Library History Round Table Newsletter

New Series Vol. 11 No. 3

Fall 2009

LHRT Executive Meeting at ALA Midwinter in Boston (open to all interested members) will be held on Sunday, January 25, at 8:30 a.m., place TBA- watch the LHRT web page:

Click for full .PDF version


Message From the Chair | Getting (and Staying!) Involved | Proposed Bylaws Changes, 2010 | 2010 Invited Speakers Program: Call for Presenters | Awards | Update on the ALA 2015 Strategic Plan | Minutes | Calendar | Fall 2008 Bibliography

Message From the Chair

Hi folks –

I can’t tell you how blessed I feel to have this opportunity to chat with you as LHRT Chair. When I joined ALA in 2004, I never imagined that I’d be chair of a national organization. I came to my first LHRT board meeting because I was staying in a hotel across the street and didn’t have much else to do. I thought, “hey, I like history--let’s see what LHRT’s all about.” It turned out that Christine Pawley and other members of the Executive Committee were very welcoming. By the end of the meeting they appointed me to a committee. Ever since, I’ve always found ways to get involved with LHRT.

LHRT’s strength has long been its promotion of historical scholarship, and we continue to organize fascinating conference programs. In 2010, there will be three opportunities for all kinds of scholars, experienced and new. The Research Forum in Washington, D.C. will focus on libraries and politics, and we welcome scholars, practitioners, students, and advocates to send in a proposal. In addition, I have decided to open up LHRT’s “Invited Speakers” program. Traditionally, the speakers have been selected by the chair, and the program has highlighted the research efforts of well-known scholars. But this year, there is a “call-for-presenters,” and the program will be geared toward people who are new to library history research. For experienced scholars, the “call” represents a chance to educate others about the importance and methods of historical research. For attendees, it will be an opportunity to take one’s research agenda or professional concerns in a new direction. Finally, LHRT is sponsoring the quinquennial Library History Seminar in September, 2010. Hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, this event is another juried program. You can find the CFPs for the Research Forum, Invited Speakers Program, and Library History Seminar in this issue, and on LHRT’s “conference information” page,

An important legacy I hope to leave with LHRT is one of improved organizational infrastructure. This may not sound as exciting as our conference programs, but it is essential to the round table’s future. I am proposing numerous changes to our bylaws, developing a handbook for officers, consolidating semiannual issues of the Bibliography of Library History, and more. In all these efforts, I appreciate your advice, concerns, or other input. Feel free to contact me anytime (

One important change we are making is with the LHRT Newsletter. Given today’s economic circumstances, LHRT officers must be even more judicious in using round table resources—and we need your help. Reprographics and postage have been costing us $1750 per year (approximately 1/3 of our annual budget). Such expenses have been preventing us from obtaining equipment for conference speakers, shifting funds to endowments, and participating in ALA initiatives such as the “Emerging Leader” program. Thus, starting with this issue, LHRT Newsletter will be published online-only. Many other round tables have abandoned print, so we are not trendsetting in this regard. While it may seem jarring to some, an online publication gives us new opportunities. I have asked the editors, Jim Carmichael and Tom Glynn, to consider expanding it and rethinking its editorial policy, and I look forward to the changes they will make. If do you require a paper copy of the Newsletter, you may contact our staff liaison, Denise Davis ( to get on the print distribution list. But I hope that you will do your part and make this important transition with us. The funds saved will help LHRT offer better programs, services, and opportunities to its members (and be better for the environment, too)!

Whether you can devote just five minutes, or a year’s worth of committee service, there are many ways you can promote library history within your institution and among your colleagues. Take a look at the “Getting (and Staying) Involved” article in this issue. Importantly, it doesn’t matter whether you are new to library history issues, our whether you’re an experienced scholar. Remember this: I joined LHRT in 2004, and now I’m runnin’ the show! LHRT clearly rewards people who work hard. Although we tend to focus on research, I believe that it’s people who make up this round table, and if we work together we can make LHRT even better.

All my best,

Bernadette A. Lear J

Getting (and Staying!) Involved

Are you a “newbie,” a new member who would like to get involved with LHRT? Or are you a longtime member who is looking for new opportunities? Either way, we welcome your enthusiasm and contributions! No matter how much time you have, there are plenty of ways you can help LHRT and support library history efforts. Here are a few tips:

What you can do … in 5 minutes or less:

  • Post a discussion question or piece of library history news to our listserv (
  • Forward the CFP for LHRT’s Research Forum, Library History Seminar, and other LHRT events to your colleagues and students.
  • Login and complete your profile in ALA Connect (
  • Join LHRT’s Facebook group and post questions, pictures, etc.
  • If you’ve published an article or book relating to library history, send a citation to Ed Goedeken (, compiler of LHRT’s Bibliography of Library History.
  • Recommend an article, book, dissertation, or unpublished essay for one of LHRT’s awards. Send the information to vice-chair Melanie Kimball ( to forward to the appropriate committee.
  • Donate an item to LHRT’s fundraising auction. Contact the auction chair, David Hovde (
  • Make a contribution to the Ed Holley, Justin Winsor, or LHRT scholarship fund. Contact ALA staff liaison Denise Davis ( to make arrangements.
  • Renew your membership to ALA and LHRT.

