IDTF Agency Liaison Reports
Midwinter Meeting, January 25, 2003
Council of Europe
Tom Johnson of the Manhattan Publishing Co. provided me with the following report. It is a publications update focusing primarily on titles of interest to law libraries.
Just issued: Council of Europe's CATALOGUE OF PUBLICATIONS 2003. Available from Manhattan Publishing Co., which is sending copies in January to practically all law school libraries. The new catalogue will soon appear on Contents of catalogue and new titles also available on the Council's website.
Recent/forthcoming titles of interest:
Ethical Eye Series)
Ethical Eye Series) ... coming soon
The Human Genome (
Ethical Eye Series)... issued in 2001
The Death Penalty: Abolition and Beyond(coming Summer 03) -- to replace the 1999 book:
The Death Penalty, Abolition in
Dying to Win, doping in sport and the development of an anti-doping policy, 2nd edition, revised
Fundamental Social Rights: Case-law of the European Social Charter, 2nd edition
(See also:
European Social Charter: Collected Texts, 3rd edition, 2001)
Guideline on human rights and the fight against terrorism 2002 (39 pages of texts of Resolutions of the Committee of Foreign Ministers)
Migration: (summaries and texts of treaties) 2002
Human Rights and the Environment 2002
Freedom of expression in
Europe -- case-law on Article 10 of Eur. Convention on Human Rights. (
Human Rights Files #18)
The execution of judgments of the European Court on Human Rights(
Human Rights Files #19) 2002
The European Code of Police Ethics(recommendation and explanatory memorandum)
1st Annual Report of Commissioner for Human Rights(2001)
Information technology and the law -- linking systems and their users: modern communication techniques in the legal field.
Harmonization and cooperation between prosecutors at European Level(Proceedings)
Minorities in International Law (2002)
Women's individual voting rights - A democratic requirement
3rd Conference of Prosecutors General of Europe (
Proceedings, May 2002)
European integration and constitutional law (#30,
Science and technique of democracy series)**
Constitutional implications of accession the European Union(#
31 Science and technique of democracy series) 2002**
**NOTE: Among the Council of Europe's legal affairs, the work of the Venice Commission (European Commission for Democracy through Law) -- established in the aftermath of the fall of the Berlin Wall -- is preeminent. It is active in eastern Europe especially, playing an essential role in the adoption of constitutional texts that comply with the standards of the European constitutional heritage. Its two publications are:
Bulletin on Constitutional Case-law(4 issues annually/ latest is Edition 3/2001) and the series:
Science and Technique of Democracy (latest is No. 31)
Also worthy of note is that other publications of the Council focus upon the reform of the judiciary in eastern Europe (i.e., quot;Themis and Demo-Droit Programmes").
Respectfully submitted by Marian Shaaban, liaison
International Telecommunication Union (
Founded in Paris in 1865 as the International Telegraph Union, the International Telecommunication Union took its present name in 1934 and became a specialized agency of the United Nations in 1947. Today, ITU membership includes 189 Member States, over 650 Sector Members, and over 60 Associates (scientific and industrial companies, public and private operators, broadcasters, regional/international organizations) ( ).
The Union is an intergovernmental organization headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, within which the public and private sectors cooperate for the development of telecommunications. The ITU adopts international regulations and treaties governing all terrestrial and space uses of the frequency spectrum as well as the use of the geostationary-satellite orbit, within which countries adopt their national legislation. It also develops standards to facilitate the interconnection of telecommunication systems on a worldwide scale regardless of the type of technology used.
The website:
Many ITU publications are available for a fee from the website. The ITU also allows the annual download of three (3) ITU-T
, ITU-R and/or ITU-DRecommendations per person at no charge. While many of these publications are highly technical in nature, access to them would be very helpful to any telecommunications researchers investigating world and/or regional telecommunications systems.
Publications are broken down into 4 areas:
- Publications of the ITU General Secretariat—including conference proceedings, regulatory publications and policy statements.
- Publications of the ITU-D sector (Development)—publications on world and regional telecommunication development, policies, manuals and handbooks
- Publications of the ITU-R sector (Radio communications)—acts, regulatory publications, resolutions and opinions.
- Publications of the ITU-T sector (Standardization)—regulations, resolutions, ITU-T recommendations and ITU Operational Bulletin.
2003 Goals for Liaison: Make contact with the ITU. Negotiate for special library fee structures, discounts (or donations!).
