institution offer it only once every five years. The Center for Print Culture in Modern America of the University of Wisconsin-Madison will host LHS XII.

    Keynote speakers will be Professor Janice A. Radway and Professor Wayne S. Wiegand.

    Dr. Radway, of Northwestern University, is author of "Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature," and "A Feeling for Books: The Book-of-the-Month Club, Literary Taste, and Middle-Class Desire."

    Dr. Wiegand, of Florida State University, is author of many books on library and print culture history, including "Books on Trial: Red Scare in the Heartland" (with Shirley A. Wiegand) and "Irrepressible Reformer: A Biography of Melvil Dewey." There will also be numerous scholarly papers, a delight for library history scholars and "buffs" of all backgrounds!

    Please join LHRT at this conference! For registration and other information, see the Center for the History of Print Culture's web site.

    Travel Grants Available for Library History Seminar

    LHRT is providing free registration and travel reimbursement grants of up to $350 each, for two graduate students or new professionals to attend Library History Seminar XII (LHS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, September 10-12 th, 2010. This conference, which takes place only once every five years, is a unique opportunity to learn about the history of libraries and meet leading scholars in this fascinating area of study. Any student or new professional (less than 3 years’ experience) interested in a grant must submit the application form, graduate and undergraduate transcripts, and at least one letter of recommendation. All application materials are due no later than June 1, 2010. For the application and more details, see LHRT’s "awards" page,, or contact LHRT Chair Bernadette Lear,

    Bernadette Lear
    LHRT Chair, 2009-2010
    Penn State Harrisburg

    LHRT Book Auction at the Library History Seminar

    The Library History Seminar auction is shaping up to be historic, in both quality and quantity. Contributions thus far include a wide array of material, both older and newer, from Louise Robbins; boxes of material from Wayne Wiegand; and donations from prominent librariana collectors solicited by Larry Nix of the libraryhistorybuff blog. Bob Martin has contributed a rare edition of the 1876 Library Survey from the collection of Haynes McMullen, bearing his signature. And there is more to come. The auction will be held in conjunction with the conference reception in the Commons of the School of Library and Information Studies on Friday, September 10, from 7-9 p.m.

    Contributions to the auction may be sent to Louise Robbins, 4217 Helen C. White Hall, 600 North Park Street, Madison, WI 53706. According to IRS rules, LHRT cannot place specific monetary values on donations received. What we can do is tell you the number of things you contribute, or sign a receipt which you can attach to a list on which the donor has designated the fair market value of the objects donated. If you have an item which you believe to be rare or of some value, it is best to keep your documentation of how you arrived at the value.

    Proceeds from the auction will help to support LHRT activities.

    Louise Robbins
    University of Wisconsin- Madison

    Other Upcoming Conferences

    Society for the History of Authorship, Reading & Publishing (SHARP)

    "Book Culture from Below"
    Helinski, Sweden
    August 17-20, 2010

    For more information and the full conference program, see:

    International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA)- Library History Special Interest Group

    Gothenburg, Sweden
    August 14, 2010
    11:45 a.m. – 1:45 p.m.

    "Library Spirit in the Nordic and Baltic Countries"

    "From Volunteers to Professionals: The Origin and Development of Public Librarianship in Sweden During the Twentieth Century," Magnus Torstensson (Swedish School of Library and Information Science University of Borås, Borås, Sweden)

    "Scientific Changes," Tomas Lidman (National Archives, Stockholm, Sweden)

    "Library Countries," Ilkka Maekinen (Department of Information Studies and Interactive Media, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland)

    "Kosovo," Sali Bashota (National and University Library of Kosova, Pristina, Kosovo) and Besim Kokallari (National and University Library of Kosova, Pristina, Kosovo)

    Joint Annual Meeting of CoSA (Council of State Archivists), NAGARA (National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators), and SAA (Society of American Archivists)

    Washington, D.C.
    August 10-15, 2010

    The Archival History Round Table will meet on Aug 11, 2010 (3:15 PM - 5:15 PM). Their agenda: "In this kickoff meeting for the year-long celebration of SAA’s 75th, AHRT reviews the plans developed by the Anniversary Task Force, including activities to be undertaken by the AHRT. Then join us for a panel discussion of archival history literature, current research." Round Table meetings are open to both SAA members and nonmembers.

