ALA fund structure

The total ALA budget consists of four main expense funds: The operating fund, the plant fund, the long-term investment fund, and grants and awards. The definitions and relevant applications and restrictions these funds and some of their sub-funds are presented below.

hierarchical chart of the funds that comprise the ala budget

Operating fund

General fund

Within the operating fund, the general fund includes offices, committees, Human Resources, Governance, Conference Services, Publishing, Accounting, and the Washington Office. Funds within the general fund cannot carry over from one year to another.

Division and round table funds

The division and round table funds, also within the operating fund, provide the financial resources for the ALA's 8 divisions and 21 round tables. The funds' net asset balance are their revenue less their expenses. The net asset balance is allowed to be carried over from one year to the next.

Plant fund

The plant fund is used for computer, furniture, building, and land expenses as well as major software purchases. All programs and units have expenses that come out of this fund.

Long-term investment fund

The long-term investment fund is used for scholarships and awards. Divisions and round tables can transfer a certain amount of money into the long-term investment fund.

Grants and awards fund

The grants and awards fund is intended for special projects that the ALA, the divisions, and other units may apply for or are awarded by other agencies. An overhead charge is subtracted from the amounts awarded.

Inter-fund relationship

This sample fiscal year 2008 budget illustrates the comparative revenue and expenses of the main ALA budget funds.

Fund revenues
Revenues General fund Divisions Round tables Plant fund Grants & awards Long-term investment fund







Interest/dividends transfer







Life member dues transfer







Cont. member dues transfer







Total revenue transfers









Fund expenses
Expenses General fund Divisions Round tables Plant fund Grants & awards Long-term investment fund
Small Division Support transfer







Plant fund transfer







Overhead transfer







Overhead transfer







Overhead transfer







Total expenses







Net revenue









ALA decision-making process

This flow chart showing the ALA groups involved in fund-related decision making.

  flow chart showing the groups involved in fund-related decision making.