Federal Librarian Winter 2010

Greetings From the President

by Richard Huffine

In early December 2009, the Federal government released a new Presidential Memoranda on Open Government. The Open Government Directive directs the heads of Executive Departments and Agencies to create an unprecedented level of openness in Government. Specifically, the directive requires that government be transparent, participatory, and collaborative. How do you feel that Federal Libraries can support this initiative?

Are there things the American Library Association should raise to Congress and the Administration that would ensure that Federal Libraries are integral to the efforts of transforming government to make it more open?

I’ve added a Discussion Forum on the ALA Connect site (
http://connect.ala.org) for ALA Members to share their comments, thoughts, and stories about how Federal Libraries should play a role in the open government movement. The directive itself can be found at:

Open government will be just one of the many topics we plan on discussing at the ALA Annual Conference in Washington, DC in June 2010. If you have ideas for programs, discussions, or presentation for the Annual Conference, you can share your thoughts with the FAFLRT Conference Planner, Rose Marie Krauss at

I’m already looking forward to the Annual Conference in June and expecting a great turnout for FAFLRT’s events and programs. Before we get to the Annual Conference though, we will be conducting elections for new Round Table leaders. If you are interested in serving either as a Director or an Executive Officer, I want to hear from you. Participating in Round Table leadership is an excellent way to meet librarians and information professionals from across the spectrum of Federal and Armed Forces Libraries. Round Table leadership is also an excellent way to get involved in the American Library Association in a more meaningful way. Contact me directly at
richardhuffine@yahoo.com to discuss the variety of opportunities available with the Round Table in 2010.

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