Fall 2001
New Series Vol. 5 No. 3
Table of Contents:
Message from the chair || Minutes, June 2001 | | Committees, 2001-2002 || Liaison Report--ALISE
News and Announcements:
Winsor Prize, Dain Award, L&C Electronic Initiative,
New addresses, News from the States
Fall 2001 Library History Bibliography
As I write this, the Pentagon is still burning and rescue and recovery efforts are underway in New York City. Air traffic is at a halt; the American stock exchanges are closed. The last time that I experienced such cataclysmic events was in Moscow, at the IFLA Conference in August 1991. On the first day of the conference, tanks surrounded central Moscow; by the end of the week there was a new government. Within a few days more, Leningrad was once again called St. Petersburg. Just coincidentally, I re-read my Russian diary just days before the twin towers and Pentagon attacks because I have been contemplating the roles of preservation, history, and memory.
I am currently writing an article that compares the objects left at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial with the statues of communist leaders that were toppled during the 1991 coup. Monuments are one way in which we try to encapsulate or interpret the world's events. Sometimes we intentionally damage or destroy the evidence, as when in Moscow the statues of communist leaders were toppled during the coup. Other times we preserve whatever we can. For example, in Washington D.C. National Park Service personnel collect the objects left behind by visitors to the Vietnam Memorial. The objects are being stored in permanent-durable boxes in a warehouse. The objects left behind now form a large collection, which some critics have described as a self-curating museum. This "museum" invites us to contemplate the Vietnam War from the perspective of the families and friends who survive the victims of that war.
Makeshift memorials are already being constructed all around Manhattan. How will we preserve the experience of September 11, 2001? What kinds of artifacts and documents will historians want to consult in 2021? 2100?
History and preservation are central concerns of the Library History Roundtable. Accordingly, the theme of the annual conference in Atlanta will be "History, Memory, and Preservation." I plan to invite speakers who will address this subject from of variety of different perspectives and disciplines. Please send me any suggestions that you have for speakers before ALA Midwinter.
I look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!
Michèle V. Cloonan
By Holly G. Willett
Library History Round Table
Executive Committee
Marriott Hotel, San Francisco
June 17, 2001
I. Welcome and Introduction
The meeting was called to order by chair Cheryl Malone at 11:35 a.m. Attendees introduced themselves: Michelle Cloonan, Donald G. Davis, Jr., Julia Glynn (ALA), Melanie Kimball, Mary Jo Lynch (ALA), Cheryl Malone, Ken Potts, Louise Robbins, Steve Sowards, Andrew Wertheimer, Holly Willett. Don Davis introduced special guest, Dr. Peter Vodosek of the University of Stuttgart, a member of the German Library History Round Table. A round of applause greeted Mary Jo Lynch's announcement that Julia Glynn will enroll in the library school at the University of Illinois.**
II. Old Business
A. Awards
1. Gleason Award: Cheryl Malone read Sibyl Moses' notes regarding the criteria for the award. Sibyl's committee recommended that the award be given for a book of American library history or international library history. Holly Willett moved and Andrew Wertheimer seconded that the recommendation be accepted. It was passed on a voice vote. The Executive Committee also accepted the recommendation to edit Section IV to remove the phrase "by various authors." Books published in 2000, 2001, and 2002 will be considered for the Gleason, which will be announced in 2003.
Action: Sibyl will send Cheryl Malone and Michelle Cloonan the names of those she appointed to the committee so that they may be invited to serve again.
2. It was noted that the Dain, Winsor, and Gleason awards are scheduled to be given in 2003.
3. No entries were submitted for the Winsor Award this year. It was difficult to do follow up promotion. There was discussion of promoting the awards. Previous minutes published in the newsletter contain promotion ideas.
B. National Coordinating Committee Support
The Government Documents Round Table, the Intellectual Freedom Round Table, the Library Research Round Table, and the History Section of the Reference and User Support Association have declined to join LHRT in paying support to the NCC. The $400 per year is expensive for us, and we could rely on ALA's Washington Office to provide lobbying. Louise Robbins moved we drop our support of the NCC and notify them when the bill arrives. Steve Sowards seconded, and the motion passed on a unanimous voice vote. Steve will draft the letter and send it to Michelle Cloonan and Mary Jo Lynch.
C. Membership Brochure
Andrew Wertheimer thanked Mary Jo Lynch and Julia Glynn for their assistance. The brochure will go in the Chapter Relations mailing. Cheryl Malone and Michelle Cloonan volunteered to take the brochure to the SHARP meeting. Louise Robbins will take it to the Women in Print Culture conference.
