Federal Librarian Fall 2009
Greetings from the President
Welcome to another year in our Association life! The Federal and Armed Forces Libraries Round Table is entering into 2009-2010 with a number of both challenges and opportunities ahead. The biggest opportunity by far is the 2010 ALA Annual Conference that will be held in Washington, DC in June of 2010.
For many FAFLRT members, that means the conference will be in our own backyard. For everyone in our Round Table, a Washington, DC conference opens all kinds of opportunities to visit some of the greatest libraries in our nation and to talk to and hear from people that have great influence on our lives as Federal and Armed Forces librarians.
The planning efforts for the ALA Annual Conference are kicking off and we are looking for volunteers to participate in a planning committee for the FAFLRT program. Rose Marie Krauss (kraussrm@usmc-mccs.org) has agreed to chair the Committee and she would love to hear from you if you have some time to coordinate a session and work with the committee or if you have an idea for a session you’d like to see at the Annual Conference. FAFLRT needs a number of volunteers who are willing to assist at the conference, hosting a session, handing out literature, or collecting feedback on sessions.
In addition to the conference planning activity, the Round Table is looking for FAFLRT members to volunteer for a position on the FAFLRT Board and provide future leadership for the Round Table. If you would be willing to serve as either a Federal or Armed Forces Director, Secretary, Treasurer or even as Chair-Elect, contact me directly (
The success of our Round Table depends on everyone contributing to the community we have created. Please let me know how you can help today.
Richard Huffine
2009-2010 President
ALA Federal and Armed Forces Libraries Round Table
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