What you can do … in 30 minutes or less:

  • Read LHRT’s newsletters. You can find back issues online under the “Popular Resources” link on LHRT’s web page (
  • Write a brief article for LHRT’s newsletter. Contact the editors, Jim Carmichael ( and Tom Glynn (
  • Respond when LHRT officers ask for members’ feedback.
  • Submit a paper proposal for the Research Forum or other conference events. Submissions for ALA’s Annual Meeting are usually due the preceding October or November, and speakers are announced at Midwinter.

What you can do … at conferences:

  • Wear your purple LHRT ribbon proudly. If you need a ribbon, contact membership chair Mark McCallon (
  • Attend LHRT’s Executive Committee meeting, where round table decisions are made. We usually meet on Sunday morning at every ALA conference.
  • Attend the Research Forum, Invited Speakers Program, and Ed Holley Memorial Lecture. Our programs are usually on Sunday and Monday.
  • Volunteer to be a timekeeper, take photos, distribute brochures, and help with other logistics at LHRT events.
  • Volunteer to become a liaison between LHRT and another group. If you’re interested, contact chair Bernadette A. Lear (
  • Write a newsletter article or blog about an LHRT event that you’ve attended.
  • If you live in the conference city, offer to organize a Dutch-treat dinner, historic library tour, or other social event for LHRT members.

What you can do … anytime:

  • If you work in a library, ensure that its annual reports, newsletters, photographs, and other historical documents are organized and preserved.
  • Find a library in your region that doesn’t have its own history available on its web site. Offer to do research and write one on its behalf.
  • Attend anniversary celebrations of libraries in your region.
  • Ask colleagues to consider historical perspectives when making decisions.
  • Encourage LIS students and junior colleagues to include library history in their research efforts.

If you're interested in serving LHRT:

  • First, learn about the different possibilities of serving the round table. You can find a current list of officers and committee members and their duties under the “oversight groups” and “governance” links on LHRT’s web page (
  • If you’re interested in an elected position (Executive Board posts such as Member-at-Large, Secretary-Treasurer, Vice-Chair, and Chair), contact the Nominations Committee Chair, David Hovde (, in the Summer or early Fall. Member-at-Large is a great place for newbies to start.
  • For awards committee positions (Dain, Davis, Gleason, and Winsor), contact LHRT’s incoming Vice-Chair, sometime between ALA elections and the Annual Meeting (roughly April-July).
  • For all other positions, contact the incoming Chair, sometime between ALA elections and the Annual Meeting (April-July). For 2010/2011, the LHRT Chair will be Melanie Kimball ( Membership and Outreach may be a good start for newer members.

Proposed Bylaws Changes, 2010

Incoming officers rely on governing documents to guide their efforts, and in 2005, former LHRT Chair Jean Preer completed a substantial overhaul of our bylaws. As our Round Table continues to evolve, our documents must change to reflect current needs and practices. In particular, some sections of LHRT’s document do not specify committee members’ terms of service. Also, the bylaws do not include duties for past officers. Nor do they include provisions for a webmaster or a (standing) fundraising committee, two common features that are needed by our Round Table. Seeking to remedy these issues, LHRT’s Executive Committee is considering several groups of bylaws changes.

We encourage all members to review the proposed changes and provide feedback. You can find a link on LHRT’s “bylaws” page, . You may also view them on LHRT’s ALA Connect page, under “online docs.” Please contact Bernadette A. Lear, LHRT Chair (, 717-948-6360) or any other officer with your comments or concerns. If approved by LHRT’s Executive Committee at its Midwinter meeting, the changes will appear on the 2010 ballot for a vote of the entire membership.

2010 Invited Speakers Program: Call for Presenters

LHRT seeks presenters for its Invited Speakers Program at the ALA Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., June 24-30, 2010. In light of the large number of Carnegie, LSA/LSCA-funded, and other libraries celebrating anniversaries in coming years, LHRT’s 2010 Invited Speakers program aims to help practitioners and library advocates to document, preserve, and promote the unique histories of their own institutions. The program is co-sponsored by ALTAFF and PLA.

