International Job Exchange: Bibliography
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Atkins, D., et al. "From the great smokies to the mountains of the moon: U.S. and Ugandan librarians collaborate in a digital world." Information Technology and Libraries. 24(4):192-6, December 2005.
Bell, B.L. "When the rains came to Namibia [USIA/ALA Library Fellow in Namibia]." International Leads. 9:5-7, Summer 1995.
Chalfoun, E. "Beyond the border: Research in Maasailand." College & Research Libraries News. 68(8): 522-3, September 2007.
Elliott, C. "A library fellow in equatorial West Africa [ALA Library Fellow for law libraries in Ghana]." Information Outlook. 2(7):8, July 1998.
McNeil-Nix, H. "Keep the stories alive [American librarian travels to Kenya and Scotland collecting stories]." OLA Quarterly. 6(4):6-7, Winter 2000.
Nystrom, K.A. "What's it like being a librarian in Africa? [experience of an ALA Library Fellow in Malawi]." Show-me Libraries. 45:3-8, Spring/Summer 1994.
Bao, Xue-ming. "The National Science and Technology Library: A Chinese mode of collaboration." Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship. 43:1, Summer 2005.
Bruner, K.E. and C. Coffey. "A trip to China." Tennessee Librarian. 48:23-6, Spring 1996.
Chepusiak, R. "Field trip to Palestinian libraries yields audience with Arafat." American Libraries. 29:40-2, Jan 1998.
Coe, D.W. "Global perspectives: evaluating collections at Seoul National University Library." Technicalities. 15:1, Apr 1995.
Hall, B.G. "A Virginia librarian in Turkey." Virginia Libraries. 42:16-17, Oct/Nov/Dec 1996.
Hutton, C. "High-altitude librarianship: the adventures of an ALA Library Fellow in Tibet." Information Technologies and Libraries. 16:30-3, Mar 1997.
Ibid. "How I came to be in Tibet." International Leads. 9:1-4, Spring 1995.
Intner, S.S. "Visiting libraries in the Republic of Georgia." Technicalities. 24(4):1,8-10, July/Aug 2004.
Kile, B. "The Library/Book Fellow Program-a report [from a fellow at the National Central Library in Taiwan]." International Leads. 4:2-3, Fall 1990.
Klipsch, P.R. "The China syndrome [the call for "family friendly libraries" is an echo from the East]." School Library Journal. 42:140, Mar 1996.
Knauth, K. "East greets West: 1996 Soros Interns arrive at the Library." Library of Congress Information Bulletin. 55:133, April 1, 1996.
Ibid. "The changing face of youth services in China." American Libraries, 29(11):58-61, Dec 1998.
Marra, T. "Internship at Otani University Library and conferences/meetings related to libraries in Japan [experience of being an exchange librarian in Japan]." Journal of East Asian Libraries. 115:13-21, June 1998.
McAuley, M. "Summertime is learning time in Japan [study tour]." The School Librarian's Workshop. 23(1):14-15, 2002.
"North American librarians delegation to the People's Republic of China." Committee on East Asian Libraries Bulletin. 105:16-21, Feb 1995.
Northey, Dennis W. A. "Experiences of an exchanged librarian." Singapore Libraries. 17:73-76, 1987.
Powell, F. "A librarian's passage to India [American librarian spends year at American Studies Research Centre in Hyderabad, India]." OLA Quarterly. 6(4):2-4, Winter 2000.
Rader, Hannelore. "The Ohio-China connection [1991 exchange program involving library directors from Ohio and China]." International Leads. 6:8-9, Spring 1992.
Seigel, G. "Horner library staff exchange still going strong [exchange between China and Oregon]." International Leads. 21(3):5, Sept. 2007.
Sharma, R.N. "American librarians visit Gaza Strip." College & Research Libraries News. 1:27-8, Jan 1998.
Smith, G.V. "Remembering Angkor...meeting the Khmer." International Leads. 9:1-4, Winter 1995.
Williams, B.K. "Fujian adventure: final report [Multnomah County Library participates in exchange program with Fujian Provincial Library in China]." OLA Quarterly. 6(4):11-13, Winter 2000.
"The ABLE Project American/Bulgarian Library Exchange." International Leads. 18(4):7-8, Dec 2004.
Aamot, G.J. "Business library development in Vladivostok." Business and Finance Division Bulletin. 103:15-21, Fall 1996.
