Fall 1998


Message from the chair / Minutes / Officers / Change in Dues / NCC Liaison Report
LHRT Turns 50 / Joint Awards / Phi Beta Mu Lecture / IFLA Conference--France
IFLA Conference-Amsterdam / Call for Papers / News and Announcements

Fall 1998 Library History Bibliography

Message From the Chair

(and former co-editor) David Hovde, Purdue University:

Welcome to a new LHRT Newsletter. Not only do we have a new format, but we also have a new co-editor, Gerald Greenberg of Ohio State University Libraries. One of my first acts as Chair was to fire one of the co-editors, i.e., me. I had been co-editor with Edward A. Goedeken for eight years; for me this has been long enough. We started working together at Purdue University Libraries and in 1992 Ed moved to Iowa State University. Since that time, we have assembled the Newsletter via, fax, e-mail, and the telephone. I cannot think of a better partner in this endeavor. Ed's work on the Newsletter has been a great asset to library history, and I am delighted that his contributions will continue. For many years, Ed and I had the invaluable help of Lisa Purvis. She was responsible for the "new look" we gave the newsletter in the fall of 1992 and she created the electronic version of the Newsletter. She was forced to focus her attention on the new computer system of the Purdue Libraries and limit her keyboard activities for health reasons. During fall of 1997 Pat Whalen replaced Lisa and carried the ball until this past issue. I should like to thank both of these hard working and creative people for their efforts on our behalf.

Gerald is a reference librarian at the OSU Education, Human Ecology, Psychology, and Social Work Library. Many of you have read his "Books as Disease Carriers, 1880-1920" in Libraries & Culture (Summer 1988). He has also published three articles on nineteenth century Ohio book and newspaper publishers in Publishing History, the most recent being "Caleb Emerson, Nineteenth-Century Newspaper Publisher of Marietta, Ohio" in the Spring 1998 issue. His annotated bibliography, Tabloid Journalism: An Annotated Bibliography of English-Language Sources was published by Greenwood Press in 1996. Gerald is currently editing a one-volume encyclopedia with the working title, Historical Encyclopedia of U.S. Independent Counsel Investigations. I am sure Ed and Gerry will make a great team. We can expect a high quality product.

As the former editor I would like to ask the liaisons, committee chairs, and other contributors to submit written material in a timely fashion. Please pay attention to deadlines and give these guys a break. All of the LHRT liaisons and committee chairs should submit reports on their activities. One of my frustrations as co-editor was trying to track down people who had promised material and failed to deliver it. This usually meant trying to find filler or reorganizing the content at the last minute.

This past summer was an eventful time for the Library History Round Table. Louis Robbins, Donald G. Davis, Jr., Andrew Wertheimer, Joy Kingsolver and a number of others put in a great deal of effort and we all owe them our thanks. There are reports on these events in this issue. On page 6 Andrew Wertheimer reports on the summer conference. For those of you unable to attend, Andrew's report gives a very thorough account of the LHRT's Fiftieth Anniversary celebration. Donald G. Davis, Jr. reports on the international conference held in Paris, "Books, Publishing, Libraries and Reading during the Cold War." Three of our members Louise Robbins, Christine Jenkins, and Donald G. Davis, Jr. presented papers. Don also reports on the activities of the Round Table on Library History program during the IFLA conference in the Netherlands in August 1998.

I should like to take this opportunity to thank the past Chair, Louise Robbins for her contributions and leadership over this past year. Despite the fact that Louise had a lot on her plate, it was an excellent year for the LHRT. Now I have a very tough act to follow. She not only worked hard to keep the organization on track, but also took on the job as the director of the SLIS program at University of Wisconsin, Madison. Under her leadership, LHRT achieved an important milestone in its existence. The Fiftieth Anniversary events of this past summer will be long remembered.

The program for New Orleans is entitled "Bringing Libraries to the People: Histories of Library Outreach." The call for papers can be found later in this issue. The intent of this program is to honor librarians from public libraries, state libraries, and benevolent organizations as well as commercial publishers who developed and provided libraries aimed at underserved groups unable to gain access to a traditional library.

I hope you all had a good summer. I spent part of last summer in Europe and visited some remarkable collections. One of the high points was the rare book collection of the Uppsala University Library. The Codex Argenteus or Silver Bible is quite a remarkable work of art. I also visited the Arni Magnusson Institute in Reykjavik. Some of the Icelandic manuscripts from the Middle Ages recently returned from Denmark were on display. Danish authorities returned the last two manuscripts during the summer of 1997. This process of returning a nation's cultural heritage to its rightful owners is a rare and wonderful thing.

One of the more memorable libraries I visited was the county or regional library in Klaipeda, Lithuania. It does not hold significant collections and the stucco facade of the building is flaking but it does have a fascinating history. Founded soon after independence in 1923, the library was placed in the former home of a widow. This circumstance is not unique in Lithuania which has few libraries housed in buildings designed as libraries. In 1939, Hitler's Legions reclaimed Memel, as they called the city, and burnt the collection. They then replaced the collection with German books. In 1945 the Soviets came in and destroyed German materials. In 1950, the new collection was primarily in Russian, and like the German, bore an obvious political bias. Over the years Lithuanian librarians, who worked in the library, secretly purchased Lithuanian books from antique dealers using money not designated for book purchasing and in the process risked their careers.

