Agency Liaison Reports
Government Documents Roundtable of the American Library Association
Midwinter Conference, January 2006
International Documents Task Force
Agency Liaison reports are presented at the IDTF Meeting during each Annual and Midwinter Meeting of the American Library Association. They are also available under IDTF Business on the IDTF web page, which is found on the GODORT page on the American Library Association site. The Coordinator for the Agency Liaison Program is Susan Bennett White, who welcomes your comments and suggestions. She can be contacted at
Agency Updates Included in this Report
Canadian Official Publications
International Labour Organization
Inter-American Development Bank
Organization of American States
The Stationery Office
United Nations Depository Libraries
Bruce Samuelson from Bernan will be at the IDTF meeting for the ALA Midwinter Conference in San Antonio. He invites everyone who will be there to stop by Bernan’s exhibit in booth #1243.
Bernan continues to serve as a sales agent for various online subscriptions from the UN, OECD, World Bank, World Tourism Organization, and the Pan American Health Organization, and will shortly be an official sales agent for the new UNESCO online subscription as well as for MyiLibrary. Bernan recently hosted a demonstration at the New York Public Library in October with representatives from the World Bank, OECD, and the United Nations to talk about their online offerings. They will be hosting similar events in the near future, and encourage people to contact them if this would be of interest to you in your area. It’s a great opportunity to learn about multiple online subscriptions at one time.
At the Frankfurt Book Fair in October, Bernan was able to meet with many of the Intergovernmental Organizations for whom they distribute print publications and learn about new and forthcoming titles of special interest. These include:
European Communities
The European Environment: State and Outlook 2005 was published in December 2005.
The ABC of Community Law will be updated mid-2006. They are also planning to re-launch the old
Europe in Figures some time in 2006, but this will be somewhat tricky since the new edition of
Eurostat Yearbook is now
Europe in Figures: Eurostat Yearbook.
: The newest edition of
State of Food and Agriculture, their flagship title, was published in December.
IMF: New titles of special interest are
Safeguarding Financial Stability and
Regional Economic Outlook for
Africa, an offshoot of the
World Economic Outlook.
World Bank
: New releases include
Globalization for Development Poverty and the WTO Agricultural Trade Reform and the Doha Development Agenda Global Integration and Technology Transfer, and
Economic Development and Multilateral Trade Cooperation.
UN Statistical Yearbook,
Demographic Yearbook, and
Progress of World’s Women were all released recently. 2006 is the year of deserts and desertification, so a variety of books on this topic can be expected. Other titles of interest include
Human Development Report, Arab Human Development Report, World Robotics 2005, Source-it, UN Building World Migration Report 2005, Compilation of Official Records of the 3
rd UN Conference on the Law of the Sea (CD), and
One Planet, Many People.
Titles of special interest include
Study Abroad Science in the World UNESCO World Report: Towards Knowledge Societies World Water Report, and
Executive Summary for the World Water Report.
History of Central Asia is now complete with volume 6.
Different Aspects of Cultures, which should be treated as History of Islam, has new volumes due soon. Also
History of Humanity is almost completed.
Radiation Oncology Physics has finally been published. This book is being used as a textbook at the graduate level. This edition should have a shelf life of about five years. Other titles of note include the
Nuclear Medicine Resources Manual, Energy Indicators for Sustainable Development, and
Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material. IAEA is also developing a new
International Nuclear Security Series.
: The
OECD Factbook 2006 is their most overall useful release for libraries. Also noteworthy is the OECD “At a Glance” series, which will include this year titles on environment, society, agricultural policies, aid, and education.
Prodigy 2005, an evidence-based clinical guidance book, was released in November, and it’s the first edition since 2002. There will be a third version of
ITIL next October 2006.
Bernan Press continues to co-publish with the World Trade Organization (WTO), and Volume 3 of the
WTO Basic Instruments and Selected Documents (
BISD) is due to be published in February. The
BISD is the official, one-stop source for documents pertaining to the operation and scope of the WTO, and it contains the Protocols for Accession for new WTO member nations along with other legal instruments. The new
International Trade Statistics CD-ROM is scheduled for release in March. We also continue to co-publish the WTO
Trade Policy Review (TPR) Series. TPRs for Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, and Paraguay are being released this month. Bernan Press also continues to regularly publish
World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Decisions: Bernan’s Annotated Reporter (DSD).
