Adopted Spring 2019; amended Spring 2020
Article 1: NAME
The name of this organization shall be the Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table of the American Library Association.
Article 2: PURPOSE
Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table of the American Library Association shall:
- provide a professional and social forum for networking among library workers interested in graphic novels and comics
- provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and concerns surrounding graphic novels and comics in libraries
- provide resources to the library community to support the building and maintaining of graphic novel and/or comics collections
- create an awareness of the educational, recreational, literary, and artistic value of graphic novels and comics
- support library workers, educators, and other gatekeepers in their use of graphic novels in libraries, classrooms, and related learning communities
- administer and promote awareness of programs relating to graphic novels and comics and of the Will Eisner Graphic Novel Grants for Libraries (Growth and Innovation grants)
- support other groups working to promote the acceptance of popular culture into library and educational spaces
- promote the ALA Bill of Rights and its Code of Ethics
- Any personal member of ALA who is interested in the purposes of this Round Table shall be eligible for personal membership upon payment of annual dues. A personal member shall have the right to vote and shall act in accordance with the stated purposes of the Round Table.
- Any organization member of ALA may become an organization member of the Round Table upon payment of annual dues. Organizational and Corporate members shall be non-voting members.
- The dues of the Round Table shall be $15 for regular, personal ALA members, payable annually; $5 for regular student, support staff, or unemployed ALA members, payable annually; $30 for organization members, payable annually; $30 for corporate members, payable annually. Personal members shall be voting members.
- Dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors with the approval of the membership. Annual dues for this Round Table paid to the American Library Association shall constitute the dues of members. The date of payment of dues to the American Library Association shall be considered the date of payment of dues to this Round Table.
- The membership, fiscal, and conference years shall be the same as those of the American Library Association.
- Candidates for elected offices must be members of ALA, must be members of the Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table, and must agree to attend the membership and executive board meetings scheduled either at or held virtually near the dates of the Annual Conferences and Midwinter Meetings during the term of office.
- The officers of the Executive Board shall be a President, a President-Elect, an immediate Past President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, four Members-at-Large, and a GNCRT Councilor who shall serve as a nonvoting Ex Officio member.
- All officers shall serve terms of office as specified herein and shall be eligible for election to a second consecutive term. Persons shall be eligible for reelection to the office of President-Elect after a minimum interval of one year out of the office of Past President. All officers shall serve until the adjournment of the Annual Conference at which their successors are announced. Procedures of filling vacancies in the offices are specified in Article 4, Section 5.
- The President shall serve a three-year term: in the first year as President-Elect, in the second year as President, in the third year as immediate Past-President.
- The Secretary shall serve for two years.
- The Treasurer shall serve for two years.
- The Members-at-Large shall serve for three years.
- Terms for Secretary, Treasurer, and Members-at-Large shall commence at the end of an Annual Meeting and continue through the end of the second subsequent Annual Meeting.
- Secretary, and two Members-at-Large shall be elected at the annual election held on odd years, and Treasurer and two Members-at-Large shall be elected on even years.
- Terms for President shall commence at the end of an Annual Meeting and continue through the end of the subsequent Annual Meeting.
- Except as otherwise provided in the bylaws, the duties of the officers shall be such as are specified in the parliamentary authority adopted by the Round Table. In case of continued failure of an officer to participate in the deliberations of the Board, the Board may, by vote of three-fourths of its voting members, declare the office vacant. Two consecutive absences deemed unjustified by the Board would be cause for such action.
- The President shall be Chief Officer of the Round Table and, subject to the Board, have general supervision and control of the affairs of the Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table. The President shall serve as Chair of the Board and shall preside at all meetings of the Round Table and the Board. The President shall identify actions in the interest of the Round Table and shall recommend such actions to the Board, including but not limited to initiating new projects or ideas brought forward by the Board or membership, working with the Board to determine the best course of action to execute those ideas. The President shall perform such other duties as the Board may assign to this office. No decision or instruction made by the President shall conflict with a decision or instruction made by the Round Table membership or the Board.
- The President-Elect shall perform such other duties as the Board may assign to this office. In the event of the absence, disability or withdrawal of the President, the President-Elect shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President, serving out the remainder of the former President’s term, then serving their original term as President.
- The Past President shall chair the Nominations Committee
- The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings of the Round Table and Board and shall submit minutes of these meetings to the President within six weeks following the meeting; shall arrange for the preservation of the archives and records of the Round Table; and shall perform such other duties as the Board may assign to this office.
- The Treasurer shall review all financial reports prepared by the American Library Association for the Round Table; shall report on Round Table finances at each Board Meeting; and shall perform such other duties as the Board may assign to this office. The Treasurer shall act as member liaison to (or designate a representative) the following bodies: ALA Budget Analysis Review Committee Financial Planning Seminar (Midwinter) and the Budget and Planning Assembly (Midwinter and Annual).
- GNCRT Councilor. The GNCRT Councilor represents the interests of the Round Table on the ALA Council. The GNCRT Councilor is a nonvoting Ex Officio member of GNCRT’s Executive Board. The Councilor reports to the Board of Directors and to the membership on ALA Council activities, and presents those ALA issues and Council documents upon which the Round Table may wish to act. The Councilor receives direction from the Round Table regarding ALA Council issues, and sponsors Council resolutions as requested by the Board of Directors.