    For complete conference information, see:

    News & Notes about Libraries & the Cultural Record

    Depression Issue

    Libraries and the Depression is the subject of a special issue that will be published as 46.3, due out in late summer 2011. The topic of the issue arose from discussion on the LHRT listserv and is coming together under the issue editorship of Jim Carmichael.

    Fields of the Information Domain Symposium

    "The Fields of the Information Domain: A Symposium Exploring Their Historical Relationships and Research Opportunities" was the topic of this year’s colloquium accompanying the annual meeting of the Board of Advisory Editors of Libraries & the Cultural Record. The symposium, of which this is the third annual, grew out of that portion of the board meeting given to discussing the directions being taken in historical study. Research opportunities identified during the symposia are posted on the L&CR website to encourage meaningful and timely study.

    Attendees at this year’s two-day event on April 23-24 heard the following speakers and presentations:

  • Barbara Craig, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, "The Past May Be the Prologue: History’s Place in the Future of the Information Professions";
  • William Aspray, School of Information, University of Texas at Austin, "The History of Information Science: Its History, and Its Relations to Other Information Domains";
  • Francis Miksa, School of Information, University of Texas at Austin, Emeritus, "Library Aspirations";
  • Michele Cloonan, Dean, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons University, "The Boundaries of Preservation and Conservation Research."
  • The papers will be published as a special section of Libraries & the Cultural Record, 46.2, which will appear in late spring, 2011.

    Increase in Number of Articles and Essays in Each Issue

    The Board of Advisory Editors of Libraries & the Cultural Record voted at its annual meeting on April 23, 2010, to pursue increasing the number of print pages devoted to research and essays by publishing book reviews on the journal website. In addition to allowing the journal to publish additional articles and essays, the change would offer readers more new research and thought in each issue.

    The Board of Advisory Editors of Libraries & the Cultural Record voted at its annual meeting on April 23, 2010, to pursue increasing the number of print pages devoted to research and essays by publishing book reviews on the journal website. In addition to allowing the journal to publish additional articles and essays, the change would offer readers more new research and thought in each issue.

    For more information on the journal, including submitting an article, see:

    David B. Gracy II
    Editor, Libraries & the Cultural Record
    University of Texas at Austin

    Call for Articles

    Library and Information History

    Submissions of papers are invited to the international, peer-reviewed journal, Library & Information History, on any aspect of library or information history, broadly conceived, from any period or geographical region.

    Topics may include those below, but are welcome on any aspect of library or information history:

  • histories of writing, the book or the communication of knowledge
  • the cultural impact of knowledge
  • the role of libraries/knowledge in times of conflict
  • military or government libraries/collections of knowledge
  • histories of the information age
  • changing historiography of knowledge
  • histories of censorship
  • knowledge in popular culture
  • Submissions should be analytical, 7,000-8,000 words in length and conform to the MHRA style of referencing. Please send as a word attachment to the editor, Dr Toni Weller, at

    Toni Weller
    De Montfort University, Leicester, UK

    New Reading History Database at Harvard

    The Reading: Harvard Views of Reading, Readership and Reading History database ( is the latest edition to the University’s Open Collections Program. Although the Open Collections Program is geared primarily to students and teachers, the Reading database would serve as a valuable tool for librarians, both as a reference guide for their patrons and for their own research interests.