Newsletter. Bernan encourages all IDTF members to subscribe to Bernan’s
Government Publication News, a
free monthly email newsletter that focuses primarily on new and forthcoming international agency publications. Sign up online at, email us at, or call us toll-free at 1-800-274-4447.
Report submitted by Brett Cloyd, IDTF Agency Liaison
June 20 2005 <>
Canadian Official Publications
Government of Canada Publications
News from the Canadian depository system comes from the Proceedings of the Depository Services Program Library Advisory Committee (DSP-LAC) meeting of August 2005:
Based upon an examination of the 11 key functions of the Depository Services Program (DSP), especially publishing and warehousing, it was decided that integration into the Library Archives Canada (LAC) agency would be problematical. There was some discussion of moving the DSP into the yet to be created Service Canada agency. The broad goal for this agency would be to provide “one-stop shopping” for Canadian services.
Staff from the DSP hope to take up the lack of compliance by some agencies in providing copies of their publications as required under the Government of Canada Communications Policy with the Treasury Board Secretariat. The Library Advisory Committee made recommendations as to how it can help to encourage compliance.
There was some discussion of the difference between public and academic libraries’ preference for paper or electronic formats and their differing service to the public although it was noted that more research is needed.
The membership of the DSP-LAC has been changed to be more inclusive by including members from the depository system at-large. See the
Terms of Reference (TOR) at:
The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) sponsored a study that examined the status of the collection and preservation of the web-based information published by the provinces and territories. The situation among these groups varies greatly with the most ambitious project being in Quebec but with many jurisdictions having no organized program. See the report at: & Recommendations are made in a separate report:
Thanks to Vivienne Monty of York University who has provided much of this information.
Report submitted by Linda Johnson, IDTF Agency Liaison
January 12, 2006 <>
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Since1919, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has carried out or sponsored research into a broad range of topics in the world of work including Employment, Labor Issues and Labor Law, Social Protection, Child Labor, Occupational Safety and Health, Gender Issues and Women at Work, Management and Training, and Labor Statistics The ILO publishes the results in books in both paper and electronic format, reports, journal articles, training manuals, standards, and so on.
Print on Demand at ILO. The ILO now has an active Print on Demand program. This new program of ILO makes print publications available in a far greater range than the agency can sustain as in-stock titles. Each title has the standard BIC answer code MD which stands for Manufactured on Demand. Digital files are held for every book in the program and only printed and shipped when ILO receive the order. There are presently 88 titles available, ranging from
A Guide to the Teaching of Collective Bargaining: An instructional aid for worker students,
Accident Prevention: A workers' education manual,
Alcohol and Drugs: Programmes of assistance for workers (Conditions of work digest 1/87), To
Workplace Cooperation: An introductory guide &
Zambian Women Entrepreneurs: Going for growth
For further information on ILO Print on Demand, contact the ILO Bureau of Publications - Fax: +41.22.799.6938 or E-mail:
ILO Insight. ILO Insightis a full text electronic collection of some 1,000 new and backlist ILO publications through the MyiLibrary project of
Coutts Information Services.
(More details can be found in the MyiLibrary Agency Liaison Report below.) Covers a broad range of labor topics including employment, social protection, women at work, occupational health and safety, child labor, management, training, and labor statistics. Formats include: books and monographs, ILO Reports, Official documents of the International Labour Conference, complete text of ILO Conventions and Recommendations,, Guidelines, and Codes of Practice
Cooperation in a Changing Environment. ILO activities 2001-2004, Report of the Director-General. Volume I , 2005, viii+72 pp. ISBN 92-2-116755-0 10 Euros Provides a four year scan of the broad range of ILO programs and efforts to better the working world for both workers and employers.
A Fair Globalization. The role of the ILO, Report of the Director-General on the World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization, 2004, 59 pp. ISBN 92-2-115787-3 US$15 Building on the premise that decent work should become a global goal, not just an ILO goal. Covers national policies to address globalization, decent work in global production systems, global policy coherence for growth, investment and employment, constructing a socio-economic floor, the global economy and the cross-border movement of people, and strengthening the international labor standards system.