After independence, this library, like many others in the former Soviet empire, began a process of weeded out much of the Soviet propaganda replacing it with books in their own language. The plight of this library is not over however. The economy from the start has been depressed. Now that the world has opened up and the world's literature is freely available there is little money to buy books, let alone CD-ROMs or any computer equipment. A further problem is the lack of qualified graduates of library science programs. Graduates can find salaries of up to five to six times the rate libraries can offer in the private sector. And we think we have problems! I look forward to seeing you all in Philadelphia. Safe travels.


LHRT Executive Committee Meeting ALA Annual Meeting, Washington DC Sunday, June 28, 1998

The Chair, Louise Robbins, called the meeting to order at 11:30 AM in Room 2 of the Renaissance Washington Hotel. Introductions followed. Present : Jim Carmichael, Michelle Cloonan, Robert Freeman,Gerry Greenberg, Laurel Grotzinger, Suzanne Hildenbrand, Joy Kingsolver, Mary Jo Lynch (ALA), Mary Niles Maack, Sibyl Moses, Barry Neavill, Ken Potts, Louise Robbins, Lee Shiflett, Catherine Sias (ALA), Steve Sowards, Andrew Wertheimer, and Holly Willett. Louise Robbins distributed the agenda.

1. Minutes of the last meeting

Two corrections were noted for the minutes of the 11 January 1998 meetings, as published in the Spring 1998 issue of the LHRT Newsletter. References to a "difference between the $1500 and $500 awards" for the Dain and Winsor prizes are mistaken: each award is $500. Steve Sowards was not listed as present. The minutes were approved as amended.

2. Treasurer's report

ALA Liaison Mary Jo Lynch distributed a summary of LHRT's account with final figures for 1996-97, and figures for 1997-98 as of 4/30/98. She distributed a table of Round Table memberships. LHRT's membership had gone up 4% between May '97 and May '98. Only two or three Round Tables consistently show an increase. We had a Fund Balance of $12,211 at the end of 1996-97, so LHRT is solvent. However, $7,235.93 of our balance is earmarked for the Winsor Endowment and not available to spend (and until that figure reaches ten thousand dollars LHRT receives no interest dividends). Some 1997-98 revenues and expenses were not reflected. Unreported expenses include the LHRT 50th Anniversary celebration yesterday, and some bills not yet due (cost of the Spring '98 Newsletter mailing, the Dain award, conference expenses -- speaker travel, speaker honorarium, event photographer, A-V support). Unreported revenues will include recently paid dues (members renew and pay LHRT dues on a rolling basis, year-around). No income from Wayne Wiegand's Dewey biography, Irrepressible Reformer, is included: he has offered LHRT up to $7500 on a matching basis (see the longer discussion later in these minutes). It was asked whether Wayne Wiegand knew when he would receive royalties? Apparently no royalties will appear until after the end of ALA's fiscal year (August 31, 1998). Jim Carmichael indicated that LHRT will get some royalty income from Daring to Find Our Names after its publication in August 1998. Mary Jo Lynch will look into ALA procedures for handling the Dewey book royalties.

The Treasurer's Report was approved, as corrected and amended as necessary by Mary Jo Lynch (who will report changes and findings to the officers).

In editing Mark Tucker's draft for the "Handbook for Officers", Mary Jo Lynch noticed some misinformation about LHRT dues. In 1996, LHRT's Executive Committee raised the annual dues from $12 to $15, but this change has not been reflected in ALA mailings and renewal notices. Mary Jo Lynch will see about correcting this in future ALA literature and mailings, and the forthcoming revised Handbook (being prepared by Mark Tucker) for officers has the correct figures. In the meantime, there should be an announcement and explanation to members, in the Newsletter and perhaps through H-LIS. The special rate for library and information science students remains at $5.

Laurel Grotzinger reminded us that Library History Seminar X (LHSX) will take place in two years: LHRT has underwritten past seminars with amounts around $5000. No funds have been allocated yet. Louise Robbins reported that LHSX preparations are in the hands of John Cole from the LC's Center for the Book; she has seen no budget.

3. Old Business

a) Awards

Justin Winsor Prize Committee: Barry Neavill reported that no award will be made this year. There were three submissions. This means that $500 will not be spent (this is an annual prize). Christine Jenkins will be chair in '98-99 (this position rotates as members serve a three-year term). Dain Dissertation Prize Committee: Jim Carmichael reported that four strong submissions this year, three of them from Wisconsin-Madison. The committee thought very highly of two submissions: while Christine Pawley was named the winner, the committee took the unusual step of awarding a certificate of merit to Christine Jenkins as well. Both theses were honored at the joint LRRT/LHRT awards program.

The Dain Prize covers theses written in specific two-year periods, and is meant to be awarded in alternate (odd-numbered) years. We missed 1997. The Dain award given this year (1998) should have been given in 1997: by making an award both in 1998 and in 1999, we will catch up and thereafter restore this two-year cycle. Mary Niles Maack noted that the organizational status of the Dain Committee is vague: it seems to be free-standing, and not connected to the Research Committee. The revised Handbook will clarify this. There was discussion of the due date for submissions: committees need to complete their work early enough for winners to plan to attend ALA. Dain submissions are now due on February 1st.