Bednar, R. "Spezialbibliotheken in der USA [Report from an ALA Fellow in Germany; text in English]." Information Outlook. 2(8):8, August 1998.
Brisson, R. "Spezialbibliotheken in der USA [Report from an ALA Fellow in Germany, text in English]." Information Outlook. 2(9):9-10, Sep 1998.
Ibid. "In times of troubles: library progress in Northern Ireland." American Libraries. 28:56-8, Oct 1997.
Davis, T.M. "Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, and Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece: an exchange program." In: Academic Libraries in Greece. Haworth Press, 1993.
Downes, V.J. "ALA Library Book Fellows Program: one person's experience [in Sweden]." Emergency Librarian. 18:27-32, May/June 1991.
Ibid. "A Vasterbotten experience: some aspects of Swedish school library services." In: The School Library: Centre for Life-long Learning. International Assn. of School Librarianship, 1990.
Duffy, P. "An American librarian visits overseas: a Czech experience." International Leads. 12(2):7-8, June 1998.
Erickson, Carol. "Library and archival programs with Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union." International Leads. 7:4-5, Winter 1993.
Foster, C.L. "Looking back and across the pond: 1980 [Kentucky librarians on study tour of Great Britain; reprinted form KyLibrF 1980]." Kentucky Libraries. 63(1):7-9, Winter 1999.
Fuller, R.J. "From Mentel to Minitel." Public Library Journal. 11:81-5, May/June 1996.
Fulton, G. "Networking not working in Yugoslavia [Report of a Library book Fellow in Belgrade]." International Leads. 6:4-5+, Spring 1992.
Ibid. "Women librarians in Yugoslavia [working in Serbia as an ALA/USIA Library Fellow]." WLW Journal. 16:2-4, Spring 1993.
Frantz, P.A. "A Library Fellow in Greece [at the Library of the Greek Parliament in Athens; presented at the 1996 ALA Conference]." Information Technology and Libraries. 15:122-6, June 1996.
Grimes, D. "Turning corners: American librarians in post-Soviet Russia." American Libraries. 34(9):56-8, Oct 2003.
Gordon, R.C. "Vladivostok libraries [Canadian librarian on a study tour]." Feliciter. 46(6):310-2, 2000.
Hampel, Elisabeth. "The Riverside exchange." College and Research Libraries News. February 1990:120-122.
Hill, G. "Dobro pozhalovat! Alaskan public librarians visit their Russian counterparts." Public Libraries. 35:360-4, Nov/Dec 1996.
Houston, C. "Building capacity for global education in a school library media education program through international exchange [Spain]." IFLA Journal. 32(3): 209-13, 2006.
Hutchinson, Heidi L. "The Regensburg exchange." College and Research Libraries News. February 1990:116-118.
Imhoff, K.R. "Looking across the ocean: adult service in British public libraries [Broward County, Fla.-Derby, England job exchange]." RQ. 30:333-6, Spring 1991.
Ingvaldsen, S. "Seeking knowledge and inspiration [Study tours/Denmark/Norway]." Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 37(4):26-7, 2004.
Keane, Nancy J. "Library exchanges in the UK." International Library Review. 21:441-442, 1989.
Ibid. "Need a change? Try an exchange." College and Research Libraries News. November 1987:634+.
Kidd, Tony and Karen Lawson. "International staff exchanges for academic libraries." The Journal of Academic Librarianship. 20:295-299, 1994.
Lavin, M.R. "Business libraries in Poland." Business Finance Division Bulletin. 101:15-20, Winter 1996.
Lees, Ann. "From King's to Northrine-Westphalia: an exchange through LIBEX." Focus (ISSN 0305-8468). 19(1):10-11, 1988.
Little, S.K. "Estonia journal: an ALA Fellow in Tallinn." Texas Library Journal. 74(2):90-1, Summer 1998.
Max, P. "Just like the movies: university libraries in the Republic of Ireland." The Journal of Academic Librarianship. 24(1):69-72, Jan 1998.
McBride, K.R. "A Virginia librarian in Ulster [report of a study tour of Northern Ireland]." Virginia Libraries. 44(2):13-15, Apr/May/June 1998.
McNeil-Nix, H. "Keep the stories alive [American librarian travels to Kenya and Scotland collecting stories]." OLA Quarterly. 6(4):6-7, Winter 2000.
Michael, David A. "A librarian exchange [between Michigan and Great Britain]." The Unabashed Librarian. 80:3-4, 1991.
Nakayama, H. "Impressions from a six-month study tour in the UK." The School Librarian. 44:13, Feb 1996.
