Who We Are
The Graphic Novels and Comics Round Table is a collaborative organization dedicated to supporting library staff in all aspects of engaging with graphic novels and comics, including collection development, programming, and advocacy. GNCRT offers support to all types of libraries serving all types of users, whether the library is just beginning to build a collection, growing it, or finding new ways to promote the collection’s use and improve its visibility.
What We Do
- Advocate for and promote comics and graphic novels
- Develop programming and create Pop-Up libraries at comic conventions and library conferences
- Administer the Will Eisner Graphic Novel Grants for Libraries
- Provide networking opportunities for library staff and educators involved with graphic novels and comics
- Curate and create resources for collection development, best practices, and programming
- Create outreach opportunities to grow membership and allow more access to our resources
- Discuss and advocate for issues around cataloging and metadata
GNCRT Honors All Creators
The Graphic Novels and Comics Round Table (GNCRT) and its committees honor the entire creative team involved in the titles listed on the Best Graphic Novels for Adults (BGNA) Reading List, the Best Graphic Novels for Children (BGNC) Reading List, the Collaboration Core Selection Lists, and any future selection lists or awards we present.
When listed in the published work, the entire creative team (the writer, penciler, inker, colorist, letterer, and translator, for example) must be acknowledged. All of these people play a critical role in the creation of the work, helping to lift the story and give it life.
We recognize that some publishers only list authors and artists on copyright and title pages. We also recognize that graphic novels that are compilations of a series of single issue comics may include fill-in creators. When submitting titles for selection lists or award consideration, publishers are encouraged to single out regular and consistent contributors to the work and name them when submitting a book for consideration.
Connect with Us to Learn More about GNCRT
Twitter: @libcomix
Instagram: @libcomix
ALA Connect: http://bit.ly/GNCRTConnect