Michelle Cloonan passed out a report on the "Endowed Lectureship" project. Wayne Wiegand has proposed to establish an endowment by having LHRT match his donation of up to $7500 in royalties from Irrepressible Reformer (ALA, 1996) by Jan. 1, 2001. She presented a four-point revised "Recommendations of the LHRT Ad Hoc Committee on Funding a Permanent Endowed Lectureship" to replace the original 1996 proposal. The 1998 plan proposes that LHRT commit $1200, $1300 and $1500 respectively in 1998, 1999 and 2000 (a total of $4000), and raise the remainder through an auction of books and memorabilia contributed by LHRT members, during the ALA annual meeting in New Orleans in June 1999. In discussion it was noted that we need to set specific targets in order to meet the deadline at the end of 2000. There was high interest in the auction idea. Success will require publicity, donations, an auctioneer, a prime location and a two-hour block of time. David Hovde is reportedly willing to organize the event, with the ad hoc committee's help. The Oklahoma Library Association and the Book Club of Detroit have successfully held similar events. The actual royalties to be matched might prove to be less than $7500.

The meeting voted to reaffirm LHRT's commitment to match the royalties by the original deadline, and to pursue both the auction idea and individual donations by sponsors (some of whom wrote checks on the spot) to cover the remaining balance. Points 1, 3 and 4 were passed. On point #2 (the 1998, 1999, and 2000 target amounts) LHRT voted to set these "in principle as goals" pending what the budget could actually sustain.

Louise Robbins passed out draft texts describing the proposed triennial Eliza Atkins Gleason Book Award and the biennial Donald G. Davis Article Award, and asked for input by email as a top priority before the Midwinter meeting. At present no dollar amount is specified for either prize: a request for approval from the ALA Awards Committee is still pending.

To generate more revenue in the long run, Mary Jo Lynch suggested moving excess funds at the end of August 1998 from our new fund balance into the endowment account. As of 4/30/98, we were $2,764.07 short. It was approved that Mary Jo Lynch move money up to this amount to the endowment account, if funds were available. No ALA unit can establish an endowment unless and until they can start it with
$10,000; thereafter the interest on that $10,000 goes to the endowment fund.

b) Reports

Louise Robbins circulated past correspondence about support for the ALA Archives. She is preparing another letter on this topic and welcomes input. There were brief reports on the Paris Conference and on planning for Library History Seminar X. Louise Robbins will see John Cole on Monday. Liaison reports will appear in the Newsletter.

c) Publications

Lee Shiflett reported that Charley Seavey will become chair of the Publications Committee. The Publications Committee will serve in an advisory role for the LHRT Web page, maintained by Joy Kingsolver at http://www.ala.org/lhrt/

The LHRT Newsletter is seeking a permanent replacement for David Hovde as co-editor, to work with Ed Goedeken. Charley Seavey has agreed to fill in for the Fall '98 issue, only.

4. New Business

a) Committee Appointments for 1998-99 David Hovde made most of the appointments before leaving for his current stint abroad. Others were filled by volunteers. Jim Carmichael will continue as chair of the Dain Dissertation Committee. Christine Jenkins becomes chair of the Winsor Prize Committee; Mary Niles Maack will become the third member. (See also the full list of appointments at the end of these minutes.) Liaisons were named to other organizations:

American Association for State and Local History --Sibyl Moses

ALA Membership Promotion Task Force -- Andrew Wertheimer

ASIS - Bob Williams

ALA Library Education Assembly -- not filled: adequate means to share information should exist within ALA.

Louise Robbins will act as an Ad Hoc Committee-of-One on Book and Article Awards.

b) Budget

Mary Jo Lynch will check on some budget questions as previously noted. We need to determine how much money is available for some upcoming commitments, such as the various prizes, completing the endowment sum, matching the Wiegand royalties, and supporting LHSX.

c) Membership meeting

Per Charley Seavey's inquiry, it was stated that the Executive Committee meeting functions as the LHRT membership meeting. We should therefore list and promote it as a "business meeting" and get a longer block of time at future conferences.

d) Other items not on the agenda

Mary Niles Maack asked about the status of Library History Seminar X. John Cole (LC Center for the Book) is doing the planning. There were concerns that the theme (National Libraries) might be too narrow for many papers with library history content. Barry Neavill pointed out that if the papers are meant to appear in "Libraries and Culture", they should have an historical focus; he is on the LHSX contact committee, he has received no hard information. Louise Robbins will meet with John Cole on Monday about the second call for papers, and will raise these questions.

Robert Freeman reports that David Hovde proposed a theme for LHRT's 1999 papers and sessions: "Bringing Libraries to the People: Histories of Library Outreach" which could include public libraries, private libraries, and service to underserved communities. Phyllis Dain is a potential speaker. There was general approval. It was suggested that the theme not be limited to the United States. Suzanne Hildenbrand solicited names of those interested in reviewing book for H-LIS. Christine Pawley is H-LIS review editor. Louise Robbins thanked Joy Kingsolver for her work on the Web page, David Hovde and Ed Goedeken as the Newsletter editors, Andrew Wertheimer for organizing yesterday's successful LHRT 50th Anniversary, and the members of the Dain and Winsor Committees; she has enjoyed being chair. The meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m. Minutes submitted by Steve Sowards, acting for the current secretary-treasurer who was unable to attend.


