Federal Librarian, Spring 2009

Greetings From the President

by Nancy Faget

* Peek at the new Federal Librarian newsletter posted directly to the FAFLRT page to make content searchable and increase our opportunity to have news stories in the AL Direct publications (
http://ala.org/ala/mgrps/rts/faflrt/newsletter/index.cfm). Great work by Alba Scott , our newest webmaster.

* The FAFLRT President’s blog (
http://www.faflrt.ala.org/president/) is the best way to hear all the latest news. Set up your RSS feed to grab this information for you. New On the Blog? Minutes from midwinter, Feds on YouTube, images from President Obama’s visit to the library, two mini-Careers events at SJSU and FSU, Joyce Lee’s article on the San Jose State University event, and more.

* Don’t sit on the edge of your seats, but ALA promises the use of web conference software to us for a virtual meeting. Let’s see if one can be set up for us.

* Plan to attend this March 6th event on Libraries in Touch Economic Times.

If you listen to the buzz, there’s a hum of excitement in the library. Library usage is up. Users need the library more than ever in a tough economic climate. How do we identify, market, and promote the needs of the library so that we may best serve our users?

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