    For the patron, the site is easy to navigate and the material is divided into four well-organized categories : Learning to Read, Reading Collectively, Reading on One’s Own, and Collection Highlights. These categories are then divided into two to three sub-categories. For example, Reading on One’s Own contains two separate sub-categories on commonplace books and marginalia. Librarians could recommend this section to their student patrons, introducing them to the unique insights that commonplace books and marginalia provide on historical subjects. The Using Libraries section in the Reading Collectively category would be of particular interest to librarians and historians of libraries. Using Libraries includes information on the various types of libraries, library history, and a collection of professional literature. Browsing through this section is both fun and informative, particularly when searching through ALA publications of the past. Here we find that the librarian of 1911 was keeping up-to-date with the latest edition of the ALA Manual of Library Economy.

    These publications connect the modern librarian with the history of their profession as well as serve as a source for research and publication. If you are searching for a useful and informative database for both yourself and your patrons, I recommend that you check out Reading: Harvard Views of Reading, Readership and Reading History.

    Laryssa Duncan
    Princeton University

    Bibliography of Writings on the History of Libraries, Librarianship, and Book Culture - Spring 2010


    Aiken, Jane. "Histories of the Library of Congress," Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 45, no. 1 (2010): 5-24.

    Alteri, Suzan A. "From Laboratory to Library: The History of Wayne State University's Education Library," Education Libraries 32 (Summer 2009): 12-16.

    Alexander, Sue and Kathy Field. "History of the Libraries at Middle Tennessee State," Tennessee Libraries (Online) v. 58, no. 4 (2008). Available at:

    Bales, Stephen E. "Tracing the Archetypal Academic Librarian," Library Philosophy and Practice (2009): 1-8. [available at:]

    Beall, Julianne and Joan S. Mitchell. "History of the Representation of the DDC in the MARC Classification Format," Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v. 48, no. 1 (2010): 48-63.

    Bond, William H. " From the Great Desire of Promoting Learning: Thomas Hollis’s Gifts to the Harvard College Library," Harvard Library Bulletin 19 (Spring-Summer 2008): entire issue.

    Bonous-Smit, Barbara. "The American Numismatic Society Library and Numismatic Scholarship," Library & Information History 25 (September 2009): 147-70.

    Carpenter, Kenneth E., "America’s Most Influential Library?" in Richard Wendorf, ed., The Boston Athenaeum: Bicentennial Essays (Boston: Athenaeum, 2009), pp. 33-68.

    "Chronology and Bibliography of John Y. Cole," Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 45, no. 1 (2010): 133-61.

    Fisher, Steve P. "Research Library Collaboration in Colorado: The Birth and Early Evolution of CARL, the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries," Collaborative Librarianship v. 1, no. 3 (2009): 91-98.

    Fredericksen, Linda. "A Century of Cooperation: The Pacific Northwest Library Association, 1909-2009," PNLA Quarterly 73 (Summer 2009): 5-35.

    Goedeken, Edward A. "The Literature of American Library History, 2006-2007," Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 44, no. 4 (2009): 434-70.

    Gunselman, Cheryl. "The 1905 ALA Conference in Portland: 'A Triumph of Audacity,'" Oregon Library Association Quarterly 15 (Fall 2009): 2-7. [available at:] (part of a special issue celebrating the 150 year history of Oregon libraries)

    Gunselman, Cheryl. "'Wheedling, Wangling, and Walloping' for Progress: The Public Service Career of Cornelia Marvin Pierce, 1905-1943," Oregon Historical Quarterly 110 (Fall 2009): 362-389.

    Gwinn, Nancy E. "The Library of Congress, the Smithsonian Institution, and the Global Exchange of Government Documents, 1834-1889," Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 45, no. 1 (2010): 107-122.

    Hebard, Barbara Adams. "The Role of Women at the Boston Athenaeum," in Richard Wendorf, ed., The Boston Athenaeum: Bicentennial Essays (Boston: Athenaeum, 2009), pp. 69-97.