This event will NOT be a scholarly, “conference paper” panel. Instead, the program will provide step-by-step instructions, helpful advice, and ready-to-use resources. We are seeking speakers who can address one or more of the following topics:

  • Recommended information sources for library history research
  • Capturing 20th and 21st-century library history through oral history, photography, and other means
  • Handling and storage considerations for historic documents and artifacts
  • Organizing an archive of your library’s reports, newsletters, photos, and other documents
  • Interpreting old documents, notetaking, and other practical aspects of research and writing
  • Options for publishing and promoting your library’s history
  • Other topics pertaining to documenting, researching, archiving, and promoting library history

Proposals are due on November 27, 2009. Each proposal must give a presentation title, a summary or outline (up to 500 words), and the presenter’s resume or vita. Complete specifications for proposals can be found on LHRT’s conference information page,

Please submit proposals and direct inquiries to:
Bernadette A. Lear
LHRT Chair/Program Committee Chair
Penn State Harrisburg Library
351 Olmsted Dr.
Middletown, PA 17057
Telephone: (717) 948-6360
E-mail: BAL19@PSU.EDU



The Donald G. Davis Award, for the "best article written in English in the field of United States and Canadian library history including the history of libraries, librarianship, and book culture," is given by the Library History Round Table every two years. This is the first call for nominations for the 2010 award.

The award criteria and other information are available on the ALA website: The Davis Award committee would be delighted to receive nominations from our LHRT colleagues. If you would like to suggest an article for consideration, please send your nomination to the committee chair:

Cheryl Gunselman
Manuscripts Librarian
Washington State University Libraries
P.O. Box 645610
Pullman, WA 99164-5610


The deadline for nominations is February 26, 2010.

2010 Davis Award Committee

Cheryl Gunselman, chair
Holly Willett
Lee Shiflett

THE 2008 JUSTIN WINSOR AWARD by David B. Gracy II.

"A Library of the Most Celebrated & Approved Authors: The First Purchase Collection of Union College”
by Jeremy Dibbell, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College

The selection committee considered the paper to make make a very good case for why the Union College (Schenectady, NY) library is important in the history of libraries and of education, by pointing to the intentional way in which the collection was built in the 18th century, rather than simply being allowed to accrue. The paper draws an excellent connection to the college curriculum and draws out fascinating details about how the curriculum was innovative. Some of the details of how the books journeyed to the College are also very evocative, and the comparisons with other institutions are useful. The paper is well situated within the history of print culture, and makes ingenious use of a variety of types of primary sources. The history of academic libraries is not as well covered in the existing literature as the history of public libraries, and the committee felt that this will be a very welcome contribution to the literature. The paper is in press and will appear in the 2008 #4 issue of Libraries & The Cultural Record which will be published this fall. My sincere and deep thanks to chair Christine Pawley and committee member Suzanne Stauffer for compressing the period within which we reviewed the papers.

Update on the ALA 2015 Strategic Plan

by Allison Sutton

The American Library Association’s 2015 Strategic Plan is well underway and planning has entered the third stage of a four stage process.

2015 Planning Process:

  1. During Spring 2009, we will focus on the 2010 evaluation and 2015 needs assessment, conducting member and public opinion surveys.
  2. During the summer of 2009, we will focus on environmental scanning, the data dashboard, and trend data.
  3. Beginning in the Fall of 2009, we will develop draft goals and objectives, which we will then refine through considerable member discussion through summer 2010.
  4. In 2010, the plan will be presented to Council for approval.

In mid September the Executive Board, along with the elected representatives from each ALA division, and two roundtable representatives wrapped up an intense strategic planning retreat which resulted in the first full draft of the 2015 plan. In the months prior, ALA members were afforded opportunities to offer their input regarding accomplished goals and long term plans. A member survey of ALA programs and services, their importance, and the association’s performance in each area was conducted, with 9,000 members participating. To date, 15 member forums have been conducted at state chapter meetings, and another 20 are planned for this fall and early spring of 2010.

At the September retreat, I was assigned to two small groups: “Technology & Media Environment” pre-retreat working group; and the 2010 Goal IV-“Building the Profession” subgroup. I am also now serving on the newly formed, 2015 “Transforming Libraries” group.

During the course of the retreat I conveyed to the group the need for ALA to identify and insert a statement which is focused more broadly on preservation. Currently, the only objective listed in the 2010 plan which relates to history/preservation falls under GOAL III: Public Policy & Standards and aims to “increase ALA’s influence in promoting preservation of our cultural heritage”, which is important, but leaves out other major areas of concern. For example, through inclusion of a broader statement ALA would confirm the significance of preserving our organizational history at all levels. In an increasingly electronic environment, doing so could be a first step toward encouraging “best practices” for the preservation of ALA’s committee work, governance and general evolvement over time. Questions and comments I posed to the strategic planning group were immediately shared with the LHRT Executive Committee and they have provided me with additional points of concern.

