Previous Presidents' Statements

2022-23 - Rebecca Strang, Children's Services Librarian, Naperville Public Library (IL)

GameRT has grown a lot over the past ten years, which is something we celebrated during the GameRT President's Program at ALA Annual 2022. As we continue to think about how to expand GameRT's reach beyond annual ALA events, we've continued to grow our offering of professional development webinars and learn & play events. Over the next year, my plan is to:

  • Expand partnerships with other round tables, such as Graphic Novels & Comics (GNCRT) and Film & Media (FMRT), to offer webinars and useful lists and resources that span a variety of media
  • Grow GameRT's Twitch channel, showing more liveplays of games, as well as streams of our professional development webinars (if you aren't already following GameRT on Twitch, you can give us a follow)
  • Organize round table operations by documenting existing processes for our future leaders
  • Recruit mentors for the new GameRT RPG Guild to run more regular game sessions for library workers looking to get RPG experience

If you're interested in getting more involved with GameRT, whether you want to write a single blog article or be active on a committee, make sure you fill out this volunteer form to indicate your interests.

You can join other gaming librarians, to chat for fun AND to join conversations about gaming in libraries, in our Facebook group and Discord server.

Game on!

2021-22 - Thomas Vose, Director, Ruth Enlow Library of Garrett County (MD)

It is a huge honor for me to be able to serve as your President this year, and I’m looking forward to seeing what we can do with such a great team of dedicated gaming librarians! My goals for this term are:

  • Rebrand GameRT
  • Develop a centralized online presence based around a new website design
  • Develop a new GameRT logo
  • Create an ALA Trivia Championship in collaboration with RUSA, ideally at an in-person ALA 2022 conference
  • Deliver at least one GameRT-branded gaming session or program monthly via Zoom