1998-99 LHRT Committees Executive Committee

David M. Hovde, chair
Sibyl Moses, vice-chair/chair-elect
Steve Sowards, secretary-treasurer
Holly G. Willett, member at large
Lee Shiflett, member at large

LHRT Newsletter

Ed Goedeken
Charley Seavey (Fall 1998 only)

Standing Committees:

Justin Winsor Prize Committee
Christine Jenkins, chair
Cheryl Knott Malone
Mary Niles Maack

Research Committee
Mark Tucker
Steve Sowards (NCC)
Art Young (LRRT)
Marilyn Martin
Ed Goedeken

Dain Dissertation Committee
Jim Carmichael, chair
Marilyn Martin
Ed Goedeken

Nominating Committee
Ken Potts, chair
Robert Freeman
Holly Crawford

Publications Committee
Charley Seavey
Ed Goedeken
William Olbrich
Joy Kingsolver
Fred Stielow

Ad Hoc Committees:

Committee on the Preservation of Library Records
Deanna Marcum

Endowed Lecture Committee
Michelle Cloonan, chair
Holly Crawford
Holly Willet

Committee on Book and Article Awards
Louise Robbins


Libraries and Culture: Cheryl Knott Malone
American Association for State and Local History: Sibyl Moses
ALA Membership Promotion Task Force: Andrew Wertheimer
Freedom to Read Foundation: Holly Crawford
ALA Library Education Assembly--unfilled--
National Coordinating Committee (NCC) for the Promotion of History: Steve Sowards
Society of American Archivists: Phil Metzger
Organization of American Historians: Jean-Pierre V. M. Herubel
ASIS: Bob Williams
IFLA: Pamela Richards, Don Davis
LRRT: Art Young
Association for the Bibliography of History: Ken Potts
SHARP: Robert Freeman

Change in Dues

After many years at the $12 level, rising costs prompted the Executive Committee to raise annual dues to $15 in 1996. That change was not reflected in ALA renewal notices during 1997 and the first part of 1998, but will be implemented soon. We hope that members will continue to regard LHRT as a good investment, and remind them that LHRT members are eligible for a 20% discount on subscriptions to Libraries and Culture through the generous support of Don Davis and the University of Texas Press.

NCC Liaison Report

Liaison Report: National Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of History (NCC)
by Steven Sowards, Summer 1998

As an organization tracking library- and archive-related activities in Washington DC on behalf of ALA, AHA and other professional groups, NCC reported recently on these issues.

1. The Digital Copyright Millennium Act of 1998, a major revision of copyright law addressing both digital issues and ratification of two World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) treaties, passed the Senate in May (as S. 2037). A virtually identical bill (H.R. 2281) remains under consideration by the House of Representatives. Publishers, lawyers, academics and librarians have expressed fears in recent hearings that any flawed legislation would upset the present balance between "fair use" interests and those of copyright holders, by moving too far toward a "pay for view" environment. In both House and Senate deliberations, lawmakers have paid significant attention to the potential effect of any new law on libraries in matters like preservation, and on educational innovations such as distance learning.

2. Funding. As it does every year, NCC has also tracked debate and negotiation for FY99 appropriations for a variety of federal institutions which support or interact with libraries and archives. Funds for the National Archives and the National Historical Publications and Records Commission have been forthcoming with relatively little trouble, but as in many recent years, funding for the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities has been severely attacked by conservatives.

3.FOIA. Another recurring Washington theme remains the terms of access to public documents, an issue which arises in varied contexts. For example, litigation is pending about identifying and handling private materials contained in the public Nixon Records (papers and tapes). Public interests groups have questioned compliance by some agencies with the expansion of the Freedom of Information Act to include content in electronic forms. And criticism of declassification procedures by the Central Intelligence Agency has come from both individual researchers and from the State Department advisory committee which is charged with producing the documentary Foreign Relations of the United States set. Interested readers can find the latest NCC Washington Updates at http://www.h-net.msu.edu/~ncc/.

LHRT Turns 50

Schrecker on McCarthyism, LHRT at 50 and Holley Presents Beta Phi Mu Lecture: A Review of Library History Events at the 1998 ALA Annual Conference
by Andrew B. Wertheimer, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Library historians attending the 1998 Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. had a smorgasbord of offerings on historical themes. Non-LHRT events included the 100th Anniversary of the newly-remodeled Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress and of Library of Congress Subject Headings. Beta Phi Mu also sponsored a Distinguished Lecture featuring library historian Dean Holley, but first let us review the official LHRT events.

Contextualizing McCarthyism

Fifty years ago ALA adopted its Library Bill of Rights. To explore the historical context of that decision, the ALA LHRT, IFRT and LRRT presented Ellen Schrecker, Professor of History at Yeshiva University, who is one of the leading scholars of the McCarthy period. Schrecker, author of No Ivory Tower: McCarthyism and the Universities, among other works, discussed the censorship environment of the summer of 1948, when the Hollywood blacklists were in effect.