Whether you have already offered your input on the 2015 strategic planning via a member forum or the online survey or not, I welcome additional comments, suggestions and concerns. Please feel free to email or call me to share your thoughts so that I may ensure your voice is heard.

Allison Sutton
Roundtables Coordinating Committee Representative, ALA 2015 Strategic Planning Committee

Contact Information:
Office Phone: 217-244-1866


ALA 2015 Strategic Plan:

ALA 2010 Strategic Plan:

Next 2015 Strategic Planning Meeting: October 23, 2009 in Chicago, Illinois


Library History Round Table
Executive Committee, ALA Annual Meeting—Chicago Hilton: Room PDR5, July 12, 2009.

Attendance: Tom Bolze, Jim Carmichael, Denise Davis, Nancy DuPree, Norman Eriksen, Tom Glynn, David Gracy, Gerry Greenberg, David Hovde, Christine Jenkins, Melanie Kimball, Joyce Latham, Bernadette Lear, Mark McCallon, Larry Nix, Bill Olbrich, Christine Pawley, Lorna Peterson, Ken Potts, Ellen Pozzi , R. Norman Rose, Barry Seaver, A. Arro Smith, Allison Sutton, Mark Tucker, Holly Willett

I. Welcome and introductions, Approval of Minutes of Midwinter Meeting, January 13, 2008
Meeting called to order by Chair Ken Potts 10:30 a.m. Welcome and introductions. Agenda approved. Minutes of the Anaheim meeting approved with the correction of Holy Willett to Holly Willett.

Announcements: Adoption of new Bylaws and membership dues approved by the membership by 92% (104 votes yes, 8 votes no), dues will be raised from $15 to $20; Membership and outreach committee approved by the membership.

Melanie Kimball elected Vice-chair/chair-elect
Mark McCallon elected Secretary-Treasurer elect
Maurice York elected Member at- large

Bernadette Lear announced the LHRT-YALSA co-sponsored Research Forum: Library Materials and Services for Children and Young Adults - July 12 (Sunday), 3:30 p.m., McCormick Place West, Room W-192b

Lorna Peterson announced COSWL’s interest in co-sponsorship with a program for ALA Annual, June 2010, Washington, D.C. concerning the National Women’s History Museum.

Bill Olbrich, reported on an ARL Directors report concerning government publications, a desire to digitize, and the pressure to do deep weeding of government information collections. “These ARL directors understand that no Carnegie or LBJ is going to build them a library.”

Arro Smith, PhD candidate University of Texas, Austin reported on “Capturing our Stories” an oral history project that uses 21st Century technology. Video and audio recording where the corpus of transcripts will be key word searchable. Smith is looking for volunteers and would like to build the interviewing into the LIS curriculum. Preferred medium is mini-DVD tapes. Training documents are on the University of Texas Information School web site under “Capturing Our Stories.” ALA will own the interviews, UT Austin will house the interviews and build a curriculum around. It will be archived at the ALA archives at the University of Illinois.

Denise Davis announced that financially LHRT is doing fine and that membership is right on track. LHRT is ahead of where it wants to be. Bulk of LHRT expenses is the newsletter, printing and mailing. LHRT has a strong reserve balance. ALA is starting to see a decline in membership.

Norman Eriksen BARC representative reported that ALA is adjusting down due to the economy. Ten positions were eliminated through attrition. A week long furlough occurred in the spring, vacation days are not being rolled over. ALA corporate memberships are down. With the exception of YALSA, memberships in ALA Divisions and Round Tables are down. Eriksen reiterated that it is good that LHRT has a strong reserves balance. He suggested that LHRT consider making its newsletter exclusively online to save cost of printing and postage. Eriksen also suggested that members view ALA Treasurer Rodney Hersberger’s web site for detailed information concerning ALA’s finances.

Jim Carmichael noted that library history books are coming out of American Studies and suggests that we investigate and encourage American Studies departments to do library history.

III. Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s report: Peterson deferred to Davis. Davis reported that LHRT is doing well. Peterson brought up the need to decide if the newsletter will continue to be printed and mailed or distributed online only. Davis assured committee that ALA keeps hard as well as digital copies of ALA documents such as newsletter.

MOTION: David Gracy moved “The LHRT Newsletter shall be digital only.” SECOND: Peterson. Motion carried Yes 6 No 0 1 abstain (Peterson)

V. Committee and Liaison Reports
Chairs of the research awards Gleason (Tom Bolze) and Davis (Holly Willett) were announced as in attendance.