Food at Work: Workplace solutions for malnutrition, obesity and chronic diseases By Christopher Wanjek 2005, xv+448 pp. ISBN 92-2-117015-2 US$50. Establishes a clear link between good nutrition and clean drinking water for workers and high productivity. Workers having access to nutritious, safe and affordable food, an adequate meal break and decent conditions for eating is both affordable and a profitable for employers. Covers canteens, meal or food vouchers, mess rooms and kitchenettes, and partnerships with local vendors. Case studies from 28 industrialized and developing countries. Presents relevant laws, regulations and guides pertaining to
meal breaks and workplace nutrition
The Global Seafarer. Living and working conditions in a globalized industry. 2004, 224 p. ISBN 92-2-112713-3 US$19.95. Details rapid change globalization and technology are making in the shipping industry and seafarers' lives. Covers recruitment, trade unions, collective bargaining, training, certification, wages, contracts, tours of duty, seafarer safety and hazard exposure.
Occupational Wages and Hours of Work and Retail Food Prices - Occupational Wages and Hours of Work and Retail Food Prices. Statistics from the ILO October Inquiry 2005, 246 pp. ISBN 92-2-016580-5 US$60Trilingual English, French, Spanish Since 1924,the annual ILO October Inquiry has surveyed worldwide wages and hours of work relating to 159 occupations in 49 industry groups and also retail prices of 93 food items..
Women Seafarers: Global employment policies and practices 2003, xvi+128 pp. ISBN 92-2-113491-1. US $14.95 Drawing on extensive research commissioned by ILO, covers women employed aboard the world’s merchant and passenger ships, their recruitment, training, maternity and employment rights.. Gives first-hand accounts from women seafarers, female participation rates, historical background.
Working Out of Disaster: Improving Employment and Livelihood in Countries Affected by Tsunami. By Thierry Falise, ISBN 92-2-117766-1, free in PDF on ILO web. The massive tsunami of December 2004 did unprecedented damage, especially in coastal regions of four countries in Asia - India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The ILO, together with the governments and employers’ and workers’ organizations has been fully engaged in its largest-ever effort for regional income generation and employment creation, helping to restore the employment and livelihoods of people affected.
Yearbook of Labour Statistics 2005, 64
th ed. 1769 p. ISBN 92-2-017247-X 275 US$220, Trilingual English, French, Spanish. First published in 1935-36, this annual landmark publication continues to serve as the central source of quantitative measures on labor worldwide. 31 tables in nine chapters cover economically active population, employment, unemployment, hours of work, wages, labor cost, consumer prices, occupational injuries, and strikes and lockouts. Usually covers most recent ten years, now covering 190 countries.
January 2006 publication.
General Information: Renouf is the official agent for purchase of ILO titles in the U.S. For both individual and blanket serials: ILO Pubs in Geneva. Check ILO site at Inquiries only in the U.S. Contact: Marjorie Crow or Kitty Shea, International Labour Office, 1828 L. Street N.W., Washington DC 20036, Tel: 202-653-7652. Fax: 202-653-7687. ILO does not have a separate exhibit at ALA midwinter conference. Instead, see booths of Renouf, Coutts, and UN Publications.
Report submitted by Susan Bennett White, IDTF Agency Liaison
January 12, 2006 <>
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- Regional Economic Outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa is a new annual issued by IMF’s African Department. ISSN 0258-7440.
- Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions is another new IMF annual. ISSN 0250-7366.
- Euro Adoption in Central and Eastern Europe: Opportunities and Challenges, ed. By Susan Schadler. ISBN 1-58906-370-8.
- The Macroeconomics of HIV/AIDS, ed. by Markus Haacker. ISBN 1-58906-360-0.
- Reconstructing Afghanistan, ed. by Adam Bennett and others. ISBN 1-58906-324-4
As do several other IGOs,& IMF continues to co-publish some projects. Among the latest:
- India’s and China’s Recent Experience with Reform and Growth, by David G. Cowen and Wanda S. Tseng. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 1-4039-4351-6.
- Macroeconomic Policies and Poverty, ed. by Ashoka Mody and Catherine Pattillo. Published by Routledge. ISBN 0-415-70071-X .
