Notable IRRT Member
Ann Symons
Librarian, Moscow and St. Petersburg
The Anglo-American School
Moscow, Russia
IRRT member since: I have been a member of IRRT since the mid 1990's.
Most enjoyable international library project/projects:
Azerbaijan, 1999 – participating in the founding of the AzerbaijanLibrary Association, meeting and working with their members, working on their advocacy and strategic plans, visiting their rural public libraries. This visit was the spring board for working with librarians and library associations throughout the South Caucuses over the next several years to improve library services in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia. As a result of my international experiences with ALA, I now find myself living and working as a librarian in Moscow, Russia. Nothing tops living in a country and being a part of a global library community.
Three words to new IRRT members: Advocate, Participate, Meet global colleagues