Lear proposed that nomination due dates for all LHRT awards changed from March 1 to January 15 with final decision for winner of awards to March 1. With the award chairs Bolze and Willett in attendance, the committee affirmed.

Lear announced winner of the Dain Dissertation Award is Karen Cook, for her University of Alabama dissertation “ Freedom Libraries in the 1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer Project: A History.” The award comes with a $500 check.

Lear announced winner of the Justin Winsor Award is Richard LeComte, MLS student at the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Alabama for his essay, “Writers Blocked : The Debate Over Public Lending Right in the United States During the 1980s.” The award is $500 and possible publication in Libraries and the Cultural Record.

Holly Willett reported that the Davis Committee has received and read the articles and are now in preparation of making the award.

Lear mentioned that MLS students are submitting to the Winsor MLS students and asked how the library schools are publicizing the Winsor to students. Concern was expressed that papers are being received that are not based in primary historical research.

Lear suggested going to Neal-Schuman publishers for a proposed LHRT publication. Denise Davis explained how ALA Publishing works and how it could benefit LHRT. Discussion of this topic will continue at future meetings.

Lear announced that the Outreach Committee has a standing committee and that Mark is chair, Ken Potts is a member. There is a need to reinvigorate presence in NMRT and Pavilion.

Nominating Committee: Potts called for more members to serve on the Nominating Committee. Steve Sowards and David Hovde agreed to serve and Ken Potts asked for one more volunteer.

Auction: David Hovde reported on the auction that generates about $2000 for the endowment. Louise Robbins will coordinate. Books, postcards related to library history and book culture are requested for the auction. Question was brought up concerning remote bids and advertising to outside the library history community. Could e-bay be used?

Ad-hoc Membership and Outreach Committee Ad-hoc committee Chair Bernadette Lear submitted a report on LHRT’s membership and outreach activities. Lear proposed that this “ad-hoc” committee, which has existed for more than three years, be made permanent. She submitted draft language to include in LHRT’s by-laws. After some discussion and minor changes, the Executive Board approved a motion that the proposal be included on LHRT’s 2009 ballot for a vote of the membership.

Library History Seminar XII
Library History Seminar: Christine Pawley passed around the flyer for the Library History Seminar to be held in Madison September 10-12, 2010. Submissions are due at the end of January. They will attempt to keep student registration down. Pawley expressed gratitude to LHRT for the $1000 in support of the Seminar. To be able to support student attendance at the conference Pawley is considering forming a scholarship committee to raise money. Lear suggests a tear-off sheet or announcement in the Newsletter. Discussion occurred on a project line to formalize as a project in LHRT for the scholarship. A “Scholarship Seminar Committee” discussion was tabled for the January 2010

New Business

New items on the agenda were deferred to the January 2010 meeting.


Meeting adjourned 12:01

Respectfully Submitted,
Lorna Peterson

The Calendar


2010 ALISE Meeting, Boston, MA: January 12-15, 2010.
2009 Midwinter Meeting, Boston, MA: January 15-19, 2010.
2010 Annual Conference, Washington, DC: June 24-29, 2010.
SHARP 2010: "The Book Culture From Below," August 17-21 in Helsinki, Finland.
2009 American Studies Association November 5-8, 2009: Renaissance Hotel, Washington, DC.
IFLA: World Library and Information Congress, 10-15 August, 2010,
Gothenburg, Sweden.

Bibliography of Writings on the History of Libraries, Librarianship, and Book Culture

By Ed Goedeken

Fall 2008


Allen, Thea S. “Transformation of the Cataloging Profession over the Past Thirty Years,” (Master’s Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2007, 49 pp.

Anderson, Heather. “History of the Winterville Library,” North Carolina Libraries Online 65 (Spring/Summer 2007): 6-11. [available at:]

Berlet, Chip. “The Write Stuff: U.S. Serial Print Culture from Conservatives out to Neo-Nazis,” Library Trends 56 (Winter 2008): 570-600.

Burkett, Randall K. “The Joy of Finding Periodicals Not in Danky,” Library Trends 56 (Winter 2008): 601-617.

Dilevko, Juris. “An Alternative Vision of Librarianship: James Danky and the Sociocultural Politics of Collection Development,” Library Trends 56 (Winter 2008): 678-704.

Gatch, Milton McCormick. The Library of Leander van Ess and the Earliest American Collections of Reformation Pamphlets (New York: Bibliographical Society of America, 2007) 201 pp. $50.00 ISBN 978-0-914930-18-1.

Haslam, Gerald W. Lawrence Clark Powell : California classic, a Speech Given at the Library Associates Dinner for the Powell Society, UCLA Library, September 21, 2006 in the Powell Library Rotunda (Sebastopol, CA: Patrick Reagh, 2008) 21 pp.