    Lear, Bernadette A. "Were Tom and Huck On-Shelf: Public Libraries, Mark Twain, and the Formation of Accessible Cannons, 1869-1910," Nineteenth-Century Literature 64(September 2009): 189-224.

    Lamolinara, Guy. "The National and International Roles of the Center for the Book," Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 45, no. 1 (2010): 37-55.

    LeComte, Richard. "Writers Blocked: The Debate over Public Lending Right in the United States during the 1980s," Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 44, no. 4 (2009): 395-417.

    Lord, Jill Marie. "Improving the Public: Cultural and Typological Change in Nineteenth-Century Libraries," (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, City University of New York), 2009, 215 pp. [History of Astor and Lenox libraries in New York City]

    Maack, Mary Niles. "Introduction: John Y. Cole: Librarian, Bookman, and Scholar," Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 45, no. 1 (2010): 1-4.

    Maack, Mary Niles, ed. "The Library of Congress and the Center for the Book: Historical Essays in Honor of John Y. Cole," Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 45, no. 1 (2010): entire issue.

    Mäkinen, Ilkka. "Defending the National Literature?: Cultural Historical Background of the Finnish System of Public Lending Right Compensation," Library & Information History 25 (September 2009): 190-204.

    McClintock, Thomas C. The Best Gift: The History of the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library Corvallis: Corvallis Benton County Public Library Foundation, 2008.

    Metzmeier, Kurt X. and Peter Scott Campbell. "Nursery of a Supreme Court Justice: The Library of James Harlan of Kentucky, Father of John Marshall Harlan," Law Library Journal 100 (Fall 2008): 639-74.

    Mulligan, Risa L. "The Closing of the Clark Atlanta University School of Library & Information Studies," (Master’s Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2006, 72 pp.

    Murley, Diane. "A Selective History of Technology in Law Libraries," Law Library Journal 101 (Summer 2009): 415-20.

    Needham, George and Richard Van Orden. "A Brief History of the OCLC Members Council," Journal of Library Administration v. 49, no. 6 (2009): 575-84.

    Nelson, Josephus. "Properly Arranged and Properly Recorded: The Library of Congress Archives," Libraries & the Cultural Record "The Growth and Development of the Federal Depository Library Program in Oregon," OLA Quarterly 4 (Summer 1998): 5-6, 23.

    Ostrowski, Carl. " The Choice of Books: Ainsworth Rand Spofford, the Ideology of Reading, and Literary Collections at the Library of Congress in the 1870s," Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 45, no. 1 (2010): 70-84.

    Preer, Jean. " Wake Up and Read!: Book Promotion and National Library Week, 1958," Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 45, no. 1 (2010): 92-106.

    Richardson, John V., Jr. "Harriet G. Eddy (1876-1966): California's First County Library Organizer and Her Influence on USSR Libraries," California State Library Foundation Bulletin no. 94 (2009): 2-13.

    Scheppke, Jim. "Public Library Buildings in Oregon: A Historical Sketch," Oregon Library Association Quarterly 15 (Fall 2009): 8-11.

    Schlup, Leonard and Stephen H. Paschen, eds. Librarianship in the Gilded Age: An Anthology of Writings, 1868-1901 (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., Inc., 2009) 340 pp. $55.00 ISBN 978-0-7864-4191-4.

    Shevlin, Eleanor F. and Eric N. Lindquist. "The Center for the Book and the History of the Book," Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 45, no. 1 (2010): 56-69.

    Taylor, Deborah. "Teen Services at Baltimore’s Pratt Library: A Long History and Sustained Emphasis," Public Library Quarterly 28 (October/December 2009): 326-35.

    Tebbel, John and James M. Etheridge (editor). Knowledge is of Two Kinds: A Short History of the Gale Research Company and its Advancement of the Second Kind, 1954-1985 (Detroit, MI: Omnidata, Inc., 2008) 116 pp. $27.00 ISBN 978-0-97986-482-7.