According to Schrecker, librarians were more courageous in fighting McCarthyist oppression than most professions. She qualified her remarks by noting that several disciplines have not been investigated yet. Schrecker posited that many liberals collaborated with McCarthyism by firing people once they were publicly identified as being communist or a sympathizer, even though they disliked the methods of the witch hunt. She also stressed that McCarthyism was not a populist movement, and was conducted by a network of 100 core activists. Schrecker concluded that McCarthyism set back race relations, women's rights, cultural discourse and diversity (such as formula films taking the place of earlier films with social messages) and led to the Korean and Vietnam wars.

Relating this directly to library history, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Professor Christine Jenkins discussed the anti-Communist censorship efforts in the library and publishing environments since the 1930s. Fay Golden, Director, Liverpool (N.Y.) Public Library, responded to Schrecker from a contemporary viewpoint as IFRT Chair. Golden reminded the audience that censorship threats remain and have become more sophisticated by using the rhetoric of protecting children, a more easily grasped threat than communists in the State Department. Louise Robbins, Director, School of Library & Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, whose own book explored this period and the ALA's reaction, moderated the panel. According to Robbins, although the 1948 Library Bill of Rights passed, it was only by a narrow majority and was debated for many years.

[Expanded from the author's article, "Libraries, Society and McCarthyism," which appeared in the ALA conference paper, Cognotes on June 29, 1998.]

50th Anniversary Celebration at the Center for the Book

The fiftieth anniversary of the LHRT was feted with a celebration and academic panel of library historians, chaired by Donald G. Davis, Jr. (U. Texas-Austin) in the James Madison Building of the Library of Congress. Before the academic papers were presented, John Y. Cole (Director, Center for the Book, Library of Congress) spoke as one of the events co-sponsors. LHRT outgoing chair, Louise Robbins (U. Wisconsin-Madison) presented Cole with a copy of James Danky and Wayne Wiegand's Print Culture in A Diverse America, which is a collection of papers from a conference which the Center for the Book co-sponsored.

Since LHRT is the world's oldest organization devoted to the study of library history, several collegial societies sent messages of congratulation. These included the IFLA Round Table Round Table on Library History (Letter by Paul Sturges, Loughborough U., Read by Michelle V. Cloonan, UCLA), the Japan Association of Library and Information History (Letter by Tooru Ogawa and Yoshitaka Kawasaki, Kyoto U., Read by John V. Richardson, Jr., UCLA), Paul Kaegbein (U. of Köln, Read by Suzanne Hildenbrand, SUNY-Buffalo), The Library Association (U.K.) Library History Group (Letter by Peter Hoare, U. Knottingham, Read by Sibyl E. Moses, Catholic U. of Amer.).

Academic papers were given by some of the pioneers and scholar-activists of the field. It was the first panel to look back at the development of the LHRT and historical research in LIS. A complete list of papers read includes:

Lee Shiflett (Louisiana State U.) "Louis Shores and Library History"

John David Marshall (Middle Tennessee State U.) "The LHRT: The Years as the American Library History Round Table" [Read by Edward G. Holley (U. North Carolina at Chapel Hill]

Laurel Grotzinger (Western Michigan U.), "Library History: An Evanescent Existence" Phyllis Dain (Columbia U.), "The Historical Sensibility"

Arthur P. Young (Northern Illinois U.), "Clio, Sisyphus and Other Challenges"

Mary Niles Maack (UCLA), "International Dimensions in the History of Libraries and Print Culture"

Louise Robbins (U. Wisconsin-Madison), "The Future of (Writing About) the Past"

Andrew B. Wertheimer (U. Wisconsin-Madison), "Concluding Remarks: Reflections on the Future of Historical Research in Library Studies."

Davis concluded the program with a toast to "long life for the library history round table," to which the audience could join in thanks to refreshments provided by the Center for the Book. While consuming the lovely refreshments and conversation, people also appreciated an exhibit on LHRT's history, which was curated by Joy A. Kingsolver (Spertus Institute for Jewish Studies).

Many of the papers will be included in a special issue of Libraries & Culture (being edited by Davis and the author), which will also be released as a monograph under the imprint of the LHRT and the University of Texas-Austin Graduate School of Library and Information Science).


Again this year, the LHRT and Library Research Round Table (LRRT) co-sponsored a joint awards ceremony. No Justin Winsor Essay Prize was given this year, but the Phyllis Dain Library History Dissertation Award was given to Christine Pawley (U. Wisconsin-Madison) for her 1996 "Reading on the Middle Border: The Culture of Print in Osage, Iowa, 1870 to 1900," which she is revising for publication. In an ALA press release announcing the award, Dain Committee Chair, Jim Carmichael, is quoted as saying that Pawley's "superbly conceived study was sophisticated and elegant in design, widely applicable to a variety of disciplines articulate yet succinct, beautifully written and flawlessly executed."

This year, the Dain Committee also unanimously voted to present a special citation of merit to Christine Jenkins (U. Illinois Champaign-Urbana) for her "The Strength of the Inconspicuous: Youth Services Librarians, the American Library Association, and Intellectual Freedom for the Young, 1939-1955" (1995). Carmichael described her two volumes as reflecting "a detailed and thorough examination of the records of ALA for children's, youth services and school groups in their many-sided but under-studied work in the promotion of both young people's literature and young people's right to read during World War II and the early years of the Cold War."

As neither recipient was able to attend the ceremony, Louise Robbins, as Director of the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Wisconsin (where both dissertations are from) read acceptance statements for the winners. Both dissertations are available from UMI. Pawley's order number is AAC 9622533 and Jenkins's is AAC 9608170.