D. Auction
Michelle Cloonan reported on the auction at the Brick Row Bookstore. All 180 books were sold. The sale grossed $800, but expenses need to be paid. Don Davis and Louise Robbins reported that the auction was a lot of fun and the auctioneer was superb. Michelle recommended that we do the auction every other year, and the next auction should be held at the annual conference scheduled for 2003 in Toronto, not at the 2002 conference in Atlanta. She suggested that the auction should be handled by a formal committee, one person to acquire and catalog the books, one to collect books, and one person to publicize. Steve Sowards moved and Don Davis seconded that we create a standing committee and appoint a chair to handle the auction and that the committee be given the responsibility to arrange an auction for the 2003 annual conference in Toronto. The new committee's need for a budget was discussed. Steve moved that we authorize spending up to $100 per auction. Melanie Kimball seconded. Both motions were approved unanimously by a voice vote.
III. New Business
A. Treasurer's Report
Holly Willett distributed the Treasurer's report. Michelle Cloonan recommended that the money that will not be sent to the NCC be contributed to the Lectureship fund. It was agreed that we would discuss this issue and the budget generally at Midwinter.
IV. Announcements
A. The Phyllis Dain Award will be given to Mildred Jackson, who completed her
Ph.D. in English at Michigan State University. There was discussion of the award presentation at the conference. We discussed encouraging awardees to attend the annual conference. The awards ceremony will be
added to our annual program.
B. Election Results
Christine Jenkins was elected Vice Chair/Chair-Elect, Toby Graham was elected Secretary/Treasury-Elect, and Rich Rubin was elected Member-at-Large of the Executive Committee.
C. International News and Conferences
1. Don Davis reported on the IFLA Library History conference in Boras, Sweden. Some of the papers may be printed in Libraries & Culture . Forty-five people attended the conference and Magnus Torstensson was an excellent host.
2. Peter Vodosek brought greetings from the German Library History Round Table. Cheryl Malone asked him to carry our regards to them.
D. Program at annual conference 2002
Michelle Cloonan announced that the theme of her program will be the history of preservation. The recent book Double Fold by Nicholas Baker is full of misinformation; the program will rectify the inaccuracies. Papers are expected from faculty at UCLA and the University of Tennessee.
E. Libraries & Culture Web site:
F. IFLA program on library history will include presentations on early American
librarians associated with Boston: Justin Winsor, Melvil Dewey, and Herbert Putnam.
G. Cheryl Malone welcomed the new officers and thanked the previous year's
officers. She adjourned the meeting at 12:45 p.m.
**Apologies to those attendees whose names were left off the list. Please
notify us so that an addendum can be added to the minutes for Midwinter.
Library History Round Table Committees for 2001-2002
Officers of the Executive Board
Michele Cloonan, Chair mcloonan@ucla.edu
Christine Jenkins, Chair-elect jenkins@alexia.lis.uiuc.edu
Cheryl Knott Malone, Past Chair ckmalone@dakota.com.net
Andrew Wertheimer, Secretary-Treasurer andrew_noriko@hotmail.com
P. Toby Graham, Secretary-Treasurer-elect Toby.Graham@usm.edu
Holly Willet, Past Secretary-Treasurer willet@rowan.edu
Melanie Kimball, Member-at-Large mkimball@alexia.lis.uiuc.edu
Richard Rubin, Member-at-Large rrubin@slis.kent.edu
Mary Jo Lynch, Staff Liaison mlynch@ala.org
Cheryl Gunselman, Intern gunselma@wsu.edu
Committee Chairpersons
Auction Committee - Lee Shiflett (2003) olshifle@uncg.edu
Endowed Lecture Series - To be appointed
Nominating - Steve Sowards (2002) sowards@pilot.msu.edu
Publications - To be appointed
Research - Marilyn Martin (2002) martin@rowan.edu
Winsor Prize - Lorna Peterson (2002) lpeterso@acsu.buffalo.edu
Representatives and Liaisons
ALA Education Assembly - P. Toby Graham (2002) Toby.Graham@usm.edu
ALA Planning and Budget Assembly - Andrew Wertheimer (2002) andrew_noriko@hotmail.edu
American Assn. For State and Local History - To be appointed
American Society for Inf. Science - To be appointed
Assn. for the Bibliography of History - Kenneth Potts (2002) kpotts@toto.csustan.edu
Freedom to Read Foundation - To be appointed
Intl. Federation of Library Assns. - To be appointed
Libraries & Culture - To be appointed