    Vogel, Carissa J. "Rediscovering Dr. Arthur S. Beardsley: A Brief Introduction to His Life and Work," Legal Reference Services Quarterly 27 (2008): 347-75.

    Warnement, Mary. "Scruples and Restricted Access at the Boston Athenaeum," in Richard Wendorf, ed., The Boston Athenaeum: Bicentennial Essays (Boston: Athenaeum, 2009), pp. 273-301.

    Wendorf, Richard. "Athenaeum Origins," in Richard Wendorf, ed., The Boston Athenaeum: Bicentennial Essays (Boston: Athenaeum, 2009), pp. 3-32.

    Wendorf, Richard, ed. The Boston Athenaeum: Bicentennial Essays (Boston: Athenaeum, 2009) 397 pp. $40.00 ISBN 978-0-934552-76-9.

    Wiegand, Wayne A. and Sarah Wadsworth. "By Invitation Only: The American Library Association and the Woman's Library of the World's Columbia Exposition, Chicago, 1893," Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 35 (Spring 2010): 699-722.

    Williams, Robert V. "Hans Peter Luhn and Herbert M. Ohlman: Their Roles in the Origins of Keyword-in-Context/Permutation Automatic Indexing," Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 61 (April 2010): 835-49.

    Winship, Michael. "The Library of Congress in 1892: Ainsworth Spofford, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, and Uncle Tom’s Cabin," Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 45, no. 1 (2010): 85-91.

    Wisser, Katherine M. "The Organization of Knowledge and Bibliographic Classification in Nineteenth-Century America," (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2009, 319 pp.

    Wolff, Katherine. Culture Club: The Curious History of the Boston Athenaeum (Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 2009) 204 pp. $80.00 ISBN 978-1-55849-713-9.

    Yankaskas, Lynda K. "Borrowing Culture: Social Libraries and American Civic Life, 1734-1854," (Unpublished Ph. D. Dissertation, Brandeis University), 2009, 208 pp.


    Boivin, Daniel. "History and Activity of OCLC in Canada," Journal of Library Administration v. 49, no. 6 (2009): 599-602.

    Friskney, Janet Beverley. "On a Mission for Culture: The New Canadian Library and its Milieu, 1953-1978," (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Carleton University, Canada), 1999, 716 pp.

    Gunselman, Cheryl. "The 1905 ALA Conference in Portland: A Triumph of Audacity," OLA Quarterly 15 (Fall 2009): 2-7.


    Beckett, John V. "Libraries and the Victoria County History," Library & Information History 25 (December 2009): 217-26.

    Benoît, Gaëtan. Eugène Morel: Pioneer of Public Libraries in France (Duluth, MN: Litwin, 2008) 230 pp. $30.00 ISBN 978-0-977861-78-1.

    Bertrand, Anne-Marie. Inventing a Model Library ála Française," Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 44, no. 4 (2009): 471-79.

    Cairns, Audrey M. and Peter H. Reid. "The Historical Development of the Library of St. Mary’s College, Blairs, Aberdeen, 1829-1986," Library & Information History 25 (December 2009): 247-64.

    Coleman, Sterling Joseph. "Empire of the Mind: Subscription Libraries, Literacy & Acculturation in the Colonies of the British Empire," Florida State University, 2008, DA 3348483, Aug. 2009.

    Galeffi, Agnese. "Biographical and Cataloging Common Ground: " Library & Information History 25 (December 2009): 227-246.

    Gorny, Miroslaw: "From the Old-Fashioned Library to the Public Library: Changes in the Cultural Functions of Polish Academic Libraries," Advances in Library Administration and Organization v. 27 (2009): 109-22.

    Haigh, Maria. "Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Ideological and Historical Aspects of Library and Information Science Education in Independent Ukraine," Advances in Library Administration and Organization v. 27 (2009): 1-24.

    Ilie, Barbara J. "Libraries and Book Culture of the Byzantine Empire," (Master’s Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2007, 26 pp.