Holley at Beta Phi Mu

Beta Phi Mu (BPM) made a re-entry into the history of library science with its first annual Distinguished Lecture, which was given by Edward G. Holley, William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Holley's presentation was titled "Librarianship and Scholarship Through Five Decades: A Personal View."

True to his promise, he recalled his active involvement with the profession as Dean of the School of Information and Library Science at Chapel Hill, Director of Libraries at the University of Houston, and ALA President. Holley spoke eloquently on how "scholarship and librarianship have much in common" and contextualized his own involvement with many of the societal changes happening outside of libraries and stressed how some of these changes manifested themselves inside libraries. In this same stream, he celebrated ALA's campaign for intellectual freedom and the development of graduate studies and research in LIS.

Holley also briefly reviewed library media and publishing, featuring the genre of the biographical study of librarians. Holley's 1963 Charles Evans: American Bibliographer is noted as one of the two pioneering well written and researched biographies of our profession. Holley compared his work and that of William L. Williamson's Poole biography, and Laurel Grotzinger's later study of Katherine Sharp. He contrasted these with earlier "saintly" biographies.

BPM also celebrated its fiftieth anniversary with a tea reception and chapbook listing past officers and directors of the honorary association. LHRT members should also thank BPM for generously changing the day of its program so that Dean Holley could speak at our own 50th anniversary panel and so that BPM and LHRT members could attend both sessions.

BPM is also re-entering the world of publishing historical research with its revival of the chapbooks series with the publication of the lecture. The organization also works with Greenwood Press to issue a series of studies, which includes Jim Carmichael's recent collection of historical articles entitled Daring to Find Our Names: The Search for Lesbigay Library History.

Books, Libraries, Reading & Publishing in the Cold War

Livre, Edition, Bibliotheques, Lecture durant la Guerre Froide
11-12 June 1998, Centre Sevres, Paris
Report of an IFLA Conference
by Donald G. Davis, Jr.,
Graduate School of Library & Information Science , University of Texas at Austin

For two full days in beautiful springtime Paris between fifty and sixty people listened with great interest to presentations of great diversity united by focus on the phenomenon of the Cold War. They heard summaries of 23 prepared papers (and read one additional one) in the distributed volume of conference papers that included, for most presentations, versions in both English and French-the languages of the conference. The colloquium was planned and executed by Martine Poulain, Pamela Spence Richards and Marie-Noel Frachon who represented the sponsors--the IFLA Round Table on Library History, ENSSIB (Ecole national superieure des sciences de l'information et des bibliotheques), Mediadix-Universite de Paris X as well as the IFLA Section on Reading. Four sessions were spread over two days with short breaks in the middle and some time for discussion, though never quite enough to satisfy everyone.

Session 1: Libraries in the Cold War

Francois Dupuigrenet Desroussilles, director of ENSSIB, presided at the first session, entitled "Libraries in the Cold War (1)," that included seven papers.

"IFLA and the Cold War" by Donald G. Davis, Jr. (USA),

"A Soviet Research Library Remembered" by Edward Kasinec (USA),

The Overseas Libraries Controversy and The Freedom to Read: U.S. Librarians and Publishers Confront Joseph McCarthy" by Louise S. Robbins (USA);

"The Effect of the Cold War on Librarianship in China?" by Cheng Huanwen (China),

"The Establishment of the American Memorial Library in Berlin: Symbol of the Cold War" by Peter Borchardt (Germany),

"Political Censorship in Finnish Libraries in 1944-46" by Kai Ekholm (Finland)

"Books and Libraries as Instruments of Cultural Diplomacy in Francophone Africa during the Cold War" by Mary Niles Maack (USA).

Session 2: Publishing During the Cold War

In absence of Pamela Spence Richards of Rutgers University, Donald G. Davis, Jr. of the University of Texas at Austin chaired the second session, entitled "Publishing during the Cold War," that included fivepapers:

"Censoring Canons: Selling, Silencing, and Reading Czech Books," by Jirina Smejkalova (Czech Republic),

"Les Temps Modernes': The Birth of a Journal and the Search for a Third Way (1944-1953)" by Christine Martin (France),

"Control of Literary Communication in the 1945-1956 Period [in Poland]" by Oskar Stanislaw Czamik (Poland),

"International Harmony" Threat or Menace? U.S. Youth Services Librarians and Cold War Censorship, 1946-1955" by Christine Jenkins (USA)

"Le Comite de Defence de la Litterature et de la Presse pour la Jeunesse: The Communists and the Press for Children during the Cold War" by Thierry Crepin (France).

Session 3: Reading During the Cold War

John Y. Cole of the U.S. Library of Congress presided at the third session, entitled "Reading during the Cold War," that included six papers:

"Reading in the Context of Censorship" by Valeria Stelmakh (Russia),

"Symbolic Censorship and Control of Appropriations: The French Communist Party facing 'Heretical' Texts during the Cold War" by Bernard Pudal (France),

"American Literature in Cold War Germany" by Martin Meyer (Germany),

"A Cold War Best-Seller: The Reaction to Arthur Koestler's Darkness at Noon in France (1945-1950)" by Martine Poulain (France),

"Library Secret Funds [Collections] and the Competition of Societies" by Istven Kiraly (Romania).