Respectfully submitted by James R. Jacobs, liaison
International Labour Organization
Subscriptions to ILO Publications have been dwindling. The cost of both print and online publications are being examined at ILO and price changes will no doubt be forthcoming. PDF is being pushed. Non-research librarians, that is, most public and school, show little interest in or knowledge of ILO publications in any format Would research libraries be interested in ILO re-instating a subscription-based blanket order for monographs?& II. ANNOUNCEMENTS:
Key Indicators of the Labour Market 2001-2002 is available on a free three inch CD-ROM that can be used in a PC or Palm Pilot. Email: for a copy. The CD-ROM is good until September 2003 when the third edition of KILM will be published.
2. ILO is developing an e-mail database to notify librarians regularly about new and forthcoming publications. Send e-mail to to subscribe. 3. Reminder: Standing Orders for ILO Monographs go to ILO Pubs in Waldorf, MD at 301 638-3152. For both individual and blanket serials: ILO Pubs in Geneva. Check ILO site at
4. ILO U.S. Contact: Karen A. Lee, Marketing & Sales Manager, ILO Publications, 1828 L Street, NW #600, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 653 7652
Yearbook of Labour Statistics 2002, 61st edition, 1,400 pp., ISBN 92-2-011377-5 US$168
2 ILOLEX 2002 on CD-ROM, A database of International Labour Standards and Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, 2002 edition, U.S.$140
3 .
KILMnet - Key Indicators of the Labour Market 2001-2002, U.S.$125. The definitive Internet based reference tool on the world’s labor markets.
Statistics on Occupational Wages and Hours of Work and on Food Prices, October Inquiry 2000-2001, pub Dec 2002. 268 pp. ISBN 92-2-011379-1 US$13.95. Details of wages, hours of work and the price of food Annual publication, data on 159 occupations, 49 industry groups, and the retail prices of 93 food items in countries around the world.
Management of Disability in the Workplace, An ILO code of practice, 48 pp. ISBN 92-2-111639-5, US$6.95, January 2003.
Global Employment Trends 2002, ISBN: 92-2-113360-5, US$22.95, January 2003 The continuing economic slowdown and uncertain economic prospects have resulted in a grim global employment situation. Using most recent data available in 2002, provides analysis of current labour market trends around the world and identifies downturn factors.
Respectfully submitted by Susan White, liaison
International Monetary Fund
IMF Publications Catalog 2002-2003
International Financial Statistics Online is now available to subscribers
Barbara Perry/IMF Librarian has retired. Pamela Tripp-Melby’s appointment to the position of Chief Librarian of the Joint Library of the IMF and World Bank Group was announced December 2002 As Division Chief of the IMF's Information Services Division, Pamela has responsibility for the Joint Library and the Sectoral and IT Resource Center (SITRC) and will also lead the planned integration of the IMF's Archives and Records Management Team into the division. She will be located at IMF Headquarters in Room HQ2-300 Pamela was previously a Deputy Division Chief for the Joint Library/SITRC Her phone is 202-623-7021.
Respectfully submitted by Vida Margaitis, liaison
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
Matt Brosius of the OECD Washington Center reports the following developments about SourceOECD.
1. Usage of SourceOECD continues to grow at an impressive rate. Overall usage in 2003 was 2.5 million sessions, nearly twice the 1.27 million figure from 2001. We ended 2002 with 2,817 subscribers worldwide, up from 1,867 in 2001 (includes periodical subscribers signing up for SourceOECD access). About 2/3 of the former General Standing Order plan holders in the United States have now converted to SourceOECD. In addition, there are a number of new subscribers.
2. The statistical databases of the International Energy Agency will be going live on SourceOECD/Statistics any day now. They will be made available free of charge to SourceOECD package holders (subscribers
to SourceOECD/Book+Periodicals+Statistics, SourceOECD/Books+Periodicals, SourceOECD/Books, and
SourceOECD/Statistics) until June, after which time subscriptions must be entered The annual subscription to the IEA data is priced at $4500 and includes
Energy Statistics of OECD Countries, Energy Balances of OECD Countries, Energy Statistics of Non-OECD Countries, Energy Balances of Non-OECD Countries, Coal Information, Natural Gas Information, Oil Information, Electricity Information, and
CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion (all annual data), as well as
Energy Prices and Taxes (quarterly data).