Hogenboom, Karen. “Lessons Learned about Access to Government Information after World War II Can Be Applied after September 11,” Government Information Quarterly 25 (January 2008): 90-103.

Joachim, Martin D. “Books and Other Reading Materials in Early Monroe County, Indiana ,” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v. 44, nos. 1/2 (2007): 55-93.

Koontz, Christie M. “A History of Location of U.S. Public Libraries Within Community Place and Space: Evolving Implications for the Library's Mission of Equitable Service,” Public Library Quarterly v. 26, no. 1/2 (2007): 75-100.

McDowell, Kathleen. “The Cultural Origins of Youth Services Librarianship, 1876-1900,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), 2007, 280 pp. [Advisor: Boyd Rayward]

Pollak, Oliver B. “Reading Little Blue Books and Libraries: A Guide to Self-Improvement,” Nebraska Library Association Quarterly 38 (Spring 2007): 9-15.

Ring, Daniel F. “Carnegie Libraries,” in Richard Sisson, Christian Zacher, and Andrew Cayton, eds. The American Midwest: An Interpretive Encyclopedia (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2007), pp. 659-660.

Smith, Ashley M. “American Libraries in Wartime: The Role of Propaganda,” (Master’s Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2007, 38 pp. [Advisor: Jerry Saye]

Smith, Elizabeth H. “Retrospection: The First Hundred Years of North Carolina’s Libraries: 1861-1875,” North Carolina Libraries Online 65 (Fall/Winter 2007): 58-61. []

Smith, Kent A. “Laws, leaders, and legends of the modern National Library of Medicine,” Journal of the Medical Library Association 96 (April 2008): 121-33.

Spencer, Brett. “Preparing for an Air Attack: Libraries and American Air Raid Defense during World War II,” Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 43, no. 2 (2008): 125-47.

Tilley, Carol L. “Of Nightingales and Supermen: How Youth Services Librarians Responded to Comics between the Years 1938 and 1955,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Indiana University), 2007, 297 pp. [Advisor: Debora Shaw]

Valentine, Patrick M. “Books in Tolerable Supply: College Libraries in North Carolina from 1795 to the Civil War,” North Carolina Libraries Online 65 (Fall/Winter 2007): 62-69. []


Harvey, Kathryn Nancy. “David Ross McCord (1844-1930): Imagining a Self, Imagining a Nation,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, McGill University, Canada), 2006, 340 pp. [McCord founded the McCord Museum of National History]

McNally, Peter F. “Western Canadiana at McGill University: The Formation of a Rare Book Collection,” Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 43, no. 2 (2008): 176-92.

Montoya Ríos, M., et al. “Un Reconocimiento de los Actores de la Biblioteca Pública en Antioquia,” Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología 30 (July/December 2007): 205-226.


Barker, Nicolas and David Quentin. The Library of Thomas Tresham and Thomas Brudenell (London: Roxburghe Club, 2007) 515 pp. $150.00 ISBN 978-0-85388-095-0.

Francis, J. P. E. “An Innovative Northern Ireland Library Service: The Antrim County Library and the North Eastern Education and Library Board, 1959-1995, with a Comparison of the Recent History of Library Services in the Area,” Library History 24 (March 2008): 78-92.

Ilie, Barbara J. “Libraries and Book Culture of the Byzantine Empire,” (Master’s Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2007, 26 pp.

Jerchower, Seth and Heidi G. Lerner. “ Johann Heinrich Hottinger and the Systematic Organization of Jewish Literature,” Judaica Librarianship v. 13 (2007):1-25.

Katuscak, Dusan. The Slovak National Library,” Alexandria v. 19, no. 2 (2007): 95-108.

Kirsop, Wallace, ed. The Commonwealth of Books: Essays and Studies in Honour of Ian Willison (Melbourne, Victoria: Centre for the Book, Monash University, 2007) 271 pp. $70.00 ISBN 978-0-7326-4002-6.
Rotaru, Florin. “Coup d'Oeil sur l'Histoire des Bibliotheques de Bucarest,” Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France v. 53, no. 1 (2008): 52-6.

Sked, Katrina M. L. and Peter H. Reid. “The People behind the Philanthropy: An Investigation into the Lives and Motivations of Library Philanthropists in Scotland between 1800 and 1914,” Library History 24 (March 2008): 48-63.


Althofer, J. “ Lover of the Real Australia and Sane Art: William Bolton MBE and the Lionel Lindsay Art Gallery,” Australian Library Journal 56 (November 2007): 233-50.

