Diane H. Dias De Fazio

Headshot of a smiling Diane H. Dias De Fazio wearing a sweater embroidered and beaded with symbols of Dias de los Muertos.
Describe yourself in three words:

Patient. Grateful. Organized.

What are you reading (or listening to on your mobile device)?

For the first time in truly a long while, I've got a lot on my desk! When I’m not reading submissions and revised drafts for RBM, I'm reading several books in the Object Lessons series: Shopping Mall, Bookshelf, Hotel, Souvenir, Phone Booth, and Glass. I'm also working on a bit of a research project, so I'm rereading some technical texts on escalators (but that's another story for another time). My favorite podcast is Today, Explained, but I recently listened to Bright Lit Place (from Jenny Staletovich and WLRN) and Ghost Herd (from KUOW’s Anna King), both of which I loved. I’m also growing fond of Kelly Corrigan Wonders. I know this is not the question, but, usually there's one of the following on in the background: Michigan Public, OPB, KUOW, WLRN, or Q104.3 (I’m still a New Yorker at heart).

Describe ACRL in three words:

Essential. Inspiring. Community.

In your own words

This prompt is a member’s opportunity to make “an open-ended statement” or reflect on “life as an academic/research librarian,” either one of which can be a loaded task. It's as flattering and exciting as you can imagine, to get the email, telling you that ACRL wants to feature you as MOTW. For years, I read these interviews and cheered for RBMS and other colleagues; I know I could've always self-nominated, so this recognition is deeply meaningful. Coming at what I hope is still the beginning of my career, I can only steal someone else's words and “assure you that I will strive to be worthy of all it signifies.” My words to everyone out there are: yes, there are zine- and artist's-books-loving librarians out there, librarians who didn't master Latin or Old Greek, librarians who weren't English majors, and librarians who come from working-class families, and we work in special collections! I've got your back. We have each other, and we are enough.

Credentials:MA, MSHP

Title:Special Collections Associate

Workplace:Grasselli Library, John Carroll University

Location:University Heights, OH