3. OECD Health Data will be added to
SourceOECD/Statistics shortly. This data will not be on the same Beyond 20/20 platform as are the other statistics Because the OECD Health Data program calculates many of the statistics on the fly, we are putting the full OECD Health Program as presented on the existing CD-ROM on SourceOECD for download To use it, users will have to download the entire program to a local drive and run the installation routine in order to use it from the local drive It is a download of about 25 MB. We recognize that this is not a very elegant solution, but until we can find another way, the data is at least available under SourceOECD.
4. Access to the online version of the
OECD Statistical Compendium will also be made available through SourceOECD/Statistics shortly. The
Statistical Compendium includes most of the databases already available on SourceOECD, but since all the data is in one big file, users can do analysis across various OECD databases using the
Statistical Compendium as an alternative way to access the data.
5. Ingenta will be moving SourceOECD to a new platform (same as is being used by Emerald), probably in May or June (Ingenta started work on the new platform this week), and this will have several benefits:
a) Mirror sites in the US should provide US users with faster access.
b) The new platform should make it possible to access content by going through fewer screens.
c) The long-awaited usage data will be available.
d) Full text searching will be available
e) User-friendly URLs will be available for linking from OPACs
6. During the second half of 2003, the following enhancements are planned for SourceOECD:
a) More Working Papers to be added.
b) Ability to create larger spreadsheets on
c) Ability to save
SourceOECD/Statistics selections (reports) in order to allow recreation of table with the same criteria later.
7. We are looking at Open URLs, Open Archive, and DOI, but have not taken any action yet.
8. We would like to remind librarians that OECD is willing to discuss special pricing for consortia Bringing in new clients through consortial arrangements could result in lower pricing for existing clients!
9. Ebsco and Renouf are now offering SourceOECD to the library market at terms similar to those offered by OECD.
As far as Fulfillment of OECD Publications is concerned, we are pleased to report that order processing and fulfillment is now much improved over what it was a year ago. Claims are down substantially, and orders are being filled on a timely and reliable basis.
Respectfully submitted by Lynne M. Stuart, liaison
Readex has finished indexing the UN backfile fiche for AccessUN. The 1946 segment was completed at the end of 2002, so the database is complete to current year (which for Readex is still 2002). To date the total number of citations for 1946-2002 is 455,911 This was accomplished using 7.5 indexers on average working 13 years.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Mann, liaison
United Nations
On November 1, 2002, the Dag Hammarskjöld Library (DHL) became part of the Outreach Division of the Department of Public Information. This was a positive development for UN depositories. As Kikko Maeyama, the Depository Libraries Officer, stated in a December 18 e-mail, quot;The United Nations reaches out to the general public through . . . depository libraries, and this organizational change affirms that the United Nations recognizes the importance of the Depository Library System. . . quot;& Ms. Maeyama encourages depositories to organize events promoting UN information resources and points toward Reference Paper 41 (, a list of UN conferences and observances, as a source of ideas for these activities. Given adequate lead time, her office is able to provide special materials, such as posters, for promotional efforts.
The organization continues to make retrospective additions to ODS (the Official Document System of the United Nationsformerly the Optical Disc System). All General Assembly masthead documents and Official Records are available in English for the 41
st to 46
th sessions However, not all documents published from 1993 onward, including many issued in English, are included in the database Until these gaps are eliminated, the addition of pre-1993 documents will be delayed.
Among the noteworthy sales publications of the second half of 2002 are the
Arab Human Development Report 2002, the first human development report for the region;
Africa Environment Outlook, an analysis of environmental conditions and their economic and social aspects in the region over the last thirty years;
Global Environment Outlook 3, a product of forty institutions providing a comprehensive assessment of the environmentand the new edition of the
Implementation Handbook for the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Respectfully submitted by David Griffiths, liaison
World Intellectual Property Org (WIPO)
The 1886 Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works created an international organization called the United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (best known by its French acronym BIRPI). Based in Berne, Switzerland, WIPO has grown to 179 member states. WIPO administers 23 treaties in the field of intellectual property and carries out a rich and varied program of work that seeks to harmonize national intellectual property legislation and procedures. Texts of treaties may be accessed from their website ( ).
The Website:
There is a plethora of valuable information gleaned from the WIPO website. There is a section about intellectual propertyabout WIPO activitiesand a news and information section that gives access to meeting documents, publications, online bookstore, and online collection of laws and treaties ( ). There is an email service to sign up for alerts of new products and free publications. All items are priced in Swiss Francs.
2003 Goals for Liaison: Make contact with the WIPO. Negotiate for special library fee structures, discounts (or donations!).
Respectfully submitted by James R. Jacobs, liaison