RESEARCH STUDIES For The Annual Meeting Of The Board Of Governors& The next annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the IMF and the World Bank Group is scheduled for fall 2006 in Singapore. As part of the preparation for these meetings research studies on Asia are being undertaken focusing on various aspects of economic development in Asia, particularly in India and China. They are being conducted jointly with regional research and policy centers in Asia, as well as with several international organizations. List of research institutes projects and contacts:
Report submitted by Vida Margaitis, IDTF Agency Liaison
January 12, 2006 <>
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Continuing an agency objective of increased transparency, the IDB published its Implementation Instructions ( in July, 2005 which detail the exact methodology of their online publishing decisions. The publications continue to be spread among the three sections of the IDB that do research: the Research Department, the Sustainable Development Department and the Integration and Regional Programs Department. Each must be searched to find information, but the largest selection is found on the Research Department’s home page under Research Topics.
A recommended free online publication is
The Politics of Policies: Economic and Social Progress in Latin America. The report was highlighted in an editorial in the New York Times. It “challenges sweeping ideologies” and “suggests that the constant search for the hot new idea may be focused on the wrong thing. Perhaps it’s not what you do, but how you do it.” (NYT, 1/10/2006). It’s a joint publication of the IDB and the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University.
The Latin American Research Network, a part of the Integration and Regional Programs Department, has begun funding the development of textbooks in economics that are produced domestically. The first textbook in the series
Direito, Economia e Mercados has just been published. It’s in Portuguese and was researched, written and published in Brazil. The publisher is Casa Editora Campus/Elsevier.
The Sustainable Development Department has just released a report
A Quarter Century of Pension Reform in
Latin America and the Caribbean: Lessons Learned and the Next Steps. This should be useful to those in the U.S. looking at Social Security and failing corporate pension plans.
Report submitted by Diane K. Campbell, IDTF Agency Liaison
June 20, 2005 <>
LexisNexis Academic Effective March 1, for news searches on LexisNexis® Academic, results are now returned with the headline first, in reverse chronological order., as follows:
Headline, Publication, Date, Volume or section, Page number, Number of words, and Byline.
American Statistics Index PDF Package. Foreign content is an important component of the American Statistics Index. Therefore it is a welcome development for librarians interested in foreign and international content that the American Statistics Index microfiche will now have an electronic counterpart - the American Statistics Index PDF package. The ASI PDF package will provide a complete set of U.S. Federally produced statistical publications in PDF format, accessible within the ASI module of LexisNexis® Statistical.
The ASI PDF package will supply:
- All years of ASI abstract and indexes online (1973 to present)
- All Basic Edition tables (106,000 tables)
- All Research Edition tables (340,000 tables)
- 80% of the tables in Excel format, starting with 2005 tables
- PDF texts of all documents indexed and abstracted in ASI from 2003 forward, starting with 16,000 documents and growing by 8,000 per year
- For the first time ever, customers who currently use fiche will have the convenience of accessing the documents electronically from their desktops, while maintaining the fiche collection as a hard copy archive.
UPA Highlights. New installment of U.S. State Department Central Files and U.S. Information Agency Records:
German Relations and Opinions
U.S. State Department Central Files, Germany/Berlin, Subject-Numeric Files, February 1963-1966, Part 1: Political, Governmental, and National Defense Affairs, examines reduction in tensions over Berlin, the growing economic problems in West Germany, and the push for eventual reunification of Germany. The documents provide insight into:
- Western and Soviet skepticism for the Erhard reunification proposal
- The hunt for former Nazis
- Military support for West Berlin
- Intelligence activities and more
Records of the U.S. Information Agency, Research Reports, Part 2: German Public Opinion, 1945-1970, Created on August 1, 1953, the USIA helped achieve U.S. foreign policy objectives by influencing public attitudes in other nations and by advising the President, his representatives abroad, and various departments and agencies on the implications of foreign opinion for U.S. policies, programs, and official statements. The agency’s Office of Research undertook numerous studies and reports designed to gauge the impact of German public opinion on the Cold War atmosphere of the late 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s.
Report submitted by Suzanne C. Holcombe, IDTF Agency Liaison
January 12, 2006 <>
Report provided by Steve Forrest, Vice-President of Sales,
MyiLibrary is pleased to report that the expansion of our IGO collections has continued since the IDTF last met in Chicago. The collections for all eight agencies have grown dramatically over the last six months and we are currently at 100% for all published ebooks as of the end of 2005. Although it has been available for some time the formal launch of the expanded IAEA collection is planned for the first quarter of this year..
