About Networking Program
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About the International Librarians Networking Program
2019 Program Highlights | 2020 Program Highlights
The International Librarians Networking Program (ILNP) is open to any library professional or student who wishes to collaborate with and learn from other library professionals from around the world.
The International Librarians Networking Program uses a peer to peer model. Peer mentoring is a partnership between two or three members who share similar levels of work experience, or similar interests, goals, and skill sets. These networking partnerships have been shown to increase motivation, support and resourcefulness in professionals.
In order to participate in the International Librarians Networking Program, you must be able to:
Commit to 3-4 months of regular communication with your assigned partner
Communicate with program partners and the ILNP in a respectful, courteous and professional manner
Establish regular communication guidelines with partner (e.g. Respond to emails from your matched partner within a week)
Meet regularly with your partner through an online call, email thread, or virtual chat.
ILNP will suggest a discussion prompt or activity regularly.
Mentorship groups may also choose a collaborative project to develop together (ex: culture exchange program with library staff and patrons)
Share a reflection of the program or the results of a collaborative project on our blog.