Org. of American Historians - To be appointed
Soc. For the Hist. of Authorship, Rdng., and Pubn. (SHARP) - To be appointed
Society for American Archivists - Joy Kingsolver (jkingsolver@earthlink.net)
Co-editors, Edward Goedeken edgoed@iastate.edu and Lee Shiflett olshifle@uncg.edu
Publications Committee
Lee Shiflett, chair (LHRT Newsletter) olshifle@uncg.edu
Ed Goedeken (LHRT Newsletter) edgoed@iastate.edu
Joy Kingsolver (LHRT Website) joykingsolver@earthlink.net
Justin Winsor Prize Committee
Lorna Peterson, chair lpeterso@acsu.buffalo.edu
P. Toby Graham Toby.Graham@usm.edu
Toni Samek toni.samek@ualberta.ca
Research Committee
Marilyn Martin, chair martin@rowan.edu
Ed Goedeken edgoed@iastate.edu
Jean L. Preer preer@cua.edu
Charles A. Seavey seaveyC@missouri.edu
Steven Sowards sowards@pilot.msu.edu
Phyllis Dain Dissertation Award Committee
Rebecca Knuth, chair knuth@hawaii.edu
Deanna Marcum dmarcum@clir.org
Cindy Mediavilla cmediavi@ucla.edu
Nominating Committee
Steven Sowards, chair sowards@pilot.msu.edu
Robert Freeman rsfree@purdue.edu
Joyce E. Jelks jjelks@af.public.lib.ga.us
Auction Committee
Lee Shifflet, chair olshifle@uncg.edu
Sidney E. Berger sid@ucla.edu
Ken Potts kpotts@toto.csustan.edu
Andrew Wertheimer andrew_noriko@hotmail.com
Ad Hoc Committees
No ad hoc committees at present
Report from the ALISE Historical Perspectives SIG (Formerly the ALISE Library History SIG)
Andrew B. Wertheimer, 2001-2 Convener
Perhaps one of the least well-known library history organizations has been the Library History Special Interest Group of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE). Last year under the direction of co-conveners Melanie Kimball (Illinois) and Abulfazal M. F. Kabir (Clark Atlanta) the SIG met at the Annual Conference and heard presentations by Cheryl Knott Malone, R. N. Sharma, and Andrew Wertheimer in Washington, D.C. At the end of the panel a brief business meeting was held, and the SIG voted to change its name to the Historical Perspectives SIG in order to welcome historical researchers in print culture, archives, information science and other related disciplines. This year we will again meet as part of the ALISE conference around the ALA Midwinter Conference in New Orleans. Our program is kindly being hosted by the Williams Research Center of the Historic New Orleans Collection (410 Chartres St.) on Tuesday, 15 January 2002 from 4:30-6:00 PM. We welcome any LHRT members in the area to attend our program. The details are as follows:
ALISE Historical Perspectives SIG (Formerly the ALISE Library History SIG) 2002 (29th) Annual Program
Historic New Orleans Collection
Williams Research Center
410 Chartres St.
Tuesday, 15 January 2002, 4:30-6:00 PM.
Welcoming Remarks
Gerald F. Patout, Jr., Head Librarian, Williams Research Center
Historic New Orleans Collection
Andrew B. Wertheimer (PhD Student, UW-Madison SLIS)
Convener, ALISE Historical Perspectives SIG 2001-2.
Gender, Cultural Authority and the Door-Kewaunee Regional Library Demonstration: Uses of "Local" and "Central" Sources in Researching Library History.
Christine Pawley, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor, School of Library and Information Science The University of Iowa)
ABSTRACT: In 1949, the Wisconsin Free Library Commission (WFLC) sponsored a regional library project designed to demonstrate best library practice in a rural area. In the WFLC archives can be found letters, memos and drafts of reports that represent an official window on to the project. In these documents, as well as the Commission's publications, the clearest voices are those of the Commission's male secretary and board members, representing an "official" view. However, resources available locally--interviews, local newspaper files and local library files--emphasize instead the
role and reading ideology of the mostly women participants: the librarians, teachers and women patrons who both invested and received most from the project. This paper contrasts these sets of data and discusses their value in relation to the study of library history in general.
Reading Between the Lines: Work Diaries as a Source of Descriptive
Information in LIS Historical Research
Melanie A. Kimball (Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
The lack of archival resources in public libraries in the United States is one reason why researchers in library history often try to piece together the past by use of prescriptive articles and annual reports. Work diaries, if available, provide a rich original source.
