IRRT International Sustainable Library Development Interest Group

The International Sustainable Library Development Interest Group promotes international library development projects and connects librarians to active participation in international library sustainable development.
ISLD Members display poster for ALA Annual 2024 Poster Session at IRRT 75th All Committee Meeting

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ISLD Annual Meeting in Chicago 2023
ISLD Annual Meeting in San Diego, California 2024

Statement of Role, Purpose, and Function

The International Sustainable Library Development Interest Group (ISLD)serves as a clearinghouse of sustainable community-based library projects in developing areas of the world. This group mobilizes the power of ALA librarians to raise awareness of and make significant contributions to international library development. Librarians in developing countries can tap into resources for training and projects in their libraries.

Welcome to the ISLD Interest Group! All are invited to attend the IRRT International Sustainable Library Development Interest Group (ISLD) meeting during the IRRT and IRC All Subcommittee Meeting. If you would like to hear about our activities, please join our mail list. Currently, we send out emails about our meeting and networking lunch at the two ALA conferences each year. We will not share your email address with anyone and you may unsubscribe at any time.

Join ISLD mail list.