MyiLibrary still remains the most comprehensive collection of IGO content available and the only platform that allows searching across all agencies through one interface.
Coutts Library Services and MyiLibrary have completed the integration of eBooks into the OASIS Selection Management System allowing libraries to control the acquisition of their digital content in the same manner as their print. Through OASIS libraries are able to integrate approval plans, new title programs, alerting through electronic slip notification, moving towards comprehensive collection-management. The University of Toronto will have a locally-loaded version of the MyiLibrary platform hosting all their digital books by summer of 2006, hosting both new content going forward and a significant number of backlist titles. Arizona State, Hawaii and McGill are among the Universities which are subscribing to the MyiLibrary service as a source and interfact for digital IGO collections.
Other enhancements to the MyiLIbrary platform include compatibility with RefWorks, the option to search using any Western European Language, enhanced search functionality and adding German, French and Spanish language content. Visit the web site at
Report submitted by Jackie Druery, IDTF Agency Liaison
January 12, 2006 <>
Organization of American States (OAS)
- Analytical index of resolutions of the OAS General Assembly, covering the years 1970–2004;
- Index to documents from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, covering 1980–2004and
- Index to documents from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, 1960–2004.
To purchase OAS publications, or for further information, call or email René Gutiérrez, the Documents Librarian for the Organization of American States’ Columbus Memorial Library in Washington, D.C., at (202) 458-6037 or
Report submitted by Jeffrey Knapp, IDTF Agency Liaison
January 12, 2006 <>
August Imholz at Readex provided the following report on an important project to make an important body of historical foreign government publications available. These are the records from the combined Princeton Listening Center (PLC) and Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS). This primary historical materials is transcripts of broadcasts from foreign governments from 1939 onward, related to the Second World War and its aftermath.
Mr. Imholz reports: “For the combined Princeton Listening Center (PLC) and FBIS project constitutes a very large collection of material -- over seven million pages, Readex since the last ALA meeting has taken the following steps.
- Conducted a small survey of librarians' interest in the PLC-FBIS project, the results of which were uniformly positive - Interceded with NARA to prevent the transfer of the FBIS and Princeton Listening Center records [i.e. those PLC papers not at the Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library at Princeton] to the Midwest NARA records storage facility; -Considered and is continuing to consider costs, product options, and plans to do a more scientific survey to gauge broader interest in the project this spring.”
Report submitted by Jeffrey Knapp, IDTF Agency Liaison
January 12, 2006 <>
Gordon Grahame, the president of Renouf Publishing provided this report. He will be in attendance at the International Task Force Meeting in San Antonio on Saturday January 21
st. He is available by appointment to meet with individual librarians interested in talking about Renouf’s services and always welcomes comments and suggestions. He can be contacted at
Frankfurt Book Fair, October 2005
Gordon had meetings the with the directors of the publishing units for the international organizations Renouf represent at the Frankfurt Book Fair held this past October. During these meetings the distributors are presented with the organizations forthcoming plans. Details of these plans include:
Gordon is pleased to report that it appears that UNESCO’s publishing program will be expanding in 2006. After years of decline where notable publications such as the UNESCO’s Statistical Yearbook and the print version of the Courier magazine were dropped, the organization announced that they were establishing a new bi-annual UNESCO World Report that will be focusing on subjects at the heart of the Organization’s mission. The first report was released in December and it is sub-titled Towards Knowledge Societies (92-3-104000-6). The UNESCO Science Report 2005 (92-3-103967-9), which looks at emerging trends in scientific research and higher education, was released in January and the UNESCO Study Abroad 2006-2007 edition (92-3-004001-0) will be available in February. It was also announced that the organization has been working with Ingenta and are planning to launch their online publication later on in the year. Renouf will be distributing the publication under its consortia discount plan and will provide further details as soon as they become available.
There were disturbing reports regarding the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) publishing program. Apparently a report issued from the Director’s office stated that he was seriously considering abolishing all print publications in the very near future. It has not been confirmed as to whether or not he has the authority to carry this through without the permission of the member states. To date there have been no official announcements and the publishing unit is continuing to release new printed material.
United Nations University Press
The United Nations University Press is in jeopardy due to a cutback in funding from the Japanese government. The directors at the university are currently studying a number of options to see if there is any viable way of keeping the publishing program going. It would appear that funding cut might have been related to Japan not being given a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council.