    Lees, Janet. "OCLC in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, 1998-2008," Journal of Library Administration v. 49, no. 6 (2009): 603-611.

    McCarthy, Muriel and Ann Simmons, eds. Marsh’s Library: A Mirror on the World: Law, Learning and Libraries, 1650-1750 (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2009) 312 pp. $70.00 ISBN 978-1-84682-152-3.

    Mandelbrote, Giles and Barry Taylor, eds. Libraries within the Library: The Origins of the British Library’s Printed Collections (London: The British Library, 2009) 448 pp. $85.00 ISBN 978-0-7123-5035-8.

    Poulain, Martine. Livres Pillés, Lectures Surveillées: Les Bibliothèques Françaises sous L’Occupation (Paris: Gallimard, 2008) 587 pp. $30.00 ISBN 978-2-07012-295-0.

    Rasmussen, Hans C. "Cultural Record Keepers: The Belfast Library and Society for Promoting Knowledge," Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 44, no. 4 (2009): 480-84.

    Sigmon, Rebecca A. "Reading like a nun: The composition of convent libraries in Renaissance Europe," (Master’s Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2005, 40 pp.

    Towsey, Mark. "First Steps in Associational Reading: Book Use and Socialability at the Wigtown [Scotland] Subscription Library, 1795-9," The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 103 (December 2009): 455-95.

    Walsh, Pat. The Curious Case of the Mayo Librarian (Cork, Ireland: Mercier Press, 2009) 223 pp. $35.00 ISBN 978-1-85635-615-2.


    Anameric, Hakan and Faith Rukanci. "Libraries in the Middle East during the Ottoman Empire (1517-1918)" Libri 59 (September 2009): 145-54.

    Bell, Fiona. "The Carnegie Corporation Decides on Racially-Segregated Libraries in South Africa in 1928: Negrophilist or Segregationist?" Library & Information History 25 (September 2009): 174-89.

    Han, Lim Peng. "The Beginning and Development of English Boys' and Girls' Schools and School Libraries in the Straits Settlements, 1786-1941," Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science 14 (April 2009): 57-81.

    Han, Lim Peng. "The Beginning and Development of the Raffles Library in Singapore, 1823-1941: A Nineteenth-Century and Early Twentieth-Century British Colonial Enclave," Library & Information History 25 (December 2009): 265-78.

    Hopkinson, Alan. "Library Automation in Developing Countries: The Last 25 Years," Information Development 25 (November 2009): 304-312.

    Luyt, Brendan. "Colonialism, Ethnicity, and Geopolitics in the Development of the Singapore National Library," Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 44, no. 4 (2009): 418-33.

    McDowell, Kathleen. "Toward a History of Children as Readers, 1890-1930," Book History v. 12 (2009): 240-65. [United States]

    Murphy, Sharon. "Imperial Reading?: The East India Company’s Lending Libraries for Soldiers, c. 1819–1834," Book History v. 12 (2009): 74-99.

    Reynolds, Sue. "Libraries, Librarians and Librarianship in the Colony of Victoria," Australian Academic & Research Libraries 40 (March 2009): 50-64.

    Ronnie, Mary. "Dunedin Public Library and the Freedom to Read," The New Zealand Library & Information Management Journal 51 (April 2009):121-32.

    Wang Yage and Hou Hanqing. "Wan Guoding (1897-1963), Indexing Pioneer," The Indexer 27 (September 2009): 102-6.


    Barker-Benfield, B. C. St. Augustine’s Abbey, Canterbury (London: British Library in Association with the British Academy, 2008) 3 vols. $225.00 ISBN 978-0-712349-87-1.

    Baron, Sabrina Alcorn, et al, eds. Agent of Change: Print Culture Studies after Elizabeth L. Eisenstein (Studies in Print Culture and the History of the Book) (Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 2007) 442 pp. $29.95 ISBN 978-1-55849-593-7.