Session 4: Libraries and the Cold War

Martine Poulain, director of the School of Libraries Mediadix at Paris X University in Nanterre, chaired the fourth and final session, entitled "Libraries and the Cold War (2) that included six papers:

"Cold War Librarianship: Soviet and American Library Activities in Support of National Foreign Policy, 1946-1991" by Pamela Spence Richards (USA) and read by Donald G. Davis, Jr.,

'Foreign Libraries in the Mirror of Soviet Library Science during the Cold War" by Boris Volodin (Russia),

"The Training at the Institute of Library Science and Scientific Information at the Humboldt University Berlin (IBI) during the Cold War" by Juren Freytag (Germany),

"Finland Pays its Debts and gets Books in Return: ASLA Grants to the Finnish Research Libraries, 1950-1966" by llkkla Makinen (Finland),

"Romanian Libraries Recover after the Cold War: Communist Legacy and the Road Ahead" by Hermina G. B. Anghelescu (Romania), and

"Leaning to One Side: The Impact of the Cold War on Chinese Library Collections" by Priscilla C. Yu (USA).


The conference brought together a remarkable group of scholars who, many for the first time, were able to share their research and insights and to discuss with their colleagues the implications of the many facets of the Cold War era. All were grateful the for the opportunity to be present and to benefit from the spirited interchange that followed the paper sessions. Though the breaks did not seem nearly long enough, the conference organizers encouraged further dialogue by arranging for lunches for the speakers nearby in the dining room at Le Bon Marche and by arranging for a pleasant reception on the first evening at the American Library in Paris, hosted by its director and staff. Participants were able to view the film "Arthur Koestler, du commisaire au yogi" of G. Nizan during the lunch period each day.

When the papers are ultimately edited and published in French and in English in coming months, the conference will doubtless stimulate additional research and papers on this topic which is of paramount importance in considering the history of the last half of the twentieth century. The conference organizers and sponsors can be justly proud of a first-rate academic endeavor that was a great success. This splendid conference simply opened the subject.

Library History in Amsterdam: The 1998 IFLA Program

by Donald G. Davis, Jr.
Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Texas at Austin

"Aspects of Library History in the Low Countries and the United States" was the modest title of the 1998 IFLA Round Table on Library History program, convened at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday afternoon, 19 August, at the RAI Congress Centre. But what a collection of aspects there turned out to be! Paul Sturges of the Department of Information and Library Studies, Loughborough University, and secretary- treasurer of the Round Table, chaired the session ably in the regrettable absence of Pamela Spence Richards of the School of Communications, Information and Library Studies, Rutgers University.

Though the program announcement appeared provocative enough, the audience of about 100 delegates was doubtless surprised by the variety of content presented by the speakers. All but the final paper had appeared in print in the distributed conference booklet number seven. Paul Schneiders, the preeminent authority on Dutch library history and author of the recent K.G. Saur volume on the topic, presented "A Brief Overview of Dutch Library History" drawn from his lifetime of research--providing his colleagues with an excellent survey that provided context for what they were experiencing during conference library visits. Ludo Simons, Chief Librarian of the University of Antwerp, gave an entertaining talk on "Libraries in Dutch-Speaking Belgium," stressing the peculiarities of library development in Flanders and how it differed from the French-speaking region. His candid assessment of the contribution of Herman Liebaers to the Belgian library profession was interesting--especially since Liebaers, former National Librarian of Belgium and Honorary President of IFLA, had addressed a general session the day before on the topic "Towards Edinburgh 75: IFLA 30 Years Ago: The Dramatic 34th Council and General Conference in Frankfurt am Main in 1968."

The American portion of the program began with James V. Carmichael, Jr. of the Department of Library & Information Studies, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, departing from his prepared paper, "Homosexuality and Libraries in the United States: Land of the Free, But Not Home to the Gay," that pointed to the slow progress of recognizing gay concerns in American libraries. He provided anecdotes from his own life and the lives of others that strove to counter general caricatures of the homosexual community. Wayne A. Wiegand of the School of Library & Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, concluded the program with easily the most scholarly paper of the afternoon entitled "Fractured Window on the World: Perspectives on Other Countries in Small U.S. Public Libraries of the 1950s." Drawn from his continuing original research in primary sources, he presented a well-drawn case study of Sauk Centre, Minnesota, as representative of small town libraries during the initial stages of the Cold War, examining the diversity (and lack thereof) of the collection in various perspectives about the Communist regime in China and suggesting that cultural hegemony resulted from selections drawn from mainstream and professional book selection aids.

Though there was some discussion of all the papers, Wiegand's drew the most animated response. In all, the program was very successful and showed the diverse approaches and subjects that attract the interest of library historians worldwide.

Calls for Papers

Library History Round Table (LHRT) of the American Library Association (ALA)

The Program Session and Research Forum of the Library History Round Table will take place during the American Library Association's annual conference June 24-July 1, 1999 in New Orleans. Today we find ourselves in the age of the digital library where, in theory, anyone anywhere can access library materials and services without leaving their home or office. One of the concerns expressed with the advent of this new technology is the lack of access for underserved groups isolated by socioeconomic, geographical, or cultural factors.

This concern is not new in American librarianship. For almost two centuries, entities as varied as public libraries, benevolent organizations, and commercial publishers have attempted to deliver library collections and services to isolated populations beyond the confines of the traditional library.