The Yearbook of Labour Statistics 2005 has just been released and Renouf would like to remind everyone who had their standing orders registered at the former ILO distribution center located in Waldorf, Maryland, that they should contact serials department if they are unsure if they are registered to receive the publication automatically Other ILO key releases: Occupational Wages and Hours of Work and Retail Food Prices (92-2-016580-5 - No longer included with the purchase of the Yearbook and must be ordered separatelyRestructuring for Corporate Success: A Socially Sensitive Approach (92-2-115430-0)Gender Equality and Decent Work: Good Practices at the Workplace (92-2-116991-X) and Fundamentals of Minimum Wage Fixing (92-2-117014-4).
Additional information on publications is found on the Renouf web site:
Report submitted by Brett Cloyd, IDTF Agency Liaison
January 12, 2006 <>
The Stationery Office, TSO has added UK Books in Print and over 2.5 million records to its online store in addition to its own title listing of around 12,000 new titles per year. Librarians can browse and/or order if they wish to purchase online. Alternatively they can find the information they want and order directly from a US or Canadian distributor.
The website for the online store is From the store, librarians can sign up for advance information on the topic(s) of their choice To receive information on TSO publications Only For account customers there is a full online directory of TSO Standing Orders.
Brian Tierney ( ) continues as our TSO contact.
Report submitted by Andrea Singer, IDTF Agency Liaison
January 12, 2006 <>
United Nations Depository Libraries
Managers of UN depositories have long known that, following the successful implementation of the organization’s Official Document System (ODS) and the acquisition of Internet connectivity among all depositories in developing countries, the program would change dramatically. The distribution of printed masthead documents (and quite possibly Official Records)—both of which are available full-text via ODS—would end. In January 2006, Depository Libraries Officer Anatoli Sidorenko stated that no date has been set for this transition and that no changes in the program will be carried out without further consultation with managers of depository library collections. He added that one of the instruments for gathering input will be the 2006 depository libraries survey.
Other changes in UN publishing may affect the program in ways that cannot be foreseen. In the May 24, 2005 issue of the
Secretary-General's Bulletin (ST/SGB/2005/15), the Secretary-General took steps to revitalize the Publications Board by restating and, in some respects, redefining its purpose, functions, structure, and responsibilities. He also established a secretariat to facilitate its work. The Board has authority over not only the depository libraries program but also the organization’s many web sites, as well as the biennial publication programs of all UN entities. The changes mandated by the Secretary-General entered into force on June 1, 2005.
A UN budgetary proposal related to public services predicted that sales of United Nations publications will continue to decline worldwide in the 2006-2007 biennium (A/60/6 Income sect. 3, p. 12-13). This trend is, in large part, the effect of budgetary pressure on North American academic libraries, which have long been the principal market for UN publications. Sales of online products are increasing, but not enough to compensate for losses in print sales. The organization plans to reverse this trend by developing the capacity to sell electronic versions of all UN publications. Responsibility for this plan is presumably in the hands of the Publications Board, and its implementation will begin in 2006.
Report submitted by David Griffiths, IDTF Agency Liaison
January 20, 2006 <>
Report provided by Triinu Tombak from World Bank Publications.
The World Bank e-Library
- Launched in June, 2003. An electronic portal to the Bank’s full-text collection of books, reports, and other documents on social and economic development from 2000 and ongoing. Now over 4,000 titles and working papers. Recent Developments include:
- Chapter Splitting Presentation of titles with page-at-a-time Flash and PDF supports ability to point search results at the page level and allows for full emailing of individual pages to colleagues.
- New Search Capabilities Subscribers will be able to modify current search and search within search results, save the searches and re-run these at a future session and request e-mail alert service based on their saved searches.
- Bibliographic Tools The site will include “How to cite this item”, with a pop-up window and EndNote compatible bibliographic information about the product (user can copy and paste the text)
World Development Indicators Online (WDI Online)
– Updated twice a year, most recently in April 2005. Comprehensive data for over 660 development indicators and time series data from 1960 for over 200 countries and 18 country groups. Data can be indexed, graphed, and exported in standard formats including Excel. For more, go to
Global Development Finance Online (GDF Online)
– Offers external debt and financial flow data for the 138 countries that report public and publicly guaranteed debt to the World Bank. Time series data include over 200 indicators from 1970. Updated annually in January - 2006 update is implemented. For more, go to
WDI and GDF Online Developments
World Development Indicators and Global Development Finance Online will be upgraded in April 2006 to include several new features:
- New Mapping and Charting Options Mapping and charting options will be added to both databases. The new mapping function allows users to see the results in a World map that can be resized and zoomed to the country level.