    Belanger, Terry. "A View from the Bridge: Further Meditations by the Captain of the Iceberg," The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 103 (December 2009): 421-33.

    Chopra, Ruma. "Printer Hugh Gaine Crosses and Re-Crosses the Hudson," New York History 90 (Fall 2009): 271-85.

    Cleas, Jane H. "May Massee: Pioneer in Children’s Publishing," (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas Woman’s University), 2007, 130 pp.

    Cruz, Laura. The Paradox of Prosperity: The Leiden Booksellers’ Guild and the Distribution of Books in Early Modern Europe (New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2009) 275 pp. $55.00 ISBN 978-1-5845-6235-1.

    Darnton, Robert. The Case for Books: Past, Present, and Future (New York: Public Affairs, 2009) 218 pp. $24.00 ISBN 14.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"'>978-1-58648-826-0.

    Farren, Donald, and August A. Imholtz, Jr., eds. The Baltimore Bibliophiles at Fifty, 1954-2004. With Children’s Books in Bygone Baltimore: An Essay and a Catalogue by Linda F. Lapides (Baltimore, MD: The Baltimore Bibliophiles, 2009) 175 pp. $55.00 ISBN 978-1-58456-251-1.

    Fleck, Robert D. Books about Books: A History and Bibliography of Oak Knoll Press, 1978-2008 (New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2008) 238 pp. $25.00 ISBN 978-1-58456-248-1.

    Gabillliet, Jean-Paul. Of Comics and Men: A Cultural History of American Comic Books (Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2010) 390 pp. $55.00 ISBN 978-1-60473-267-2.

    Haberman, Robb K. "Periodical Publics: Magazines and Literary Networks in Post-Revolutionary America," (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Connecticut), 2009, 245 pp.

    Hijar, Katherine Noel. "Sexuality, Print, and Popular Visual Culture in the United States, 1830-1870," (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Johns Hopkins University), 2009, 571 pp.

    Knight, Jeffrey Todd. " Furnished for Action: Renaissance Books as Furniture," Book History v. 12 (2009): 37-73.

    Lyons, Martyn. A History of Reading and Writing: In the Western World (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010) 267 pp. $89.50 ISBN 978-0-230-00161-9.

    Murray, Stuart A. P. The Library: An Illustrated History (New York: Skyhorse Publishing; Chicago, IL: ALA Editions, 2009) 310 pp. $35.00 ISBN 978-0-8389-0991-1.

    Nancy, Jean-Luc. On the Commerce of Thinking: Of Books & Bookstores (New York: Fordham University Press, 2009) 59 pp. $16.00 ISBN 978-0-8232-303-6-5.

    Nord, David Paul, Joan Shelley Rubin and Michael Schudson, eds. The Enduring Book: Print Culture in Postwar America ( A History of the Book in America, Vol. 5) (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2009) 618 pp. $60.00 ISBN 978-0-8078-3285-1.

    Pearson, David. Books as History: The Importance of Books Beyond Their Texts (New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2008) 282 pp. $50.00 ISBN 978-1-58456-229-0.

    Print: The Publishing of History in Britain 1850-1950 (London: The British Library; Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009) 182 pp. $50.00 ISBN 978-1-4426-4057-3.

    Robinson, Andrew. Writing and Script: A Very Short Introduction (New York: Oxford University Press, 2009) 157 pp. $12.00 ISBN 978-0-19-956778-2.

    Root, Amy. "Designing the Borzoi: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Creates a Brand of Excellence, 1915-29," The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 103 (December 2009): 497-513.

    Silverman, Willa Z. The New Bibliopolis: French Book Collectors and the Culture of Print, 1880-1914 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008) 368 pp. $75.00 ISBN 978-0-8020-9211-3.

    Soll, Jacob. The Information Master: Jean-Baptiste Cobert’s Secret State Intelligence System (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2009) 277 pp. $65.00 ISBN 978-0-472-1169-04.