I will examine the challenges and rewards of interpreting the work diaries of children's librarians at the St. Louis Public Library in the early 20th century
Print History Research in Applied Contexts
Marija Dalbello, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor, School of Communication, Information and Library Studies, Department of Library and Information Science, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey)
ABSTRACT: This paper will explore areas of research in print history (and broader, the study of production, transmission and use of texts) and their relevance in the curricula of traditional LIS programs, as well as how this field may help in claiming new areas for LIS, related to digital continuity, archives, and the study of technologies of knowledge reproduction."
Donald G. Davis, Jr., Ph.D. (Professor, Associate Dean, Graduate School of Library & Information Science, The University of Texas at Austin; Editor, Libraries & Culture)
Tour of the Williams Research Center
Gerald F. Patout, Jr., Head Librarian, Williams Research Center
Historic New Orleans Collection
Justin Winsor Prize
The ALA Library History Round Table, Justin Winsor Prize committee invites
papers to be submitted and judged for the 2002 award. No award was given
last year. For additional information, please see below and the url:
Justin Winsor Prize for Library History Essay
The Library History Round Table (LHRT) of the American
Library Association (ALA) is accepting submissions for
the 2002 Justin Winsor Prize for the best library
history essay. Applications must be received by
February 1, 2002. Receipt will be confirmed within 2
business days.
The award, named in honor of the distinguished 19th
century librarian, historian, and bibliographer who was
also ALA's first president, consists of a $500 cash award. It includes an
invitation to have the winner's paper considered for publication in
Libraries and Culture.
Manuscripts submitted should not be previously
published, previously submitted for publication, or under
consideration for publication or another award. To be considered, essays
should embody original historical research on a significant topic in
library history, be based on primary sources materials whenever possible,
and use good English composition and superior style.
Essays should be organized in a form similar to that of
articles published in Libraries and Culture, with footnotes, spelling and
punctuation conforming to the latest edition of the Chicago Manual
of Style. Papers should not exceed 35 typewritten, double-spaced pages.
Three copies of the manuscript should be submitted. The
name and other information identifying the author should
appear only on a separate cover letter.
Submit manuscripts to -
Mary Jo Lynch,
American Library Association/LHRT
50 East Huron St.
Chicago, IL
Fax and e-mail are not acceptable
Decisions will be made by LHRT's Justin Winsor Prize
Committee, chaired by Lorna Peterson, University at
Buffalo (SUNY), School of Informatics, Department of
Library and Information Studies.
Phyllis Dain Library History Dissertation Award recipient named (2001)
Mildred L. Jackson, Associate Librarian at the Grand Valley State University Zumberge Library in Allendale, Michigan is the recipient of the 2001 Phyllis Dain Library History Dissertation Award presented by the American Library Association (ALA) Library History Round Table.
The award named in honor of a library historian widely known as a supportive advisor and mentor as well as a rigorous scholar and thinker, recognizes outstanding dissertations in the general area of library history. $500 and a certificate are given for a work that embodies original research on a significant topic relating to the history of books, libraries, librarianship or information science.
Jackson received the award for her work entitled, "Do what you can: Creating an Institution, Ladies' Library Associations in Michigan, 1850-1900." This dissertation sets the Ladies' Library Associations within their multiple contexts, including not only the history of library development, but also the history of the women's club movement and the history of the nascent state of Michigan.
"The Jury found Jackson's study of the Ladies Library Associations extremely thorough and well-documented, based on extensive research in primary source," said Robert Martin, chair of the Phyllis Dain Library History Dissertation Award Jury. "The dissertation makes a distinct contribution to understanding how ladies club culture fostered literacy, library development and print culture."
Jackson has a B.S. from Central Michigan University, an M.A. and Ph.D. in English from Michigan State University, and an M.I.L.S. from the School of Information at the University of Michigan.
Libraries and Culture--Electronic Initiative
A spring debut of the journal in electronic format marked the 35th anniversary of Libraries & Culture, founded as the Journal of Library History in 1966. The momentous inauguration followed five years of study, pilot projects, testing and project initiatives aimed at a thoughtful response to increased opportunities made available by networked electronic environments. In collaboration with the University of Texas Press (UT Press), the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS) opted to join Project Muse.