Barker, Donald. “Reformers and Reform: Towards Free Public Libraries in Victoria,” Australian Library Journal 56 (November 2007): 373-91.

Berzins, Baiba. “The Mitchell Library Reading Room: A Personal Memoir about the 1960s to 1980s,” Australian Library Journal 56 (November 2007): 312-21.

Civallero, Edgardo. “Bibliotecas Indígenas en Australia y Nueva Zelanda: Una Revisión Bibliográfica,” Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología 30 (July/December 2007): 231-50.

Dick, Archie L. “ Blood from Stones: Censorship and the Reading Practices of South African Political Prisoners, 1960-1990,” Library History 24 (March 2008): 1-22.

Dick, Archie L. “Ethnic Identity and Library Development in Apartheid South Africa: The Cape Library Association, 1960-1975,” Libri 58 (March 2008): 1-14.

El-Abbadi, Mostafa and Omnia Mounir Fathallah, eds. What Happened to the Ancient Library of Alexandria? (Leiden: Brill, 2008) 259 pp. $130.00 ISBN 978-0-04-1654-58.

Fenerci, Tülay. “The Origins of Legal Deposit in Turkey,” Library History 24 (March 2008): 23-36.

Gul, Sumeer and Samina Khan. “Growth and Development of Oriental Libraries in India,” Library Philosophy and Practice (2008): 1-5.

Haider, Syed Jalaluddin. “First Conference of Pakistan Library Association (PLA) an Event of Great Significance,” Pakistan Library & Information Science Journal 39 (March 2008): 2-10.

Hansson, Joacim and Jane Kawalya. “Institutional Change in the Ugandan Library Sector: The Establishment of the National Library of Uganda,” Information Development 23 (November 2007): 278-89.
Icimzoy, A Oguz and Ismail E. Erunsal. “The Legacy of the Ottoman Library in the Libraries of the Turkish Republic,” Libri 58 (March 2008): 47-57.

Jones, David J., ed. “Unfinished Business: Papers from the Forum on Australian Library History Held at the State Library of NSW, Sydney, 27-29 September 2007,” Australian Library Journal 56 (November 2007): 217-461.

Kumar, Sunil. “A Journey of Rural Library Movement in India: Retrospect and Prospects,” Herald of Library Science 45 (January/April 2006): 17-27.

Liao, Jing. “The New Culture Movement and the Breakthrough in Chinese Academic Library Reform,” Library History 24 (March 2008): 37-47.

Luyt, Brendan. “Centres of Calculation and Unruly Colonists: The Colonial Library in Singapore and its Users, 1874-1900,” Journal of Documentation v. 64, no. 3 (2008): 386-96.

Marshall, T. “ The Choosing of a Proper Hobby: Sir William Crowther and His Library,” Australian Library Journal 56 (November 2007): 405-417.

Morrison, Ian. “ A Most Valuable Acquisition: Melbourne University Library and the Bequest of George McArthur,” Australian Library Journal 56 (November 2007): 265-81.

Reynold, Sue. “A Nineteenth Century Library and its Librarian: Factotum, Bookman or Professional?” Australian Library Journal 56 (November 2007): 282-301.

Stephens, Matthew. “ A Scientific Library of Some Value: An Early History of the Australian Museum Library,” Australian Library Journal 56 (November 2007): 302-311.

Tiffen, Belinda. “Recording the Nation: Nationalism and the History of the National Library of Australia,” Australian Library Journal 56 (November 2007): 342-59.

Yu, Priscilla C. “History of Modern Librarianship in East Asia,” Library History 24 (March 2008): 64-77.

Zhang, Wenxian. “The Yellow Register Archives of Imperial Ming China,” Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 43, no. 2 (2008): 148-75.


Boudreau, Joan. “Publishing the U.S. Exploring Expedition: The Fruits of the Glorious Enterprise,” Printing History new series no. 3 (January 2008): 25-40.

Claes, Jane H. “May Massee: Pioneer in Children’s Publishing,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas Woman’s University), 2007, 173 pp.

Dodge, Chris. “Collecting the Wretched Refuse: Lifting a Lamp to Zines, Military Newspapers, and Wisconsinalia,” Library Trends 56 (Winter 2008): 667-77.

Eliot, Simon, Andrew Nash and Ian Willison, eds. Literary Cultures and the Material Book (London: British Library, 2007) 444 pp. $80.00 ISBN 978-0-7123-0684-3.

Fishburn, Matthew. Burning Books (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008) 219 pp. $34.95 ISBN 978-0-230-55328-6.

Haywood, Mary L. “The Antebellum Library of John Richard Edmunds,” (Master’s Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2006, 39 pp.