- The Nominating Committee shall give to the Executive Committee at its Midwinter Meeting a slate with two nominees for every office to be filled at the annual election.
- Members shall be informed of the committee’s slate; a member not on the slate may be nominated for any office by a signed petition of fifteen members.
- Nominations shall be closed ten business days prior to the start of the Midwinter meeting. The election will be held by vote in accordance with ALA procedure. A plurality of all votes cast will be necessary to constitute an election. In case of a tie vote, the successful candidate will be determined by lot. All elections will be certified by the ALA Elections Committee.
- No Officer shall hold more than one office at a time.
- If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the President-elect shall succeed them.
- In case of a vacancy in any other elected office, Round Table officers will fill the position by appointment.
- If an Officer is unable to or does not fulfill the responsibilities of their office as defined in the bylaws, or if an Officer is unable to serve their full term of office, that Officer's position may be declared vacant by majority vote of the Board.
- No Officer shall serve as a Chair, Vice Chair, or Committee member during their Board term of office.
Article 5: LIAISONS
- The Executive Director of the American Library Association will assign a Liaison Officer from ALA to work with duly elected officers of the Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table.
- The Liaison Officer shall advise the President and Board on matters of ALA policy and procedure; shall, in consultation with the President, pay bills incurred by the Round Table; shall keep an account of Round Table funds received and expended and shall make a report of such funds at the business meetings of the Round Table. Additional duties may be assigned by ALA Headquarters upon recommendation of the Board.
- Liaisons to other organizations shall be appointed from the membership to other groups both inside and outside ALA at the discretion of the President of the Round Table.
- Establishing liaisons to specific target groups will be encouraged when the relationship appears to be beneficial to the Round Table.
- Liaison terms will be for two years, not to exceed two consecutive terms. Liaison appointments may be for specific projects or ongoing. Terms may end early if the collaboration between the Round Table and the other organization comes to an end before the term is over
- There shall be a Board of Directors which shall consist of the Executive Board of theRound Table. The Board shall have authority over the affairs of the Round Table.
- All budget requests shall be subject to the approval of the Board.
- The Board shall review the bylaws and guidelines of Round Table committees and recommend changes as needed, except as otherwise specified in these bylaws.
- The Board shall perform such other duties as are specified in these bylaws and shall report upon its work to the membership of the Round Table at Midwinter and Annual Meetings.
- The Board will determine the course of action (projects, actions, decisions, etc.) of the RT.
- The Board shall meet quarterly
- Board meetings may happen virtually if a quorum of Board members will not be attending the conferences.
- A simple majority of the voting members of the Board shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.
- Special meetings may be called by the Board and shall be called by the President upon the written request of 25 members of the Round Table. At least 30 days notice shall be given and only business specified in the call shall be transacted.
- Votes may be authorized by the Board between meetings. Ballots shall be conducted by the President in such manner as the Board shall determine.
- Establishment - The Board of Directors shall establish committees - standing or special - to consider the affairs of the Round Table that require continuous or repeated attention by the members.
- Discontinuance: The Board of Directors may discontinue a standing committee.
- Function: Committees shall assist the Board of Directors in the management of the division or address particular concerns or projects/initiative of the Round Table.
- Composition: Unless otherwise provided for by these bylaws or by action of the Board of Directors, each committee shall be composed of not less than three members, each of whom shall be a member in good standing of the Round Table. Each committee shall include a Chair and the regular members of the committee
- Appointments: Unless otherwise provided for by these bylaws or by action of the Board of Directors each regular committee member shall be appointed by the President-elect, under whose term of office as President the member shall commence service, and shall serve until the adjournment of ALA Annual Conference at which a successor is appointed
- Terms of Office. Unless otherwise provided for by these bylaws, or by action of the Board of Directors, each regular member of a committee shall be appointed for a term of two years. Vice Chair will serve one year in that position, then take over as Chair for one year. Terms shall commence and terminate at the time of adjournment of an Annual Conference. A member may be reappointed for a second term, but in no case shall a person serve on one committee for more than four years consecutively, whether as member or chairperson. Appointments shall be made in such a manner as to provide continuity in membership. If a seat on a committee becomes vacant before time for the regular appointment of new members, it shall be filled by appointment made by the President. The new appointee shall serve until the expiration of the term of the member replaced.
- Board Members and Committee Appointments: No member of the Board shall serve as a Chair, Vice Chair, or Committee member during their Board term of office.
- The Nominating committee shall present candidates to the Board at the Midwinter Meeting that precedes an election for positions of President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Members-at-Large.
- No candidate shall be nominated who is not a personal member in good standing of the Round Table at the time of nominations.
- The Past President shall chair the Nominating committee.
- The names of the nominees shall be emailed to all members in good standing in accordance with the provisions and timetable of the ALA Nomination and Election Procedures.
- Candidates receiving a plurality of the votes cast are elected. In the event of a tie vote, the President will draw lots to determine the winning candidate.
- Amendments to the bylaws may be proposed by the Board or by petition signed by 25 members.
- The notice of any proposed amendment shall be emailed to each member at least thirty days prior to the meeting at which it is to be acted upon.
- The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of those members participating in the vote to amend. A proposed amendment or new Bylaw shall become effective when it has been approved.
- The rules contained in the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the Round Table in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws or the Constitution and Bylaws of the ALA