- Multi-Language Interface Users may choose their preferred language interface. English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, and Chinese options are available.
- New Usage Statistics Subscribers will be able to download WDI and GDF Online usage statistics themselves and won’t have to send an e-mail request to us anymore.
Current North American consortia include: AMIGOS, California Digital Library, CES, CIC, FEDLINK, NERL, Michigan Library Consortium, OHIONET, Renouf Books, UN System Electronic Information Acquisition Consortium
Pricing, Discounts, and Print Archive Option World Bank Online Resources are priced by FTE. Discounts are available when libraries subscribe to all 3 databases. Libraries subscribing to the World Bank e-Library have the option of adding the e-Library Print Archive to their subscription. Subscribing institutions will receive one copy of each of the 150-200 books published by the World Bank during the subscription year at an estimated 65-70% discount. For a price estimate, please e-mail
Distributors Subscriptions to World Bank Online Resources can be arranged directly through World Bank Publications, through Renouf in Canada, Bernan in USA or from a number of distributors including: EBSCO and Swets Blackwell, and from other distributors internationally. For distributor contact information please e-mail
New co-publishing Agreement with Palgrave Macmillan
We are delighted to announce that World Bank Publications and Palgrave Macmillan, the leading UK-based academic publisher, have entered into a copublication agreement starting December 2005.
Under the terms of the agreement World Bank and Palgrave Macmillan will copublish annually
a selection of key academic titles - around 10 per year. The World Bank retains exclusive rights in the US market while Palgrave will market the books in Western Europe and Japan on an exclusive basis. Other markets will remain open for both publishers. All titles will carry World Bank ISBN only and will be
available in hardcover as well as paperback.
Co-published titles include:
Globalization for Development: Trade, Finance, Aid, Migration, and Policy
Paperback, ISBN: 0-8213-6274-7, Price: $30. January 2006
Hardcover, ISBN: 0-8213-6401-4, Price: $90. January 2006
International Migration, Remittances, and the Brain Drain -
Trade & Development Series
Paperback, ISBN: 0-8213-6372-7, Price: $30 - October 2005
Hardcover, ISBN: 0-8213-6373-5, Price: $80 - October 2005
Poverty and the WTO: Impacts of the Doha Development Agenda -
Trade & Development Series
Paperback, ISBN: 0-8213-6314-X, Price $30. December 2005
Hardcover, ISBN: 0-8213-6370-0, Price: $90. December 2005
Economic Development and Multilateral Trade Cooperation -
Trade & Development Series
Paperback, ISBN: 0-8213-6063-9, Price $35. December 2005
Hardcover, ISBN: 0-8213-6375-1, Price: $90. December 2005
Agricultural Trade Reform and the Doha Development Agenda -
Trade & Development Series
Paperback, ISBN: 0-8213-6239-9, Price $35. December 2005
Hardcover, ISBN: 0-8213-6369-7, Price: $90. December 2005
Global Integration and Technology Transfer -
Trade & Development Series
Paperback, ISBN: 0-8213-6125-2, Price $45. February 2006
Hardcover, ISBN: 0-8213-6371-9, Price: $90. February 2006
Safeguards and Antidumping in Latin American Trade Liberalization: Fighting Fire with Fire
Trade & Development Series
Paperback, ISBN: 0-8213-6308-5, Price $30. December 2005
Hardcover, ISBN: 0-8213-6368-9, Price: $80. December 2005
Blanket Standing Order Program
offers a flat 20% on standing order and all others.
New Catalog
in print and PDF - request by email to
Contact Information
- Visit us at Booth 1176 in the Exhibits in San Antonio
World Bank Online Resources:
Pricing information and free trials,
consortia relations, contract queries:
Triinu Tombak, Electronic Sales Manager
P: 202-473-5149
F: 202-522-2631
World Bank Publications:
Jose De Buerba, Sales Manager
World Bank Publications
1818 H Street NW
Washington DC 20433
P: 202-473-0393
F: 202-522-2631