Project Muse is a not-for-profit electronic publisher of academic and scholarly journals. Launched as a joint effort of Johns Hopkins University Press and the Milton S. Eisenhower Library in 1995, Project Muse provides, on a subscription basis, full-text access to a current list of over 150 number of publications from 25 institutional publishers. The subscriber base surpassed the 1000 mark while article usage continues to grow at a rate of 30 to 40% per year. The success of Project Muse will undoubtedly increase access to--and the readership of --Libraries & Culture.
Besides increasing readership, the electronic initiative underscores the commitment to optimize electronic publishing as a teaching tool, and expand its relevance to the study of libraries and collections of recorded knowledge. With the intention of making the full thirty-five years of the journal available for browsing and downloading via the Web, Libraries and Culture, in cooperation with the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS) at the University of Texas at Austin, is currently in the process of creating a full-text digital archive of the journal. Presently, articles from six volumes are accessible from the Libraries and Culture website, http://www.gslis.utexas.edu/~landc/
At the current time, the Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) provides the best support for this kind of project. By maximizing use of the school's technology laboratories, we hope to use this project to introduce a greater number of our students to the digitization process, as well as digital archiving and preservation. In addition, the conversion of print journals to a digital format creates new opportunities for cataloguing and indexing, the development of advanced searching capabilities, and experience managing an active website.
The digitization of the distinctive bookplate archive of Libraries & Culture, already online, was conceived and completed as a project by Sara Holmes, a third year GSLIS conservation student. The combination of an existing print archive with digital technology presents an exciting opportunity to make the wealth of information hidden away in older journals accessible to a world-wide audience. This electronic initiative surely serves as an added dimension or another environment in which to test theory and practice.
The Koninklijke Bibliotheek is pleased to announce the launch of Book
History Online (BHO). Book History Online is a database on the history of
the printed book and libraries and is posted on the website www.kb.nl/bho.
BHO contains titles of books and articles on the history of the printed book
worldwide. It is based on ABHB, the Annual Bibliography of the History of
the printed Book and Libraries. This annual book publication is a
collaboration of book historians in more than 30 countries. Since 1989, the
Department of Special Collections of the KB has formed the editorial board
and maintained a cumulative database. The database contains c. 25.000
To access BHO point your browser to www.kb.nl/bho.
New addresses for Colleagues
Lee Shiflett
Professor and Chair
Dept. of Library and Information Studies
3439 Curry Building
P.O. Box 26171
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Greensboro, NC 27402-6171
Cheryl Knott Malone
Associate Professor
School of Information Resources and Library Science
University of Arizona
1515 E. First St.
Tucson, AZ 85719
The New Jersey Historical Commission is presenting "Money for
Historical Projects and Organizations and How to Get It". Grant
workshops for people and institutions who need funding for projects in
history or support for their organizations: researchers, teachers,
libraries, schools, historical organizations, and museums. The same
workshop will be presented in three locations: Wednesday, October 17,
10:00 am. Wheaton Village, Millville; Saturday, October 20, 10:00 a.m.
Walsh Library, Seton Hall University, South Orange; Tuesday, October 23,
7:00 p.m. Labor Education Center, Rutgers New Brunswick. For more
information call 609-943-3306 or email: catherine. bruno@sos.state.nj.us
October 13 was "Archives and History Day" at the Monmouth County
Library, in Manalapan. Sponsored by Monmouth County Archives, NJ/MARAC,
and NJSAA with the support of Monmouth County, the New Jersey Historical
Commission and the New Jersey Council for the Humanities. The program
included: exhibits; an address by Dr. Marc Mappen, Director, New Jersey
Historical Commission; a dramatic performance by "Molly Pitcher"
portrayed by Stacy Flora Roth, and afternoon breakout sessions. For
further information see: http://www.visitmonmouth.com/archives or
contact Mary Knox at 732-308-3771.
At Archives Day, the New Jersey State Library received the 2001
Service Award from the New Jersey Caucus of the Mid-Atlantic Regional
Archives Conference. Since 1988, the State Library has awarded
approximately $1.5 million in grant funds to support preservation of
materials in libraries, archives and other historical agencies.
Work in progress
A note on work in progress for the Library History Round Table
Virginia Seiser (University of New Mexico) continues work
on a biography of LeRoy Jeffers. Jeffers, who worked at
the New York Public Library until his death in 1926, was an
activitist in the wilderness conservation movement and
served as the librarian of the American Alpine Club.
Virginia Seiser
Reference Librarian and Women Studies Selector
Zimmerman Public Services Department
University of New Mexico General Library
voice: 505/277-5223
fax: 505/277-7288
e-mail: vseiser@unm.edu
Fall 2001 Library History Bibliography