2010 GODORT Award Winners
Bernadine Abbott Hoduski Founders Award
The 2010 Bernadine Abbott Hoduski Founders Award is presented to Liza Duncan, Principal Librarian for Technical Services and Systems at the New York State Library. She provides leadership within her unit and works across all sections of the New York State Library to increase access to government information.
The focus of her nomination has been her work with the government information produced within her state. As her nomination letter states, “Under Ms. Duncan’s leadership and direction, the New York State Library has scanned hundreds of thousands of pages of New York State documents and downloaded thousands of born-digital New York documents. “Even with staff shortages, digitization efforts have continued showing an increase of nearly 200,000 in FY 2008/2009.
Support letters refer to the efforts previously used by libraries in New York to collect and catalog similar publications. This was a very time consuming effort. The letter goes on to say, “Ms. Duncan’s digitization project makes that huge effort unnecessary… The digitized documents are very well organized. Users access them by searching the entire New York State catalog, by searching the digital collection, or by browsing list of agencies.” The documents that are being added to the collection contain large numbers of current documents as well as numerous historical publications of the state dating back to the early 1800’s.
These efforts in digitization are among Ms. Duncan’s other duties that include the management of New York’s Regional Federal Depository Library, the oversight of the New York State Document Depository Library Program and her overall responsibility for other sections of Technical Services and Systems. She has been active in government information related organizations within her state with a recent term as President of the New York Library Association’s Government Information Roundtable.
Margaret T. Lane / Virginia F. Saunders Memorial Research Award
The recipient of the first Margaret T. Lane / Virginia F. Saunders Memorial Research Award is Dr William V. Ackerman for his article “Indian Gaming in South Dakota: Conflict in Public Policy” printed in American Indian Quarterly, Spring 2009 (vol. 33, no. 2) pages 253-79. The Award is given annually to an author(s) of an outstanding research article in which government information, either published or archival in nature, form a substantial part of the documented research.
Dr. Ackerman used state and federal statutes, codes, Supreme Court Reports, the National Atlas, Web sites and more to argue that the United States has a problem with the reasonable management of Native American gaming, a problem that is not being solved by the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA). The IGRA, rather than providing a solution to Indian gaming issues, is a prescription for litigation between the tribes and the states. Dr. Ackerman is an Associate Professor of Geography at the Ohio State University in Lima.
James Bennett Childs Award
Ms. Sandee McAninch is the 2010 recipient of the James Bennett Childs Award. This award is being given to Sandee for her significant and long-term contributions to government documents librarianship. While Sandee has been a sustaining member of GODORT, this award is also in recognition of her contributions to the U.S. Public Printer’s Depository Library Council, Chair of GODORT (1988), Chair of the Kentucky Library Association/GODORT (1998-1999), as well as being the Regional library at the University of Georgia and now at the University of Kentucky. As well Sandee has spent a great deal of time and energy working on outside projects such as Chair of the Steering Committee for the Collaborative Federal Depository Program which is sponsored by the SE Research Libraries. Also noteworthy are her appearances before Congress testifying on behalf of GODORT and ALA on important government information issues. She has also published a bibliography of government publications on solar power.
Equally important are the number of graduate students who have attended the University of Kentucky’s School of Library and Information Science that have been influenced by Sandee. Through her course on government information Sandee has guided many graduate students towards becoming government information librarians. Her knowledge, breath, depth, and range of government information and related issues have led her to mentor many new government document librarians.
Sandee is held in high esteem as noted by her nominators. Acknowledged as “knowing all things about government information” as well as being an influence to GODORT, ALA, and ARL policy makers in responding to the myriad of issues that Sandee has witnessed over her career. Her nominators also noted Sandee’s vision regarding the importance of incorporating t electronic government information into the federal depository library program when it was first introduced.
It is indeed a pleasure and honor to bestow the 2010 James Bennett Childs Award to Sandee McAninch.
The W. David Rozkuszka Scholarship
Lindsay Braddy, a graduate student at the University of Missouri-Columbia, School of Information Science and Learning Technologies is the 2010 recipient of the W. David Rozkuszka Scholarship. Lindsay currently serves as a student worker in the Government Documents Department at the Ellis Library at the University of Missouri-Columbia. With severe budget cuts to the Library, Lindsay has been a welcome addition to the Documents Department given her natural aptitude for learning the numerous nuances of working with government information. She has mastered the Ellis Library shelf-list and serial check-in files as well as the Catalog of Government Publications and the Monthly Catalog. For Lindsay the library has always been a place where she felt comfortable and empowered. While in college she discovered how much she enjoyed doing research, finding materials and even helping her classmates use the library. It was a revelation for her that she could do such work professionally as a librarian, and fulfill a deeper desire to serve, help and teach others. Lindsay aspires to work in an academic library where she can work with reference, cataloging and government information. In a short time, and like many before her, Lindsay quickly realized the importance of government information and the issues that document departments encounter such as lack of use or how the materials are often dismissed.
She is passionate about government documents and is determined to erase the misconceptions that these materials are only for politicians, lawyers, or economists. Lindsay believes the major differences between a document collection and other collections in a library is the vast amount of varying subjects covered and how a government publication can apply to a person’s daily life. As a future librarian, she hopes to use the documents collection to broaden information literacy education in the classroom.
Lindsay’s passion for government documents and her desire to help people learn will make her a fine addition to the profession for many years.
Documents to the People Award
The 2010 Documents to the People (DttP) Award is being presented to Maliaca Oxnam as Steering Committee Chair and Project Manager of the Technical Report Archive and Image Library (TRAIL). Maliaca is currently the Research Support Services Librarian at the University of Arizona. Maliaca has directed TRAIL since its inception. She continues to provide leadership roles not only with this project but as well in leading several strategic projects for UAL, including leading the development of the institution’s campus repository service. Maliaca has also served as Chair of the Strategic Long Range Planning Team for the Libraries, served as a co-PI for the development of the Geotechnical Rock & Water Resources Digital Library (GROW) and served as a key participant on Einstein’s Protégé’s”: A Heuristic approach to Bridging the Gap between Faculty Expectations and Student Preparedness which explored the use of peer-mentors for instruction in the classroom.
TRAIL is an initiative led by the University of Arizona in collaboration with Center for Research Libraries and other interested agencies and partners to identify, digitize, archive, and provide access to federal technical reports issued prior to 1975. The TRAIL project began under the auspices of the Greater Western Library Alliance.
The TRAIL Pilot Interface, hosted at the University of Hawaii of Manoa, provides access to the first set of documents TRAIL scanned and contains the following report series:
• U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Civil Effects Test Operations (AEC-CEX) • U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and Research (AEC-LF) • U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Health and Safety Laboratory (AEC-HASL) • U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Radiation Instruments Branch (AEC-RIB) • U.S. National Bureau of Standards, Monographs • U.S. Bureau of Mines Bulletin
A new TRAIL Interface, available in the Summer of 2010, will provide access to all documents acquired and digitized through TRAIL, including those deposited in the HathiTrust Digital Repository and in the University of North Texas Digital Library.