The Library History Round Table (LHRT) Program Planning Committee solicits proposals for papers to be read at its 1999 Summer Program Session and Research Forum, "Bringing Libraries to the People: Histories of Library Outreach," which will explore public, private, and commercial efforts to bring library collections and services to non-traditional users in the United States. Papers might focus on the motivations of the individuals involved, the contents of collections, and the methods of delivery. User groups would include rural or urban populations, Native-Americans, African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, immigrant communities, or groups based on socioeconomic status or gender. Forms of delivery would include branch libraries, factory libraries, bookmobiles, portable traveling libraries, reading programs, and electronic media such as radio and television. Papers will be considered for publication in a collection.

Abstracts of no more than 500 words should be sent to David Hovde, HSSE Library, 1530 Stewart Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1530, USA, phone (765)494-2833, FAX (765)494-9007, email hovde@purdue.edu. Deadline for proposals is December 15, 1998. Completed manuscripts (15-30 pp. double-spaced) should be submitted by March 1, 1999.

Library History Interest Group

The Library History Interest Group is soliciting papers for a program on library history at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Library History Association in Toronto, Ontario, June 16-20, 1999. Particular attention will be placed on Canadian library history. Selected papers may be published by the Library History Interest Group in conjunction with C.L.A. Papers are solicited which fit any one of the following categories of library history:

Overviews and syntheses: Studies of particular individuals, institutions, or developments which provide generalizable interpretations or else serve as case studies.

Methodological studies which look at various aspects of research in library history.

It is anticipated that papers will be based upon personal, funded, institutional, or degree research projects. Papers should not have been previously published elsewhere. They should be fully documented and accompanied by illustrations where appropriate. They may be presented in either English or French.

December 1, 1998 - proposal or abstracts
May 15, 1999 - completed papers

For further information, or submission of proposals, abstracts, and papers, please contact: Peter F. McNally Associate Professor Graduate School of Library and Information Studies McGill University 3459 McTavish St. Montreal, QC H3A 1Y1

Telephone: 514-398-4204 Extension 3367
FAX: 514-398-7193

News and Announcements

Exec. Bd. Meeting for Midwinter: Sunday, January 31, 8:30 - 11:00 a.m.

ALA Archives Exhibit

The American Library Association Archives is pleased to announce a new exhibit in the University of Illinois Library: Highlights from the Columbia University Library Science Library Vertical Files, 1832-1994 (record series 85/7/6). A digital version of the exhibit can be seen via the 'What's New' entry on the ALA Archives home page:


The files comprise over 118 cubic feet of library documents from the United States and around the world. Dating from 1832, they include photographs, staff manuals, publications, booklists, floor plans, annual reports, postcards, correspondence, exhibition catalogs, commemorative brochures, signs, forms, and catalog and library cards from public, school, academic, and special libraries. There is also a substantial collection of library equipment and vendors' catalogs dating from the turn of the century; subject files on library-related topics; a series of documents from library, publishing and information science organizations in the U.S. and abroad; and documents from ALA annual and midwinter meetings and divisions of ALA. A 120-page finding aid is available.

This exhibit displays representative examples of the types of documents found in the collection, along with several highlights. Jeffrey Makala, GSLIS 1998, processed the materials and mounted the exhibit.

Additional information can be obtained from:
American Library Association Archives
University of Illinois Archives
Room 19, Main Library
1408 W. Gregory Drive
Urbana IL 61801

(217) 333-0798


Library History Database

Robin Alston has created a huge Library History Database containing several thousand records covering:
Country Houses
Families associated with above
Private Owners

The URL is:


There are various indexes to assist researchers find what they are looking for. There is one incorrect link from the Home Page - Scotland, where for some reason the link is to Wales! Until I can fix this use the URL up to /Libraries/ch_sco.htm. The Private Owners database is still very much work-in-progress - I often wonder if it can ever be finished! If users experience any problems with the files please let me know. And suggestions for improvement always welcome.

Robin Alston can be reached at:
University College London

Voice: 0171-380 7204: (Department)
01449-766324: (Home)
Fax: 0171-383 0557: (Department)
01449-765913: (Home)

Email: r.alston@ucl.ac.uk

Book History

BOOK HISTORY is a new scholarly journal devoted to every aspect of the history of the book, broadly defined as the creation, dissemination, reception, and use of script, print, and mediacy. The journal will publish research on the social, economic, and cultural history of authorship, editing, printing, publishing, media, the book arts, the book trade, periodicals, newspapers, ephemera, copyright, censorship, literary agents, libraries, literary criticism, canon formation, literacy, literary education, reading habits, and reader response. The journal is open to all disciplines and methodologies, and it will consider articles dealing with any literary culture and any historical period.

BOOK HISTORY is coedited by Ezra Greenspan (University of South Carolina) and Jonathan Rose (Drew University). It is sponsored by the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP) and published by Penn State University Press as a hardcover annual.

Penn State University Press will sell Book History at a rate of $35/yr. for a three-year subscription, or $45 for a single-year subscription. For information on ordering Book History directly from the publisher, contact:

Journals Department, Penn State University Press
Suite C, 820 University Drive
University Park, PA 16802-1003

Tel.: 1-800-326-9180