    Sommerville, Henry S. "Commerce and Culture in the Career of the Permanent Innovative Press: New Directions, Grove Press, and George Braziller, Inc." (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Rochester), 2009, 465 pp.

    Suarez, Michael F. and H.R. Woudhuysen, eds. The Oxford Companion to the Book (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010) 1,408 pp. $275 .00 ISBN 978-0-19-860653-6.

    Tenopir, Carol and Donald W. King. "The Growth of Journals Publishing," in Bill Cope and Angus Phillips, eds. The Future of the Academic Journal (Oxford: Chandos Publishing, 2009), pp. 105-23.

    Van Der Veen, Sytze. Brill: 325 Years of Scholarly Publishing (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2008) 180 pp. $30.00 ISBN 978-0-0417-032-2.

    Weller, T.D. "Information in Nineteenth Century England: Exploring Contemporary Socio-cultural Perceptions and Understandings," (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, City University, England), 2007.

    Winsbury, Rex. The Roman Book: Books, Publishing and Performance in Classical Rome (London: Duckworth, 2009) 236 pp. $33.00 ISBN 978-7156-3829-3.


    Baron, Dennis. A Better Pencil: Readers, Writers, and the Digital Revolution (New York: Oxford University Press, 2009) 259 pp. $25.00 ISBN 978-0-19-538844-2.

    Bonnici, Laurie J., Manimegalai M. Subramaniam, and Kathleen Burnett. "Everything Old is New Again: The Evolution of Library and Information Science Education from LIS to Field," Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 50 (Fall 2009): 263-74.

    Brown, Barbara Traxler. "Towards 100 Years of LIS Education and Research at UCD," Aslib Proceedings v. 61, no. 3 (2009): 282-301.

    Cline, Scott. " To the Limit of Our Integrity: Reflections on Archival Being," American Archivist 72 (Fall/Winter 2009): 331-43.

    Collins, Samuel Gerald. Library of Walls: The Library of Congress and the Contradictions of Information Society (Duluth, MN: Litwin Books, 2009) 201 pp. $32.00 ISBN 978-0-9802004-2-3.

    Davis, Donald G., Jr. "International Trends in Library History," Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 45, no. 1 (2010): 123-29.

    Dudley, Leonard. Information Revolutions in the History of the West (Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2008) 347 pp. $150.00 ISBN 978-1-84720-790-6.

    Furner, Jonathan. "Philosophy and Information Studies," Annual Review of Information Science and Technology v. 44 (2010): 161-200.

    Hauptman, Robert. Documentation: A History and Critique of Attributions, Commentary, Glosses, Marginalia, Notes, Bibliographies, Works-Cited Lists, and Citation Indexing and Analysis (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2008) 240 pp. $35.00 ISBN 978-0-7864-3333-9.

    Hopkinson, Alan. "Library Automation in Developing Countries: the last 25 years," Information Development 25 (November 2009): 304-12.

    King, Valery, Andrew Cherbas, and Linda V. Malone. "From Library School to Information Studies: Professional Education for Oregon Librarians Then and Now," Oregon Library Association Quarterly 15 (Fall 2009): 16-20.

    The Story of Libraries: From the Invention of Writing to the Computer Age 2 nd ed. (New York: Continuum, 2009) 249 pp. $27.95 ISBN 978-0-8264-2990-2.

    Panella, Nancy. "The Library Services to People with Special Needs Section of IFLA: An Historical Overview," IFLA Journal v. 35, no. 3 (2009): 258-71.

    Wilhite, Jeffrey M. A Chronology of Librarianship, 1960-2000 (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009) 278 pp. $75.00 ISBN 978-0-8108-5255-6.

    Ed Goedeken
    Parks Library, Iowa State University

    LHRT Newsletter Editors:

    James V. Carmichael, Jr.
    University of North Carolina at Greensboro

    Tom Glynn
    Rutgers University Libraries