Peters, K. et al. "The Cologne-Cleveland librarian exchange." College & Research Libraries News. 6:390-1+, June 1992.
Powell, R.R. "Report on Russia Project - Moscow 1996." Journal of Education for Library and Information Science. 38:161-4, Spring 1997.
Pupeleine, J. "The Klaipeda University Library in Lithuania: an essay by the Washington State University Libraries' library fellow." The Reference Librarian. 64:67-73, 1999.
Rader, Hannelore. "The Heidelberg-Cleveland Connection." College & Research Libraries News. 50(3):213-5, March 1989.
Reich, C. "Die Stadtbuchereien: a tourist's view of Germany's libraries [reprinted from OLA Quarterly, Winter 2000]." PNLA Quarterly. 65(3):21-3, Spring 2001.
Saule, M.R. "Back to the future [ALA/USIA Library Fellow in Riga, Latvia]." International Leads. 7:1-5, Spring 1993.
Sheridan, J.B. "A letter from Kiev [ALA/USIA Library Fellow in Ukraine]." International Leads. 11:3, June 1997.
Sinitsyna, Olga V. "Moscow-Poughkepsie: report on a twinning library experiment."
Snoeyenbos, A. and R.N. Sharma. "American librarians visit Northern Ireland." College & Research Libraries News. 3:145, Mar 1997.
Straub, Jean. "A Milwaukeean in Dublin." International Leads. 2:2-3, Fall 1988.
Baker, Mary and Don MacNaughtan. "Participation in the public library: a case study from Oregon." New Zealand Libraries. 46(3):65-67, 1986.
Barr, S.P. "Discovering Columbus [Welsh law librarian working at Ohio State University]." Legal Information Management. 2(1): 40-5, Spring 2002.
Berry, J.W. "ALA and Cuba's libraries: time for a dialogue." American Libraries. 32(8):7, Sep 2001.
Bracey, Rhonda. "Canadian and Australian secondary school libraries: a comparison and some personal observations." Australian Library Journal. 36(1):12-19, Feb 1987.
Donley, M.A. "Mexico journal: an exchange librarian reports." Texas Library Journal. 74(1): 48, Spring 1998.
Dunoon, Peter. "A Down Under view of a librarian's exchange to Texas." Texas Library Journal. 70:73-75, Summer 1994.
Frail, K. et al. "Des montagnes rocheuses au Saint-Laurent: l'experience d'une bibliothecaire albertaine au Quebec." Argus (Montreal, Quebec). 34(1):23-26, Spring 2005.
Griner, L. et al. "Sister libraries partners: Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico and University of Maryland-College Park." College & Research Libraries News. 68(9):566-8+, October 2007.
Hanson, Richard and Marianne Hanson. "A working exchange: New Zealand librarians visit Tucson Public Library." Public Library Quarterly. 6:53-62, Summer 1985.
Hanson, Terry. "The mechanics of international job exchanges: with some observations on one such." Library Association Record. 91:216-217+, 1989.
Hollins, Tracey. "A brave new world: why not exchange your future?" School Library Media Activities Monthly. January 1993:35+.Katzenstein, L. B. "Lessons learned by an exchange librarian in Guadalajara [Mexico]." Texas Library Journal. 75(2): 74+, Summer 1999.
Ni Raghallaigh, D. "Library services in King County, Washington." An Leabharlann. 12(4):123-8 Second Series, 1996.
Oberg, L.R. "Memo to Committee on Professional Ethics, ALA [on a recent study tour of Cuban libraries]." Progressive Librarian. 19/20:118-23, Spring 2002.
Stanley, D. and J. Cooper. "Swapping Loughborough for California." Library Association Record. 99:488-9, Sep 1997.
Van Dam, Jean-Claude. "Les experiences de jumelages et d'echanges internationaux de la Mediatheque de Corbeil-Essonnes." Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothecaires Francais. 158, 1993.
Baker, Mary and Don MacNaughtan. "Down Under, up over: observations from a New Zealand/Oregon sharing." PNLA Quarterly. 50:22-23, Winter 1986.
Benstead, Ann. "A West Australian school and library through Canadian eyes." Australian Library. 36(1):12-19, Feb 1987.
Bracey, Rhonda. "Canadian and Australian secondary school libraries: a comparison and some personal observations." Australian Library Journal. 36(1):12-19, Feb 1987.
