Two copies of the exhibit will travel to 40 libraries around the country between September 2005 and March 2009. Each copy consists of six colorful, freestanding, 18-foot-long photo panels. Each section will examine a different period in Hamilton’s life, from
The Carroll Preston Baber Research Grant is given annually to one or more librarians or library educators who will conduct innovative research that could lead to an improvement in services to any specified group(s) of people. The project should aim to answer a
Books for Babies is a national literacy program that acquaints parents of newborns with the important role they play in the development of their children.
Established in 2012, this award presents a citation and $1,250 to an individual new to the field of academic business librarianship in order to support attendance to the ALA Annual Conference.
To enable persons who by personality, academic and professional training, and experience show promise of contributing to the advancement of the library profession, to pursue a year of special study or research in library problems.
The ALA Public Programs Office, in collaboration with the National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland, announces a tour to 61 libraries of a new traveling exhibition celebrating the lives and achievements of women in medicine since they first gained
The goals of the grant program are to support the creation and dissemination of resources that will assist library administrators and managers in developing a vision and commitment to diversity, and in fostering and sustaining diversity throughout their
Designed to give the recipient an opportunity for formal or informal study of some aspect of the field that will be beneficial both to the person and to library service.
This award was reestablished in 1952 by Mr. Elliot B. Macrae of E.P. Dutton Company and