Hedstrom, Matthrew Sigurd. “Seeking a Spiritual Center: Mass-Market Books and Liberal Religion in America, 1921-1948, (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Texas at Austin), 2006, 435 pp.

Littlefield, Daniel E., Jr. and James W. Parins. “Native American Press in Wisconsin and the Nation, 1982 to the Present,” Library Trends 56 (Winter 2008): 618-34.

Mohrfeld, Lynne A. “A History of English Arts & Crafts Bookbinding, 1880-1930,” (Master’s Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2007, 46 pp.

Pattee, Amy. “Considering Popular Fiction and Library Practices of Recommendation: The Literary Status of The Clique and its Historical Progenitors,” Library Quarterly 78 (January 2008): 71-98.

Pawley, Christine. “ Success on a Shoestring: A Center for a Diverse Print Culture History in Modern America,” Library Trends 56 (Winter 2008): 705-719.

Rukavina, Alison Jane. “Circulating Commodities: The Role of George Robertson, Edward Petherick, George P. Brett, and other Publishers and Distributors in the Late Nineteenth-Century Expansion of the International Book Trade,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Alberta, Canada), 2007, 268 pp.

Stark, Ulrike. An Empire of Books: The Naval Kishore Press and the Diffusion of the Printed Word in Colonial India (Ranikhet: Permanet Black, India, 2008) 586 pp. $50.00 ISBN 978-81-7824-196-8.

Wadsworth, Sarah. In the Company of Books: Literature and its Classes in Nineteenth-Century America (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2006) 278 pp. $25.00 ISBN 1-55849-541-X.

Wiegand, Wayne A. and Christine Pawley, eds. “Alternative Print Culture: Social History and Libraries,” Library Trends 56 (Winter 2008): entire issue.

Wranovix, Matthew P. “Parish Priests and Their Books: Reading, Writing, and Keeping Accounts in the Late Medieval Diocese of Eichstätt,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Texas at Austin), 2007, 273 pp.


Boyer, Chelcy E. “The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum as a Model of its Kind,” (Master’s Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2006, 43 pp. [Advisor: David Carr]

Burrow, John. A History of Histories: Epics, Chronicles, Romances and Inquiries from Herodotus and Thucydides to the Twentieth Century (New York: Knopf, 2008) 544 pp. $35.00 ISBN 978-0-375-4131-1-7.

Cain, Victoria Elizabeth Moffit. “Nature under Glass: Popular Science, Professional Illusion and the Transformation of American Natural History Museums, 1870-1940,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Columbia University), 2007, 418 pp.

Dalton, Margaret Stieg. “The Publishing Experiences of Historians,” Journal of Scholarly Publishing 39 (April 2008): 197-240.

“Destination Library,” Volume, no. 15, Archis, no. 1 (2008): entire issue. [Collection of essays devoted to history and architecture of public libraries]

Harzig, Christiane and Dirk Hoerder. “Internationalizing Working-Class History since the 1970s: Challenges from Historiography, Archives, and the Web,” Library Trends 56 (Winter 2008): 635-49.

Hérubel, Jean-Pierre V.M. “Acknowledging Clio's Lesser Children: The Importance of Journals for Historical Research and Scholarship,” Journal of Scholarly Publishing 39 (April 2008): 241-56.

Hérubel, Jean-Pierre V.M. “Historical Scholarship, Periodization, Themes, and Specialization: Implications for Research and Publication,” Journal of Scholarly Publishing 39 (January 2008): 144-55.

Labaree, Robert V. and Ross Scimeca. “The Philosophical Problem of Truth in Librarianship,” Library Quarterly 78 (January 2008): 43–70.

Lauinger, Jacob. “Archival Practices at Old Babylonian/Middle Bronze Age Alalakh (Level VII)” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Chicago), 2007, 363 pp.

Lévesque, Stéphane. Thinking Historically: Educating Students for the Twenty-First Century (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008) 221 pp. $55.00 ISBN 978-0-8020-9259-5.

Manguel, Alberto. The Library at Night (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008) 373 pp. $27.50 ISBN 978-0-300-13914-3.

Sachs, Honor R. “Reconstructing a Life: The Archival Challenges of Women's History,” Library Trends 56 (Winter 2008): 650-66.

Sweeney, Shelley. “The Ambiguous Origins of the Archival Principle of Provenance,” Libraries & the Cultural Record v. 43, no. 2 (2008): 193-213.

Walker, William S. “A Living Exhibition: The Smithsonian, Folklife, and the Making of the Modern Museum,” (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Brandeis University), 2007, 315 pp.

Wood, Gordon S. The Purpose of the Past: Reflections on the Uses of History (New York: Penguin Press, 2008) 323 pp. $26.00 ISBN 978-1-59420-154-7.