Collinge, Alyce G. and Charl Maynard. "The Tucson-Christchurch library exchange." Public Library Quarterly. 6:57-63, Fall 1985.
Colyer, Sue. "To Christchurch and back: report on a job exchange between Canterbury Public Library and Dorset County Library." New Zealand Libraries. 46(2/3):32-5, June/Sep 1989.
Humphrey, Jane. "From Aldershot to the Antipodes: a job exchange in New Zealand." Library Association Record. 92:923, 1990.
Myers, A.S. "LC gets its first exchange librarian [exchange with the State Library of New South Wales]." Library of Congress Information Bulletin. 53:117, Mar 21, 1994.
Ibid. "Trading places: LC employee returns from Australian exchange." Library of Congress Information Bulletin. 54:372-3, Sep 4, 1995.
Tracy, Joan I. "The Down Under experience: a cataloger's adventures in Australia." College and Research Libraries News. August 1987:466-467.
Bonta, B. "An American in Peru." Library Journal. 113(8):45-49, May 1, 1988.
Burnett, A.E. et al. "The adventures of two librarians in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Athens, Georgia, U.S.A. [exchange of librarians between the University of Georgia Law School and the University of the Savior in Argentina]." Legal Reference Services Quarterly. 18(3):3-13, 2000.
"ALA joint committee promotes international exchanges." Library Personnel News. 7:3-4, July/Aug 1993.
"AASL tours." Knowledge Quest. 32:17-18, Sep/Oct 2003.
Burnge. Lynn. "New ideas and a change of scene: practical arrangement for planning an exchange." Assistant Librarian. 81(6):85-6, June 1988.
Copeland, S. "Library connections abroad." Journal (California School Library Association). 19:8-11, Fall 1995.
Cran, L. "Exchanging places: organizing an overseas job swap." Australian Academic and Research Libraries. 25(3):172-5, Sep 1994.
Doksansky, Florence K. "Bamberg to Brown: a library exchange: the merits and drawbacks of an overseas exchange." College and Research Libraries News. June 1987:338-341.
Fardon, Chris. "Negotiating new horizons; the job exchange alternative." Library Association Record. 92(12):9921-2, Dec 1990.
Hary, N.M. and F.L. Hary. "Hosting an international librarian." College and Research Libraries News. 3:162-4, Mar 1995.
"IRC/IRRT Joint Committee on International Exchanges." International Leads. 5:4, Fall 1991.
Jannetta, V. "Trading places: library placement and exchange schemes." The Law Librarian. 28:70-2, June 1997.
Kniffel, L. "Abandoning overseas fellowships is pennywise, pound-foolish [closing of USIA libraries and elimination of funding for fellowships]." American Libraries. 28:30, April 1997.
"Library to host fifth class of visiting Soros Fellows." Library of Congress Information Bulletin. 56:40+, Feb 10, 1997.
McChesney, David L. "Trading places: planning an international job exchange." College & Research Libraries. 50(10):919-20, 922, Nov 1989.
Murdock, Lynn. "An overseas job exchange: considerations." Australian College Libraries. 6(2/3):85-88, June/Sep 1988.
Patel, Jahu. "International cultural exchange of librarians." Herald of Library Science. 28(4):334-7, Oct 1989.
Rader, Hannelore B. "International personnel exchanges for librarians." The Bowker Annual of Library and Book Trade Information. 32nd edition. 1987.
Riley, Gillian L. "Job exchange in librarianship." Personnel Training and Education. 8(3):49-55, 1991.
Robson, Margaret. "Flexibility and adaptability: an overseas public library staff exchange." Australian Public Libraries and Information Services. 4(2):82-84, June 1991.
Sager, Donald J. "An administrator's perspective on foreign exchange." Law Library Journal. 79:722-726, Fall 1987.
Scott, James Calvert et al. "Enriching international business faculty exchanges with the library connections." Journal of Education in Business. 71(2):107-9, Nov/Dec 1995.
Taylor, L. "Librarianship around the world and back again: in twenty points." Public Library Journal. 11:104-6, July/Aug 1996.
Tindale, J. "Exchanging jobs." Library & Information Update. 3(5):22-5, May 2004.
Williamson, Linda E. Going International: Librarian's Preparation Guide for a Work Experience / Job Exchange Abroad. Chicago, IL: American Library Association, 1988.
Zimmerman, Mary. "Information beyond borders: building global partnerships." Specialist. 4(4):4-5, April 1991.
Revised 6/07 David Hickey
Continents divided according to the United Nations